The Washington Post's Philip Rucker looks at Trump's new attacks on the WHO and its COVID-19 response, and what could be behind it all. Aired on 04/07/2020.
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Why Trump Is Blasting The World Health Organization's Coronavirus Response | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Finally somebody did it … they work for China
Oscar Garcia Lucifer rules America bill gates already has the vaccine
How do you kno …. are you wit the Chinese buddy
Because as of January the WHO was repeating China’s claims that this virus could not be spread human to human and the world had nothing to worry about.
Malcolm N. MEMORANDUM TO PRESIDENT: “[t]here is an increasing probability of a full-blown COVID-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans, with a loss of life of as many as 1-2 million souls.” But he “didn’t see it.” People die. If you don’t like it you hate trump. Calling all trump supporters, brain storm time. How do we pin this on Democrats?
@Cat Dog nobody was pinning anytjing on anybody but you, you’re projecting lol according to the experts though, your numbers are way too high
Malcolm N. Oh no, the poorly educated, I don’t project the number.
@Steven Miz Stop trying to blame the President.
@Clau77 for the win
MSNBC still defending their CCP masters. Should be registered as a foreign agent.
@Viera Anabalon Coward? When the civil war starts I’ll be at the front. You’ll be cowering at home with your hero, little Hans Bone Spurs. A-hole
Yeah and Bill and Barack had his back, they were Delta Seals in ‘Nam and the Battle San Juan Hill.
Says John the no dignity Putin paid scum bucket
@Fletcher Christian Yawn. Try to think for yourself for once in your life.
@Dana Chapin How is Trump a foreign agent, leftist. Explain.
The WHO refused to acknowledge Taiwan for one thing…
Trans Lucent
I could literally not see how that’s relevant to any of what I said whatsoever. I offered an explanation for why our government sometimes doesn’t recognize countries as countries or facts as facts. I said jacksh*t about the virus and the issues in testing. Even so, that’s not Trump’s fault. Someone in government turned away the testing kits, I do not know their reasoning, and frankly I do not care. It doesn’t matter that much to me. Why? Because none of this would’ve happened had the CCP been honest about this pandemic even once. And the WHO just sucked China off because it felt like it.
Point is, mistakes have been made by everyone, and pretending that one person is to blame is a waste of time and energy that can be spent on fixing the problem. Too bad that’s not gonna happen, because like every other issue in America, our government will bicker and fight about whose fault it is, while totally ignoring the issue as it gets worse. It has happened with our debt, with drugs, overflowing prisons, unemployment rates, recession, police brutality and resulting understaffed police departments, mass shootings, homelessness and poverty, corporate lobbying, over regulation, healthcare, wars in the Middle East, Russian meddling in our elections, Israeli election meddling, and this isn’t even bringing up all the cultural issues in America. Everyone shifts the blame because if it’s someone else’s fault, then they have to deal with it. But that’s politics for you, don’t solve the problems, just shove them on somebody else. I’m sick and tired of it.
Are You people Deluded !!! The W.H.O are In Essence the C..C..P We the Tax Payer fund these Corrupted Organisations and when the Virus started to affect Trade the Chinese Companies bought the faltering Australian Medical Supplies countries and quickly dispatched supplies in Wuhan ….and Sold their faulty Hardware around the World Making Millions on Trade ……Do You Not See What’s Going On …..I hate Trump …..Yes he did not Respond in Time ….But China Wang to Dominate Global Markets and they want to know what everyone’s doing incase they Speak Out !!! ….
.Wake Up …..You Arseholes
Why Taiwan need WHo recognised? If I m Taiwan I don’t care Who is who
@Keney Ken ok what is your point? LOL perhaps you need to go improve your English first this ain’t China we speak English here
@Every Word Is A Made-Up Word you’re full of b*******
The WHO director has been accused of covering up cholera epidemics in ethiopia in the past.
@Bernie Demuth only one problem moron I never mentioned Trump until you brought him in. Personally I think Trump is a fool for signing the small business family killing 6.2 trillion dollar big bank bail out “stimulus” package designed to further enslave the masses. I don’t worship big government psychopaths especially by the practice in which I vilify one so I can worship others, hoping they’ll bring about a Utopia of Usurers where all my childish needs are fulfilled. Wake up moron your political gods are more dangerous to you than your villains in fact their the same thing. It’s time to grow up little one!
This must be his crowing glory. An pandemic all of WHO’s making.
@TheMarine Engineer or more properly the puppet masters of WHO.
@Fletcher Christian haha ,moron , you got a brain ,wow
@Abe Rey Rivera you got a great learder and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN LOL
Wow , this is such garbage reporting , maybe it’s because The Who like you ( MSN) is the enemy of the people
Then you go report instead Mr all knowing intellect
I love watching CNN and MSNBC. After getting my information from other alternative media sources that make sense, I turn on this fake news and see them spewing the opposite of reality which solidifies my belief that the other stories I heard were accurate. These media outlets have an agenda to destroy the president at all costs. Like an ex wife that says the opposite of everything that’s true for no other reason than animosity.
