1. Giving Trump a town hall on live television is absolutely insane. Who’s brilliant idea was that?

    1. Keith Olbermann’s podcast yesterday was all scorched earth on CNN and It’s general manager, who he knew back when..

  2. Trump on the stand??? he wouldnt stop smiling for pictures. He also wouldn’t know when to shut his flapping pie hole and he would completely sink his case…..Hmmm maybe not a bad idea…

  3. If a friend calls you immediately after being sexually assaulted they don’t always use the word “rape”. I know this from experience. Also it’s pretty obvious that the friend, in this case the witness, is not pre-disposed to be a fan of the assailant.

    1. @Don Quarnstrom I cannot comment on that. Just a bugbear of mine when people say “you have no evidence!” but what they mean is “you do have evidence, I just don’t believe it.” Which is a perfectly valid position to take, but they’re not the same thing. 🙂

    2. @Andrew Stevenson well, i think sometimes the evidence is thin and weak and hardly damning, but this IS dumps we are discussing here.

    3. @Matthew Huszarik  Slam dunk? What are you talking about. A civil case isn’t proving the guilt of a crime. That is a criminal trail you are thinking of. It doesn’t allow speculation and requires evidence. With a bar of “Beyond a reasonable doubt”. That isn’t what this is. Get a grip on reality.

  4. 😒Wait… He denied doing these very probable things or he denies that those things were wrong?

    1. ​@Don Quarnstrom Don’t worry Don, when you grow up and get an education, you will learn these things.

  5. There are 349,999 million Americans who don’t have these indictments & are better candidates for the highest position in the world.

    1. No. The US has approx 331 million people in total, and only those over 35 are eligible to run for president.

  6. I sure hope Jean Carroll wins this case. I just wish that Trump becomes a non-news story and all media outlets keep quiet about Trump. I’ve had just too much of Trump since 1983.

    1. “Ya !” “Carroll’s “NOT” on trial here and The Defense🤪🤥🤡👹 “needs” be told that. 😇 ✌💜🧙‍♂️🇺🇸

  7. I feel so proud we as a nation can field a Presidential candidate who is an accused rapist! Just gives me goose pimples all over, doesn’t it?

    1. Unfortunately his supporter genuinely feel that way, a weak person’s idea of a strong man.

  8. Donald Trump: Indicted felon and alleged rapist. A perfect Republican candidate for office.

  9. Defense trying to use the varied response to trauma as some demonstration of untruthfulness isn’t gonna work.

    1. Hope the prosecution bring in an expert psychological witness to explain how victim behaviour varies.

  10. I’ve met Trump. I worked as a model in New York and at the McDonald’s on East 47th in Manhattan (neither pays well). He would invite models to his restaurant in Trump Tower (the food was crap.) Ironically, he would show up at McD’s the same night. He would slowly order an obscene amount of food: 2 Big Macs, fries, shake and 2 Filet-O-Fish, regularly. I thought he was an i/dd adult, like British royalty: wealthy but Intellectually Disabled. I would ask him if it was all for him.
    He replied: ” You bet, Honey. You’re too pretty to work here. How old are you, Honey?”
    He’s a creep. I was 15.
    He was in his 60’s and looked obese.

    1. @Jeannette Neal I get it. Not defending his terrible behaviour. I read he invited models to his restaurant. Need to read more carefully 😉

    1. No chance. There is an irrational desire to pick the absolute dregs of society who are bent on driving the country off a cliff. From both parties.

    2. These days, here right now in this country. Let’s say politely that the highest standards this bunch of grifters wouldn’t measure up to a pot of spit. Shameful, ain’t it. That’s why it’s so important to vote with a knowledge of the candidates. This country has to quit electing a pretty face or a glib tongue. Vote wisely and take your friends with you so they can vote wisely too. 👍🗳🇺🇸

  11. You would think if Trump is innocent he would be in that courtroom clearing his name vehemently.

  12. Jessica Roth was very good. Clear and objective. I would like to see her more on CNN or on other networks.

  13. If a woman wrote a book in which she falsely stated that I had raped her, I would take her to court for defamation as would most men.

  14. The genius of Our Founding Fathers to believe that Truth Spans Time!
    Truth, Justice, and our way of Life!

    Thank you, E. J. CAROL!

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