Brett McGurk says it is important for Secretary of Defense Mark Esper to get on the record about military use around election. Aired on 9/25/2020.
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'Very Important' To Get Mark Esper 'On The Record' About Military Use Around Election | MSNBC
This what we have become? Trump and his misfits need to go now.
Raging Monk
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
All the in front of our eyes that seems like chaos but what it’s actually done it’s brought more strangers together than ever before an it’s for a righteous cause to boot and the nuances will be the glory of it all because millions of people haven’t sat around wondering hoping that by osmosis the democracy would somehow work without actually pushing for it too work the whole of America …. We will make change happen at some point and the first biiiiiiiigggg change comes in November vie the people vie the landslide victory vie the greatest na na na hey hey goodbye party in the history of mankind

@CMUNIC8 every Democrat I know is voting for Trump. Trump had the Lowest Black Unemployment Rate in HISTORY. Trump gave military raises.
*_Trump will not accept the election result. He will have Republican State Legislators invalidate mail in ballots. Vote in person and vote Early._*
@Tom if you can go to the grocery store, then you can go Vote.
The military is sworn to protect the constitution. They do not work for trump, the criminal in chief. If trump does not leave peacefully, they need to remove him and he should be treated as a traitor.
The Iraqis hanged Hussein
@Ancel Rick don’t bother responding to robert davis. He’s just a bot to stir things up and every time someone responds it creates a lead for further responses. Best to ignore it. It’s not like what any of us say will make any difference to bots or humans who speak the nonsense of trumpies.
@Nancy M Ross you are correct? But why would Trump not leave? You think the White House is Central Command Tower? Lol
@SoHo it isn’t what l, or anyone else thinks. The White House is a symbol of power, and Trump does so love power, even as he abuses it. So it is what it represents TO TRUMP. I do so hope he hasn’t painted the toilets, and other fixtures, a gaudy gilded gold. So tasteless.
@Nancy M Ross Trump would leave. He doesn’t even take a paycheck. Will Biden do the same? Will Biden be able to get Black Unemployment below the HISTORIC LOW of Trump? Will Biden give the military a raise like Trump?
Is this a communist country or a dictatorship or totalitarian rule? You tell me
@Rory Cannon you completely lack knowledge of reality
@unpaid troll how? is umberto eco’s classifications of fascism written in 1995 wrong?
@Rory Cannon why would it even matter? Hitler was a national socialist, Mussolini was the fascist.
@unpaid troll oh hey, cool, you are deliberately writing comments in a way to say something misleading and to goad me into correcting you of which you will continue trolling.
Trump knows that western culture (systems, management and all the good things humanity has benefited from) is predicated on mutual understanding, embodied in democracy. Other cultures were never able to advance or contribute their best because they always misunderstood each other and fought and wasted time and existed in chaotic environments…Trump is purposely going outside the norms, rejecting that western ‘mutual understanding’ contract to throw everything in turmoil so that people of good sense will prevail and say, let’s just give him another 4 years…rather than have the country descend into chaos like a third world country. Remember that POTUS used to be nominated in America until one politician decided to nominate himself, that is how we started electing presidents to this day, remember that history class? So there’s a first time for everything. If Trump rejects the election results, so will the next President…and Trump would have effectively brought America down to Venezuela’s level, Job Done! This, in turn, will kickstart the end of America as we know it…after all, America destroyed many countries and cultures, didn’t we? Our turn is coming soon…my friend, every good thing comes to an end at some point…!
If the president refuses a peaceful transfer of power… it is the duty of our military to dispense with an American threat whether foreign and or domestic.
@The standard narrative has holes in it Not as many holes as yours. For instance, Kyle Rittenhouse, the umbrella man, the Proud Boys … not to mention 200,000 Americans dead so far (and yes, the elderly are far more at risk).
@charles allan I don’t think the CEO of Lockheed Martin will come to his rescue
@The standard narrative has holes in it so maybe i’ll just make up stupid crap
Yep! If trump is not removed we will become a dictatorship.
Now you’re talking about Portland. Lol. TRUMP 2020!! He isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
I’m tired riding the dump train, i wanna get off and puke
Shalom Viva Obama 100%
@robert davis Then again, you may die any day now. Did you know that? Most people don’t expect their death to happen when it happens! Consider that when you think all your hateful thoughts about people who aren’t exactly like you.
