As Russia's invasion of Ukraine has transformed into a grinding war of attrition with no meaningful peace deal in sight, the US and its allies have begun to convey a new, longer-term goal for the war: to defeat Russia so decisively on the battlefield that it will be deterred from launching such an attack ever again. That message was delivered most clearly on Monday, when Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin told reporters after a trip to Ukraine's capital city of Kyiv that "we want to see Russia weakened to the degree that it can't do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine." #CNN #News
US sheds light on West’s new Russia strategy

I love how the US has announced every move that Russia makes before they even make it.
@Spoon Unit we are all suns of God look onto yourself seek and you shall find .
@BlkHistoryDecoded is that what Putin’s propaganda TV tells you? That Ukraine is loosing? Dear God
i upload videos on russo ukrainian conflict from the russian perspective thank u
Imagine explaining this to someone in 1946: ‘Russia are a serious threat but it’s ok cause Germany is building up their Army and this makes Europe feel a little safer’
Also telling a person in 1946: hey China is no longer a ally and is planning to take Taiwan so we need Japan to rearm its military to stand up to China so all is well. Also Japan is demanding nuclear weapons in Japan for safety.
Telling a person in 1976: China is a dangerous threat so we need Vietnam to be ready to fight China and the US is ready to assist them should events transpire.
Russia has behaved highly irresponsibly and now it has to bare the consequences.
@sven hanson well if Russia got played it is very much it’s own fault because the result was the most logical result. And it was being very silly if it thought differently. Russia could have walked away with a proganda win if when America said that Russia was going to invade it didn’t. Instead it proved America right. And walked into a bear trap of its own making. Instead of learning from its own history Putin made the same mistakes both Hitler & Stalin.
@sven hanson What ever that history was Zelensky won with a landslide he got 2/3 of the vote of both Ukrainian & Russian speakers. And was starting to make a dent in the corruption that plagued their country. Corruption that was inherited from their Soviet days. If things were still as bad (if ever they were for the majority) between the 2 ethnic group Mariupol would not be in ashes. It is that way because that Eastern City Russian speaking city in the Donbas fought the Russians to its last breath.
@Nana khreis yeah really
@Alfie Marc Yes we will join and just to let you know president in Finland is not a dictator and wont make decision about us joining or not. There has always been guns pointed at us so try something new.
Even my country: the Netherlands, is sending over advanced mobile howitsers to Ukraine. We barely have 17 million people and our military is adorable at best. Things are getting more serious if even we send in the big guns.
If your military is adorable at best, is it lovable at worst?
i upload videos on russo ukrainian conflict from the russian perspective thank u
@Chairman Mao I served and understand the military. Inflation is up 8% month over month lately and Biden wants to increase defense spending only 4% so that is a cut to defense in the face of the threat posed by Russia and China. Many have forgotten China, but China is silently waiting in the wings and has wanted to attack Taiwan for years. So as I see it, we are weakening our military in a time when we need to strengthen our military as well as our cyber security. We have given away billions of weapons and are cutting defense spending on top of that; after leaving behind about $50 billion in planes and equipment in Afghanistan.
to guarantee a peace, you must always be armed for war.
That’s why no nation would dare to attack the USA, because the Americans are always armed to the teeth with a massive and effective military ready for full retatiliation.
Ukraine has to adopt the same policy, that they start a permanent citizen militia culture like Switzerland, mandatory military service and serious conscription to make sure if Russia dares to attack again, Ukraine is ready and will make them pay viciously.
That’s a very uninformed and small minded attitude. The US was attacked on Dec 7 1941. It’s not “armed to the teeth” that protects countries from aggressors like Russia. It’s coalitions like NATO. That’s why Ukraine has been and still is so desperate to join. That’s why Sweden and Norway now want to join. They get it.
@Nana khreis dude what are you even talking about? Are you high?
I think they sort already have that considering massive amounts of Ukrainians that aren’t soldiers have CHOSEN to stay and fight.
I don’t think Russia is weaker than when they started this war, I think they were this weak all along but nobody was willing to call their bluff
matt what are u smoking??! It’s not good for ur little brain
@Africa 1st

