CNN’s Sanjay Gupta reacts to the news that the United States now has more coronavirus cases reported than any other country in the world. #CNN #News
US overtakes Italy in total coronavirus cases

CNN’s Sanjay Gupta reacts to the news that the United States now has more coronavirus cases reported than any other country in the world. #CNN #News
This is unbelievable sad.
@Clutch Nixon mmm creepy
So much more so because it just didn’t have to happen.
With a competent leader, the Coronavirus would have come to the US. However, it would have probably been quickly contained and stamped out like other recent pandemic outbreaks.
Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands infected, with perhaps around 10,000 deaths and some bumps in the economy. That’s the best that can be expected.
With an incompetent “leader” like 45*, we are looking at tens of millions infected and millions dead and a full blown depression to rival the Great Depression.
Elections matter. They have consequences. Sometimes life and death consequences. Vote!
Wow clutch super edgy
Why? We have more people and more international ports. Stop being “sad” and educate yourself.
How many people will go bankrupt due to outrageous medical bills?
MAGAtards get laughed at by their blow up dolls. Sad.
Jane Creek Did you ever try speaking English? you stupid libtard.
@Patrick Bullard I was typing quickly and i miss the b. It might be an issue with my internet. It’s been slow all week.
@Jane Creek No worries. I loved your comment, keep up the fight!
@98LowDown Isn’t your blow up doll getting lonely by now lol? Don’t let the winning stop on my account.
@Patrick Bullard
Wait i thought Trump said it’s just a hoax ?
@citizenxgen Bro, Trump said it himself, you can watch him kill someone and you would still vote for him, you know where to find these claims, stop being stupid.
@citizenxgen many things are boring for psychos that’s why they flock to Trump as he speaks what they want to hear
@Brandon Lane Corona vaccines are a hoax like global warming. Save them for the libtards, toilet paper and bullets too.
@Brandon Lane you are kidding, right?
@Mo A so you do not have a link of trump calling it a hoax……just what i thought….lol
All brothers and sisters stay srong we will go through this soon.
Take care
Thank you! Almighty God will fix this Isaiah 33:24, Revelation 21:4, 5
Who in the hell wants any kind of contact with Isis’s veija’s mane?
At least we will have a story to tell our children! Everyone who reads this, stay safe and keep up hope!
Patrick Bullard your name is patrick …. enough said
Ya tell your children how stupid your president was mmm
@Major Minor – Only Italy did a MUCH better job in THIS situation than we did, moron. Do you save last weeks racing forms, too to see how to bet THIS week? You really have no idea how stupid your post is – do you? Oh – and where are the tests – I heard there’s one for anyone who wants one – from the FAKE president…
@P- Squash – Thanks for demonstrating what I mean…
@Jimmy The Gent You’ll have to explain that one a little more… Did someone called Patrick hurt you?
Fox News and the GOP like Matt Gaetz says this is all overblown.
Guess not.
@D SP Most Americans, to this day, openly display their total disregard & dislike for anything British. The one thing that won our hearts, your shy, school teacher Princess, your blood born Prince crapped all over her having an affair with a nasty ho….we still don’t like or respect you, & probably never will. We begrudgingly even give Megan props…she should’ve known better than to marry a royal.
@Tire Monk fun fact, Trump is enjoying a 60% approval rating for his fight against the
Chy-nese virus.
@Tire Monk Fox has been America’s number one news source for years for a reason… CNN’S ratings are in the toilet.

You’re HOMOSEXUAL right?
@D SP Sweetie, I was born in America and raised in several different countries in Africa & routinely brought back to immerse myself in American culture. GTFO with your stupidity.
@D SP & do explain Prince Andrew & his penchant for raping children while you don’t unthrone him…hmmm…
Donald Dumb Dumb should be forced to go to every single funeral. Although he may not be welcomed.
Contrary to what child rapist democrats believe, having a degree in Tree hugging or Feminist dance therapy, does not constitute education.
@Rachel Ash nobody cares.. be gone loser
@drop d American patriots care, apparently you don’t. We think you should move to Russia, N Korea, Saudi Arabia or any other Drumpf friendly shithole.
@drop d trump is the real adult in the room…listen to our president speak
Imagine thinking another person in the office would of avoided any life loss
Did Trump say we would be “sick of winning” or “winning at sick”?
Aren’t you sick of winning?
@Apatriot 1968 Pussies? Come grab some at the Easter services all the brave and free! MAGA!
@Paul Smith Do you deny that you’re HOMOSEXUAL Paul?
Ron Wuerch = Less than human .
How can you relate that, this is world epidemic. Your parents should sue you for wasting their money to send you to school
Drumpf winning again. Record drop in the Dow, record job losses and now most cases on earth in one week.
@Honotenshi Avila where is pedo biden btw?
@NPC Sixfivefivethreesix did he forgot where to go again?
David Williams
@Michael McCullagh look who’s talking. How many stories has CNN faked and altered? I could get a link…
@David Williams MAGA 2020 indeed. Take a moment to consider whether that’s what you meant to say though.