@FRANK FRANKLIN Hey even Tim Pool.
@Lavanna Wright Citizen Reporters with nothing to gain or loss by using their cell phone to capture empty lines or rows of ambulances parked with no bodies out front of hospitals. That’s real news!
When God created women, he gave them an overactive mouth, an underdeveloped brain, and a vagina so no one would notice. That part of creation didn’t quite pan out.
FOX is definitely the most atrocious. But, MSM in general is pathetic, outdated & ineffective. These are entertainment outlets bordering on propaganda.
@shockcityrocker Like the rest of bloviating fools, your comment is a mere biased opinion.
Their NWO is Here.
Agenda 21 turns out more accurate than Agenda 2030.
@Dark Star King It’s insane how people think trump or any politician at all has their best interests at heart.
@Bill Anderson,
Well yeah, Bill.
Just consider the pattern of politics, regardless of party affiliation, for the past 6 decades or so.
Anyone with a functioning frontal lobe can see that the candidates poll the areas that they plan to visit on their campaign trail, and have their staff write speeches that cater to what the majority want to hear.
There is no law that enforces political accountability. Thus, once the votes are won, its back to serving special interest groups and secret agendas, as usual.
@Bill Anderson ikr. Since the beginning of time politicians have proven they are corrupt and dishonest but the sheep keep following them and defending them.
@Bill Anderson,
Yeah, Bill.
What Dark said.
Just because a used car salesman said the vehicle is a real gem, with low miles, no issues, and is priced for quick sale …
does not mean that it is.
In fact Bill, its not even his car. He stole it 30 minutes ago.
why are they defending a terrorist ? the morons likely have no clue he was involved with a terrorist organistion in the 90s that uis still on us terror list. .The Director General of the WHO Tedros Adhanom is a communist
affiliated with theres parties this is why the WHO praises China and reject countries like Taiwan who wanted their freedom from China. He was also affiliated with an organisation That the US put on their terror list in the 90s and it is still on that list. He also praised Robert Mugabe and wanted him to work for the WHO a man who has openly called for the killing of white people. The WHO is also closely affiliated with the UN . The Director General António Guterres is also a socialist.ónio_Guterres we are acting like we are in a communist country not being able to go outside,its worse than that. while china opens their wet markets again and open up china… WE ARE IN HANDS OF DANGEROUS LIARS… Crimes ordered by Tedros Adhanom
The fail is real with this channel.
@Anthony Davis,
Why does your tower of truth have to lean to the left?
Shouldn’t “straight up truth” be vertical?
@marshalllhiepler Yes, it should. But let’s be honest — it’s rare if not impossible to find an unbiased news source in the USA. BBC News, maybe, but that’s technically not American. One thing you can be sure of: anything leaning Left is, without question or doubt, going to be far more truthful than anything leaning Right.
@Anthony Davis do you remember when don lemon, rachel maddow, and every left leaning source called this the chinese coronavirus, the wuhan virus, and china virus for months and then called Trump racist when he said it? Honest.
Do you remember when they said a “trump supporter” drank fish tank cleaner with her husband? Turns out she was a registered democrat and lefty political activist her entire life. And, she had a divorce and domestic assault pending against her husband when he died from drinking fish tank cleaner. Honest.
Remember when they said he was being too tough by closing the borders? Now its that he isnt doing enough.
Remember the #metoo movement and justice kav? Nice honest coverage on “believe all women” for biden. And yet, when it comes to conservative outlets they remain consistent and say he deserves due process.
If you want to claim they are more honest, please support that with something.
@Anthony Davis You are so blind.
@Double Wings申屠翼乱谈山海经 OH my god, look in the mirror, Double, if you can even see one.
Time to pull funding from WHO.
Ha ha ha but Putin loves you….right?
People who listen to news sources like this only are the people that have no clue on what’s really going on
Your right, especially when trump is speaking. Thank you to the news that fact’s check him. That’s crazy every word has to be fact check.WOW
@Ryan V Im saying that there are people who do get news from multiple sources but all news sources that all tend to lean on a liberal or conservative source instead of both and more importantly people should watch the press conferences and interviews instead of a source that will make up your own opinion basically for you . I never asked if you get multiple sources or not so why are you telling me you do .
Shivam.we are waiting for you to tell us all…what’s really going on..tell us please.we need your brain less political blather.
@William Sheppard STFU I’m saying that many people don’t even know what China and the WHO did and they are the ones that will believe Trump is in the Wrong for criticizing WHO and China
@William Sheppard I don’t really agree with a lot of things that Trump does or says but I have to say, MSNBC and the late show hosts took it too far this time. I still remember in January WHO told us that this virus is not as dangerous as the flu and that the world don’t have to be worried as China got everything under control, bla bla bla. Even Cuomo at the beginning of March, in a press briefing, said that New York does not need to shut down, that everything can go on as normal except for gatherings of more than 50. Not to mention, recently, there was a news segment from a HK news outlet that showed a director of WHO evading questions ab Taiwan’s efforts in fighting against the coronavirus and I don’t need to remind you that China does not admit Taiwan’s democratic existence. Even a Japanese official at a WHO conference claimed that “WHO should now be called CHO – china health org.” There is a lot of info that need to be talked about more, I could not do it within this short commentary section, but please search for those news that I just mentioned and you will see how Democrats are also being bought by China. I think Trump is right at the decision to stop funding WHO because, let’s face it, it failed to protect the world health and failed to be politically impartial. US also stopped believing in WHO numbers as the numbers of cases and deaths on China are ridiculously low. Americans are dying and it is just not Trump’s fault but it is also other people faults. Now who are those people? I hope you can be impartial and sane in finding the answers, and cast blame to the right authorities.