PUTIN the Boss 

Thank you friends for being our guest in Ramstein for this important conference. This horror must be stopped.
Zelensky is a brain burner!(Правдивое видео):…..
@Йозеф Геббельс english please
Russia has lost in every way. I can’t believe how they miscalculated this
@Narock Benjamin IKR. These people are living in a box/cult and can’t see outside of it.
@BlkHistoryDecoded <-- oh yes! Yes, They have lost!!
i upload videos on russo ukrainian conflict from the russian perspective thank u
@Bjarne Jakhelln-Semb I’m actually from Africa
It’s interesting that the majority of materiel used in the field is Soviet Union made… It means that Russia not only will lose its army, it will deplete all stock of plausible client for its war industry.
After this war, the majority of NATO will use European or American equipment…
This conflict seems the Spiderman’s scene, fighting itself…
Russia doesn’t have the same cadre of engineers they had in the Soviet days, nor the same level of industry.
Today’s Russia is a shell of the Soviet Union. They can’t make new weapons like that anymore.
The last thing I saw them make was the T-14 Armata tank, supposedly the best tank in the world. Where is it? Why don’t they have any in Ukraine?
This would have been a perfect proving ground for a new weapon system (that they hope to export). So why not test it? My theory – junk.
It really has made the Russian arms industry look sub standard.
Russia probably won’t be able to afford major remilitarization without further joint projects with China/India.
And globally there may be more demand for light weapons than heavy, in light of how the war has unfolded.
It is going to be difficult for Russia to sell Su-57 aircraft, T90 tanks or AS 400 anti-aircraft systems when countries like India and Pakistan see how they match up.
time to get defense get some stonks
India is still buying.
The coalition must expand beyond the West. It is important to pull together other states on all continents. Important to insist on laws of war. Important to produce weapons and equally important to scale up economies. Third world countries will play neutral to dictators and regimes, but they should be made to pay a price for their mistakes. In a way, construct an effective equivalent United Nations.
@Rishav Sharma Imperial Russia was as big a colonizer as Britain. WW2 results in both decolonization and the Cold War. Soviet Union and Russia are again different entities. point made is that we need a better system more than just the Western coalition. Third world countries after decolonization have been mostly run by kings, generals, dictators interested in self preservation rather than in their people. Democracies must work together for their people, militarily and economies. Need to sidestep UN which is debased by vetos.
That’s the plan, man.
@PjotrII To be clear, I think Putin needs to be stopped cold.
Point 1: not everyone likes that the US has military dominance all over the globe.
Point 2: expanding the military alliance too much will send China and perhaps neutral countries like India into their own alliance with Russia. That is how we got WW1 and ww2……
Indeed, there’s no meaningful peace deal in sight Even a humanitarian corridor for the 100000 citizens in Mariupol can’t be made. We also vote to defeat Russia so decisively on the battlefield that it will be deterred from launching such an attack ever again.
@MZE RK sure, it’ll be a case of dream comes true.
I had a history professor who said: “If you somehow manage to get the entire world to side against you, you deserve to lose.”
@カアン How many country’s voted in U.N. against Russia any more questions.
@Trajko Ivanov =] Funny, because you’re using our tech and our language. You’re probably even wearing sh*tty copies of our clothing.
@カアン Hello? 40 countries against another has never been seen before; we don’t need Bora Bora to be on board either…
It’s not only about the number of countries, it’s about their soft, hard, economic powers. It’s about their commitment & their military potential.
Russia’s supporters have either no serious commitment to Russia (especially India, arguably China) or no military/ economic power (Syria, Eritrea, Venezuela and others)
The Russians have lost dozens of colonels and generals so far. That alone significantly degrades a top-down military like Russia’s a great deal. The equipment and manpower losses are also very serious, and will only get worse fighting in Donbas.
The Ukrainian forces that were located there were the best in the Ukrainian army. Basically, the Russians got their heads handed to them in the north by the Ukrainians second-string. Things are not going to go well for the Russians in Donbas.
The most important thing the Ukrainians are getting right now is counter-battery radar, 155-mm artillery pieces, and base-bleed and Excalibur artillery rounds in their thousands. This gives Ukrainian artillery a stand-off capability the Russians can’t match, and will allow them to wipe out Russian artillery being used to destroy civilian areas and to menace Russian logistics well behind the line of contact.
Above in azovsteal plant, still asking turkey, Britain to help,. 3000+ solder’s surrender,… should I continue,..
i upload videos on russo ukrainian conflict from the russian perspective thank u
Imagine trying to prevent this from happening but doing so just made it progress further and stronger
A weakened Russia would have been the inevitable result anyway; Putler merely hastened the process. Transformation from USSR to Russia had the primary effect of reducing lifespans, reducing economic equality (such as it was), and impoverishing the bulk of its people. The population replacement rate there is negative. They’re much less of a superpower now than they used to be.
@Alberto Santa Maria (nods) They do have a cultural problem.
@Crash Davis I highly recommend you to read “The 900 Days” by Harrison Salisbury, a recollection of the Siege of Leningrad. It might give you a view from the inside about how many regular Russians deal with extreme situations under a dictatorship. Or you can watch the Cosmos episode about Nikolai Vavilov. You won’t forget it.
Also, please remember that many people around the world think that Americans are ignorant, selfish, crazy for guns, obese, jingoistic, militaristic, overall not quite intelligent and totally racist, on top of being religious fanatics and having a crave for junk food.
See? Judging millions of people on a small sample, leads to wrong assumptions.
Had this war gone any differently, Ukraine would not be in this postion and Russia would still be a power house. But after this war, saying Russia is one of the three greatest mights in world, is like saying a deer fly has the third strongest bite in the animal kingdom.
If he loses this war, it’s over for him. So what’s to stop him from taking everyone down with him?
@Raymond Cheung “Super sonic weapons” lmaoooo, from what we have seen so far they have shitty equipment with shitty basic transport trucks from the 1980s that can easily be stopped with small arms plus I’ve seen some Russian soldiers running around with WW2 era rifles LOL
@Elektrotehnik it’s so hype that Us tries to jump over their heads in creating their own rockets but lag 5 years behind Russia
His military is already significantly degraded. They’ve lost 8 ships, including the Moskva. They’ve lost over 8% of their aircraft, and over 15% of their operational battle tanks. They’ve lost 21,000 troops, including 10 Generals. And they’ve lost thousands and thousands of armored and unarmored vehicles and rocket launchers. And according to unconfirmed reports, their stockpile of missiles has been significantly expended. Sanctions mean no new jets, no new ships, no new helicopters, no new tanks, and no new armored personnel carriers, because Russia cannot get the parts to put these together or to maintain them. And munitions manufacturing has also been heavily impacted.
@keith francis you must not question anything coming from a “reputable” news sources such as cia and the pentagon.
I also heard russia was againts time and they cant sustain this for a month, 3 weeks ago. Noe zelensky is basically saying they need more equipments and time matters. Did time turn aroun and now againts ukraine?
@ken 1 With their owners in them
@chef Dave oryx reports only 20% of Ukrainian casualities
It’s sad that it took this long…but I’m glad it is finally wagon circling time. This really cannot ever happen AGAIN…by any country… but most especially by a repeat offender like Russia!
@IGNightor I am one of the lucky people I have a beautiful free country great countrymen and women freedoms so many would and are dying for. So thank you