How many more will die after Easter when everything is back running again.. smh
@Bruce strkland WACTH THIS OMG
@Klebercvl That was creepy…that kid looked HOMOSEXUAL
Reading the trumptard cultists on this thread just further proves how little they care about human lives. They lack morals, conscience, and and a soul. No doubt they have qualms about sacrificing thier own family member to the sanmtanic alter of Trump.
@Big Mike Morals? Democrats support LGBTQ. *FACT
The U.S. has passed China already. Passed Italy and China on the same day.
Flu deaths 2019
@The Tweatles …Im upset that I dont understand what your getting at…are you genuinely curious about my sexuality find me on grindr we’ll talk.
@•ラーク• I’m saying you obviously have no credibility whatsoever on any level other than SCHMEG HARVEST.
@The Tweatles k. Im not sure whats the response you want from me
the 1 percent do not work in the service sector that is being demolished right now
Yea, get back to your luncheon and health spa and five-day weekend.
Get everybody back to work
Treasonous Trump:
– 15 cases: Within a couple of days, it’ll be close to zero.
– 9,000 cases: It’s a war. I’m a wartime president!
– 80,000 cases: We’re safe. Let’s reopen America.
@Fletcher Christian When it comes to rape I don’t equivocate
@Lucky Charm Our choices are scoundrels and slightly less offensive scoundrels. I’m sick of it
We will be at 100,000 by the end of the week
Hey, it’s good for his numbers!
Whoo! And Italy was in very dire straits. We have already surpassed them and are far from done.
KCohere33 compare our deaths with Italy’s you moron.
GMGBlackWhiteMUNGEY Yeah, but now the Epicenter hits the USA. Just wait a couple of weeks..
GMGBlackWhiteMUNGEY No, now go away
KCohere33 Yeah, because look how bad italy is and theyve been fully shutdown for a while now. Then look at how bad the US is; passed italy and china in numbers of infections and half the country is still open and going to work. Amidst all of that, trump is trying to open the country back up completely by easter. Were going to see millions of cases here in the US and its all because we failed to act earlier and now hes trying to expose everyone to the virus to save the stock market.
john gossett Hopefully, no one will listen to him. He can’t force states to comply when he is putting people in danger. I can imagine how bad the stock market would get if people were dying or too sick to work or contribute to the economy.
Double every 6 days and in a month we have 2.5 million cases
That’s awesome, now maybe people will start to care about their health because nobody’s going to get the virus when they take care of themselves…. You absolutely cannot get it if you actually comprehend how to take care of yourself, but most people are oblivious to this….
Jan. 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” —CNBC interview..
Jan. 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment— 5 — and those people are all recuperating successfully. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries, and we think it’s going to have a very good ending for us, that I can assure you.” —Trump speech in Michigan.
Feb. 26: “So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.” — Trump White House briefing.
Feb. 26: “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump press conference.
Feb. 27: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.” — Trump at a White House meeting.
March 4: “We have a very small number of people in this country infected. We have a big country. The biggest impact we had was when we took the 40-plus people from a cruise ship. We brought them back. We immediately quarantined them. But you add that to the numbers. But if you don’t add that to the numbers, we’re talking about very small numbers in the United States.” — Trump White House meeting.
This is what you get when you have an illegitimate president who doesn’t believe in facts or science, but instead immerses himself in buffoonery like magic and sorcery.
@Good Day what a great “president” right? This trumpdump must be blind to not think that people are dying!! AND the numbers keep increasing!!
My friend. This is what religion is. I promise you. They think they can rape the gay away and pray the sickness into submission. Its so sad these people dont have a grasp on reality.
Maybe he’ll change his tone if one of his family members got the virus
@Astro Kitty I dont understand. What does this have to do with religion?
@djinny djinn djinn yeah and maybe he’ll start to care about American lives when his close friends/family get it and he starts asking for a vaccine more frantically than ever
Mar 4 “We’re talking about very small numbers in the United States.”
– President Alternative Facts
@LOOK UP: 21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger By 2028, history will have shat upon dear Donald. It won’t be pretty. Hopefully he’ll still be alive to see the verdict.
@Jock Young Ohmy… those child molester democrats… always so angry
@Jock Young You have no problem whatsoever with HOMOSEXUALITY right?
“fairly soon” means a couple of minutes later, US has the most cases and no country will be able to overtake them.
“It will go to zero”. That will happen when Trump stops counting – no count = 0
This virus targets Democrats.
@TrumpAlwaysWins LearnToAcceptIt
Another Trump supporting f*#kwit , I see. Every state has it now, red and blue.
@A horse with no name I know its hard. You had to choose between Bernie Sanders a communist, and Joe Biden the unfound.
4 more years of Trump will solve all your TDS medical needs.
Reeeeeeeeee2. November
italy 80,500 XXXXXXXX
WOW what a misleading graph
Good observation
Good catch