@Anni Shilcock Jesus would stop and burn a fatty with a regular Joe!
@Big Smoke Guitar So Trump supporters really are sick!
You can move to Canada with the other actors like they did in 2016
Trump has made it abundantly clear that he believes in nothing, honors nothing, and respects nothing. As a veteran, the oath I took would never allow me to vote for a domestic threat to my country like Trump. Trump has repeatedly betrayed America, it’s people, our Constitution, as well as his oath of office. And as a Marine veteran, these betrayals are unforgettable, and unforgivable.
@robert davis said the WHITE GUY who has NEVER had to advocate for his Civil rights. There have been 4460 BLM marches each attended by 1,000’s. This country was founded on protests. Boston tea Party, Coal Miners in WV, Stonewall, March in Selma. How do you NOT know that? Because you NEVER had to!
Trump knows that western culture (systems, management and all the good things humanity has benefited from) is predicated on mutual understanding, embodied in democracy. Other cultures were never able to advance or contribute their best because they always misunderstood each other and fought and wasted time and existed in chaotic environments…Trump is purposely going outside the norms, rejecting that western ‘mutual understanding’ contract to throw everything in turmoil so that people of good sense will prevail and say, let’s just give him another 4 years…rather than have the country descend into chaos like a third world country. Remember that POTUS used to be nominated in America until one politician decided to nominate himself, that is how we started electing presidents to this day, remember that history class? So there’s a first time for everything. If Trump rejects the election results, so will the next President…and Trump would have effectively brought America down to Venezuela’s level, Job Done! This, in turn, will kickstart the end of America as we know it…after all, America destroyed many countries and cultures, didn’t we? Our turn is coming soon…my friend, every good thing comes to an end at some point…!
First of all thank you for you service and my freedom. Trump has to go this moron has lied and insulted to many ppl
David J
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Hi David, I’m seeing more and more comments of Veterans being angry at Trump’s behavior. Has that been your feeling as well amongst your fellow vets ?
What difference does it make if they Esper on the record or not? Trump and his people have no honor, they have no shame, integrity or honesty, their word is useless.
I hear ya. I guess true honor is causing violence and billions dollars destruction to innocent peoples property the last 4 months. Such genius
@Michael Timely – Exactly. Esper’s word means nothing. Look what happened to Lt Col Alexander Vindman after Esper made promises of no retaliation. Also, we’ve heard the Trump sycophants give their word numerous times. Lindsey Graham even added “used my words against me” but now is breaking his word. I’ve never seen or heard so many lies or so much corruption in any administration. The Republicans want to take away the voice of the American people.
@robert davis While mostly unfounded, even still, property should not outweigh life. You espouse compromised ethics.
@robert davis what are you saying exactly?
@robert davis A real liar will use a grain of truth in every lie they tell, like you just did here. No honest person with an ounce of integrity can follow a liar like Trump. Anyone who can stand by the blatant dishonesty of Trump and the cult has exposed themselves for what they are. You may have gotten away with it all your life because no one can prove anything. If it wasn’t for falling in with such an obvious liar as Trump you might have gotten away with it your entire life but now your credibility is blown and it isn’t likely to come back. When this is finally over no one will ever take you seriously again.
I don’t care whether trump leaves in handcuffs, straight jacket or body bag as long as he goes. I’d be watching the Russian embassy trump and Barr and their ilk might try for asylum there.
@robert davis <- said the ignorant schill.
Mignon Simpson at least u admit Biden’s Alzheimer’s, additionally, You misspelled Regan, it’s Reagan
I also would of accepted Dutch or 40 but never Biden. President Obama concurs.
Google “Obama not supportive of Biden”
@Justin Wright no I don’t admit to Biden having dementia or alzheimer’s. He’s a man of a certain age and like all us old people like me a bit slower than we used to be. As for spelling I try to catch them but my new glasses come in next week and this gizmo has a mind of its own altering my words and spelling.
Mignon Simpson age has Nothing to do with Biden’s Alzheimer’s.