That was one of the most dishonest and misleading pieces of “news” commentary I’ve heard in a while.
You don’t have to look to left leaning or right leaning US media for the answers on this one. The truth is in international media. Leaders around the world are asking the same questions about the WHO and the CCP.
Who knows, I wouldn’t be shocked by how corrupt these organizations are, I’m sure who is one of them… but whether Trump is right about this or not… he is an egocentered narsasitic liar.
@sizzlinquacka and you’re a virgin?
@sizzlinquacka WHO is corrupt
I cant believe you people!!
Trump dragged hos feet about the virus longer than anyone…..and now its the WHO’S fault ????
I feel we need to go to war with our media who are traitors to this country,we need to run this crap out of our country now
@timmiet47321 Your talking about 2 outcomes, people get it quickly and people get it slowly. When we slow the spread healthcare is healthier and when it spreads quickly more people die. The same number of people need to get it to reach a ‘herd immunity’ level of immunity. However another benefit of social distancing is even less people are required to be immune, to reach a level where Ro < 1 and the desease dies out. Hope this helps edit: I literally make mathematical models of this stuff
@Multiple Sources Not true. The elderly and fragile die. The healthy recover and 50% show zero symptoms of the virus. And our health care system is not healthy because it has been underfunded for years and as a result, staffing had been cut significantly. Do more with less is not healthy.
Those who get infected will get infected and no amount of social distancing will stop the virus. It will only prolong the spread. It will keep it around longer and infect more people because those practices.
Herd immunity will end the spread within communities faster and not subject some to second waves or a longer season of this spread. That said, protecting the elderly and medically fragile is a given. Oh, the government used models to tell us 2 million would be dead now and we’re just over 10,000. I think your math is way off and computed with bad data.
@timmiet47321 All models are different and not all models give exact outcomes but they are useful in showing how different things can affect the outcome. Currently a vaccine may be ready in 6 months to a year so it may not be underfunded for this long if at all and this second wave you speak of only comes if people are stupid about when the end social distancing. Even then this is many less people than just letting it run rampid so I really don’t see your point. Social distancing measures can allow for things like vulnerable people having their own time to shop or neighbours shopping for them so does reduce risk. I see no situation where prolonging the virus results in more infections.
@Multiple Sources We can agree to disagree. I prefer listening to scientists (epidemiologists) outside of government who’ve investigated and researched epidemics, pandemics and other biological infections around the world for decades. They have proven that social distancing only slows but does not eradicate the virus. Immunity does and without creating a community of immune people by exposing them to the virus en masse, some communities will see a second wave or a very long spread like Bill Gates talks about – 18 months.
And don’t hold your breath on a real vaccine. The COVID-19 is a respiratory virus and we still don’t have a vaccine against SARS.
@timmiet47321 And luckily for all of us, his second term will never happen.
MSNBC now has “Chinese characteristics”
Eric Anderson drain it
@Truth Teller. How is that comment racist?
Whenever people call you Racist ask them what makes them not Racist…..would love to know their answers….If Trumps in the answer it’s not an answer…
@Truth Teller. Sarcasm right?
The World Health Organization will sink like a rock when Trump stops sending them money. Perhaps they can start a GoFundMe page. lol
@GetReal so WHO should favir your great great great United states with growing 500000 cases ,20000 deaths in less than one month;
@Kalli.ming thank you. One sensible person here !!
Are you slow mate? The reason for the point you just made is due to WHO. ! In the first place. Thats the point.
@Kalli.ming right you are
And in the midst of all this trolling,…
@Edward White
No. Not at all. They favored china over Taiwan though lol and we donate to the WHO. You can have em lol
“Hey there! I’m Chris Hayes from MSCCP..”
So called journalists should be asking WHEN who, and china will be accountable? But fake news is useless!
December 2019: Taiwan warned WHO of coronavirus human to human transmission and was ignored.
January 2019: WHO opted to regurgitate China’s claim to the world that there is no human to human transmission.
February 2019: WHO attacked the U.S china travel restrictions as racist.
As late as March 11, 2019, WHO’s position to the world is that travel restrictions are unnecessary and will not help with this virus. WHO maintained this position even while 9 million people in Wuhan were under locked down with travel restrictions.
April 2019: Against WHO’s advise, Travel restrictions, self isolation and lockdown is the standard to minimize this contagion worldwide.
ALL World health organization leaders need to resign and an investigation into their devastating failure with this pandemic must be launched asap.