Senator Bernie Sanders’ 2020 polling numbers have stalled out over the summer, leaving Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren to take the lead. Chris Cillizza explains why people may no longer be "feeling the Bern." #CNN #News #Cillizza
Why is Bernie Sanders stuck in neutral?
National NBC/WSJ poll on 2020 Dem race
RealClear Politics: 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination
Bernie Sanders shakes up campaign leadership in New Hampshire
Elizabeth Warren flexes progressive power with Working Families Party endorsement
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Steven Sevilla
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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Hey, Chris here — what would be your campaign slogan?
“Ignore corporate propaganda.”
@Gooey 911 there is literally not a single thing u said that is true
@Charis Perissos I think, the Russians are not one party. Russia’s society has become capitalist, and the Russians may have divergent views.
Bernie is up 8 points you idiots.
first to reach a million donors, but yeah…..”neutral”
Henry Ly he bribed people with some wall thing? He posted that yesterday you dickhead. No one else comes close to a million individual donors you dumbass.
@Henry Ly Damn! How terribly evil! How does he live with himself, advertising and bribing people that way!?
@MrVandj1 LOL! so mad bro.
1 million poor people vs a few rich ok ones?
I need the glasses that Chris has to ignore 90% of reality.
Keep trying cnn. Bernie just got 1million individual contributions. Why you no report on that?
Censored 1
Typical knuckle dragging comment from a HIGH IQ Trumpian
lmao seriously
Are these the same polls that gave $hillery a 99% chance to win 2016?
Thats what I thought.
How weird, all of the media limits Bernie time and when they do talk about him it’s negative.
corporate media gonna corporate media.
Bernie Sanders has literally grown further in the polls more than any other candidate. Slightly above Warren.
Which polls?
They say he’s “stuck in neutral” as he is breaking records with individual donors. What a pathetic attempt to distract from Bernie”s momentum.
He would be the 2nd biggest mistake hes now in putins pocket educate yourselves. Anyone can spout things you want doesnt mean hes going to carry through. He is a senile old man rollung in his rubles.
@Gail Norris You are as pathetic as the guy doing the interview! Bernie’s record shows exactly whose pockets he is in and it’s the 99 percent that Bernie has been fighting for for decades! You are the one that needs educating!
@Gail Norris He had been advocating these populist pro-working class policies for his entire life. He is extremely consistent. What makes you believe he won’t follow through? He is the only candidate who is fully funded by small grass roots donors. He has no loyalty to anyone but the common working class people who are supporting him.
What is this nonsense about Putin? Why do you think he has any connections with Russia?
When the Poll that showed Bernie tied for first in CA, I knew CCN was going to pull out the propaganda. This just means that Warren is not taking Bernie out like the Elites hoped for. #Bernie2020
CNN is worse than Fox News at this point. At least Carlson opposes war against Iran.
@RandomKid Carlson is terrible. He opposes war in Iran but then blames PROGRESSIVES for it, not the actual neo-con warhawks who are actually pushing for it. He’s the worst of the worst.
I’m a progressive who despises Carlson. I was just emphasizing how low CNN has fallen.
” I am a billionaire corporate backed media company and I desperately approve this message” oh here’s another message CNN

May I ask where you get your news?
kroyford majority report, rational national, etc, primarily on podcasts, you know, places that aren’t funded by major corporate entities that have a vested interest in maintaining a mid tier nominee that won’t interfere with their profit margins
Nice to see you shills are finally getting a taste of your own medicine. Frustrating, isn’t it bud?
He just hit 1 million individual donors. Chris is a slimy hack undeserving of his job.
Chris is a puppet. He just reads a damn prompter with emphasis everywhere so it sounds like these are HIS opinions
Ok I’ll play. Who is Burnie Sanders.
Fox News. Bernie up 8. Warren down 4. Biden down 2.
Is that the one that the Morning Joe folks hated so much? I’m surprised they would even show any polls favorable to Bernie.
How can you be so disliked and actually feel comfortable putting out videos?
So many views – so little thumbs up
Cnn continues to do nothing but throw anti Bernie videos. They went from horrible to complete bs status
…so does Biden have to die on stage before you stop pretending he’s even still in this thing?
Biden can be dead and they still won’t stop pretending
Where is Ruth
Josh Pearce maybe after he stops being first in the polls
CNN you are straight up hacks. You’ve lost all credibility. You’re the fox news of centrism at this point
Least Fox clearly states opinion from fact!
Leftism* …HARD leftism
CNN, when you really need some serious corporate propaganda, they are screwing Bernie because he’s coming for their sponsors.
This guy wouldn’t have any channel if it weren’t for Bernie. Get this guy off the air.
Look at the likes vs. dislikes on this….What is that 10 to 1 against.? …. I’m not really a Trump supporter but he’s 100% right when he calls CNN fake..
The like to dislike ratio on this video is so satisfying