@Lovin life and loving
No problem and stay safe
@IGNightor Always my friend and likewise
@Lovin life and loving
you forgot the part about some of them just like to argue with the fence post! Lol! 

@Linda Bratsch well I was going to put it’s like talking to a brick wall

But yes that’s does the job 
“The world is in more peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it.” -Dr. Albert Einstein
Wiser words could not be spoken, in perfect simplicity, for the the time. What more would there need to be said, really?
Exact why Russia take action.
@A Ghost who the evil is.
Those who fund evil whether from good, bad or unknown intention will be judged.
In revelation Jesus is quoted when ask what shall we do?
“let those who do evil continue let those who do good, continue”.
The assumption is HE will pass judgement.
@Vincent Dubrosa nothing wrong with waiting on your definition of Jesus but what about dealing with the evil by those of us that believe in doing good.
The great irony is that Putin didn’t not want Ukraine in NATO but with all the actions the NATO nations have taken since Feb 24, you might as well say that Ukraine IS in NATO.
Statistics: advisers from the US Pentagon trained armies in 81 countries and none of the armies they trained won..
@The thing that lives in my sink Statistics: advisers from the US Pentagon trained armies in 81 countries and none of the armies they trained won..
@Corporal Soletrain Statistics: advisers from the US Pentagon trained armies in 81 countries and none of the armies they trained won..
For all the practical purposes Ukraine is the NATO. There are still getting old weapons like T-72 simply because former Soviet Satellite States now part of NATO have them. In the same time they are getting modern NATO Weapons(Javelins, NLAWs, Modern Rifles + Heavy Equipment + Modern Training, Night Vision). It this war continues, Ukraine will eventually be getting only modern Weapons.
Russia on the other hand has overplayed it hand. They have cut off Poland from Gas. They will cut off Bulgaria next. Both countries are not dependent on Gas from Russia though and wanted to be independent anyway.
Fun will start with Germany being cut off next…