Case in point: Dr Anthony Fauci is 2 years Older than Biden, yet Fauci Sounds, Looks and Acts 15 years younger. Fauci also runs 3 miles at day and works 80 hour weeks. Ol Joe can barely walk and I’m confident Never put in an 80 hour work week during his 47 years as a career Do Nothing politician..
Good luck with the new glasses. Maybe you’ll see the light
@Justin Wright I wonder how well you would be faring if you had walked in bidens shoes. Take my word for it the death of loved ones ages you
*39 days till Nov 3! tik tok tik tok tik tok! America’s coming for you trumppeee! My how time flies! Vote Biden/Harris! Vote Democrat! Vote for American Democracy, Decency & Justice! Vote!*
Chicago Boy That’s why tRump wants to ban TikTok! He thinks if he does, he can stop the election from coming!

TRUMP 2020
My how time flies? The last 4 years seems like 20 and the destruction “he” has caused has sent us 50 years back! We MUST vote Blue in numbers to big to ignore!!!
@Debbie DeVore which President has the RECORD for Lowest Black Unemployment in history?
82nd Airborne Emergency Response because Trump needs to hold up a bible???
I’m guessing he was worried the devil would visit him at the church. Alas, he did visit the church, but only Trump was there.
That attack in DC for a photo op was so Disgusting, inhumane, and blasphemous. We need to vote Trump out with numbers too big for the Supreme Court to even need to get involved.

@Deborah Zal Count me in… Thanks
I don’t remember Obama using the military on Americans.
Yeah, but what about Hillary’s emails! Or Obama’s tan suit? Mexico will pay for the wall!
Guess you’ve never heard of Posse Comitatus?
@John Sands Failing to salute the Marine is almost as bad wearing a tan suit!
@John Sands and trump didn’t forget to salute a North Korean military.
Just vote people and vote him out!
Crazy how Trumpers are always talking about how the government is encroaching on them- yet they seem willing to have the military police them
The entire party is about hypocrisy. They have no clue what they want.
The only time federal response has happened is because of rioters on federal property. But after Trump gets reelected he will have his DOJ go back and arrest some for inciting a riot. He hasnt done it yet because he is letting democrats hang themselves politically. But he wont worry about politics after election. Many of these rioters who think they got away will do 10 years plus in federal prison.
Shalom Viva Obama …
Where are all the “second amendment people” who wanted more guns because, you know, “to defend democracy and freedom against a dictator”?
Oh, they’re siding with the wannabe dictator. Surprise!
Mmm. No. The true silliness is the democrats pushing to defund local police AND go after gun rights. Wow
Putin can’t throw bomb on Americans but he has thrown Trump on Americans.
You’re still on Russia? Bro you are so lost. Read some recent news about how the FBI literally got insurance because they were afraid to get caught lying.
Just as bad,
@SCIL Films
@Miss Priss He has to get paid from Daddy Putin.
Trump 2020!!
We the people will get trump out
His loser supporters aren’t enough to get him in again
204 k dead due to his failed leadership as president
Biden 46!!!!

You better take a look at the polls today. lol
@camjamsdad forget the polls. Too much outside influence trying to sway your opinion and worry your heads. Do what YOU CAN do vote and help others vote. trump won 2016 ONLY with help from NON VOTERS and 3rd party voters. He only had 25% of the eligible vote. VOTE in numbers TOO BIG TO RIG.Show your MILITARY the will of the they will be able to back you. You got this !
Donnie needs to go
Hey…this whole administration is facing jail time!!! Barr and his colleagues!!!
You can bet they will do whatever corrupt cheating they can!!!!
The military doesn’t like trump. He’s always putting them down.
What Trump said about the military is true.
Ker si la
Is that why he gave them a raise?
@SoHo yeah, then he took millions from the military to build your wall.
@Yvonne Pingleton well if the Military is not going to war
. It’s your wall just as much as it is mine. You keep doors on your house, correct? Do you lock said doors? Oh, you’re a racist.
Charge Donald Trump with “male” fraud.
Trump got rid of anyone with integrity and surrounded himself with lemmings.
And Goons
If Trump is reelected America will turn into a real life version of The Handmaid’s Tale.
It Was A Good Idea At The Time already there