President Trump described scenes from Elmhurst Hospital near his native home in Queens, N.Y. The president explained seeing television reports showing “body bags” in trucks and said, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Trump Describes Seeing Body Bags At NYC hospital: ‘I've Never Seen Anything Like It’ | MSNBC
These crooks spend billions every freaking year on defense and they don’t even have n95 dust masks?.
@Ellen C not the US sent but US companies sent. The us government announced that it would donate $100 million to China, but it has not implemented it. The Chinese foreign ministry has confirmed this. Chinese companies have also been donating masks to americans recently. Separately, the Chinese government offered to cooperate with the United States government against the coronavirus, but the United States government seemed reluctant. President Trump would rather seek help from South Korea than China. What I have said is true and can be verified from public news.
@Eric Thompson 800 billion we are supposed to be safe.its all a scam
@Joey Blakey come back to reality wake up trump is in office
@Alan Q Yes they were donated but the State Dept sent them knowing the need for them would be here
CDC budget is 3 days of the Pentagon’s. Which unseen enemy is more important?
Wow he never mentioned anything about the families and their losses
@Good Vibes Definitely. this just another set .When they troll out for these briefings and no one is 6ft apart or no mask I’m thinking this just another episode of the apprentice. Never watched the show but darn. This fool gonna be throwing us some paper towels soon.It makes for excellent TV
not everybody has to repeat the same thing
@Ralph and Theo ok, so don’t.
It’s terrible. No humans, from fetuses to the very old should have their backs turned on them
@August West What does fetuses have to do with this?
“We have done a remarkable job here: we have plenty of body bags, so many beautiful body bags. Any body that wants a body bag can get a body bag.”
@Alpha 119Trump just begged S. Korea for test and supplies. The U.S doesn’t have enough test or ppe per capita. Per capita S. Korea is far ahead. Both S. Korea and the US had their first case on the same day but S. Korea is already back to business as usual because of smart technology and quick leadership meanwhile the US has the most cases in the world twice as many as the 2nd worst, broke Italy with an old population and bad health care system. Meanwhile US doctors livestreamed in Chicago and NYC showing us they’re using homemade face masks and bandanas begging for ppe and ventilators like a third world country
@Mac cheese really ? ” a beautiful gold painted body bag ” ? what a perfect body bag, really, what a perfect body bag – like that perfect phone call to Ukraine
Anyone under the age of 35 has grown up realizing what cretins we all are and how the boomers will have brought the country to the brink of economic collapse twice in 12 years and allowed the country to be reeling from the sight of refrigerated body bags of Americans who died needlessly
S Korea test so fervently as soon as they realized what they were facing – if Clinton had won we would be so much closer to the S Korea model because she has always tried to get the US health care system fixed and would have continued what Obama started
@John P. KING yawning another brain washed dem bot. Fake news fake brain. Clintons only cared about rich. Pill poppin drunk hillary would just fall down like usual ..maybe she pour acid and smash virus while bill gets a rim job. It weird how dems called trump a racist and xenophobic for closing out china duuuh dems would prob still have boarders open now.
사인웨이브[prod. sinewavve]
The world is begging for more ppe, ventilators, test kits… etc.. America is testing more per day compared to SKorea.. some citizens even have multiple test.
at least you acknowledge that Trump is doing something..
trump makes me sick , when he comes on , I change the channel !
He’s got as much charm, & intellect of a rectal thermometer

Well……….he’s sure got the right shaped mouth for one. I’d rather kiss a rectal thermometer than trump ,it’d be easier to get the taste outta your mouth. Plus it wouldn’t be nearly as embarrassing if someone saw you.
@dennis shady

A thermometer at least gives accurate information.
Yet he’s the billionaire leader of the free world while you look like a meth addict!
“He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.”
― George Bernard Shaw
@arcangel death from above George Bernard Shaw was born in Dublin,Ireland.
@Franz Kellermann sorry thought you were referring to trump. It’s been a long day.
@arcangel death from above No probs, stay healthy.
Cube Root still your president a$$ hat.
Wanna see those body bags..
Didn’t he just scolded Peter Alexander and called him a “terrible reporter” because he was being “sensationalist” by asking a legitimate question while the American people need hope?…well, I guess I am feeling rather hopeful right now with that description! What a freakin turd this “President” is. A failed attempt at empathy…
Ummm HUGE DIFFERENCE. Donny? Well he just spoke honestly and what it lacks empathy it has in sympathy…that fakenews muckraker was trolling our POTUS with morose intention. Not the same by a long shot
Trump cannot handle the truth that’s why he stays on fox’s cause he paying them off to lied hannity getting sued good I’m so glad they all party with the mob boss
@Private Private he will never note one coldences
Narcissists are blind to what they do
@SHWN SHTS Long shot thru a Whitehouse window is a great idea
Thnx !!
As the body count rises “ we are doing a excellent job” wow
M. Rici no that would be your president
I’m glad Trump is not your president@804xBroncos4Life-Gx get out of here now!
M. Rici lol if your president doesn’t get on his job we will all be gone. Not bad for a hoax
Begging S. Korea for better more accurate tests and ppe. Both had their 1st case on the same day. S. Korea is already back to normal. Meanwhile the US tallies more than double the cases than anyone in the world and now it’s looking to get the record for the most bodies. It already gets the highest body count on a daily basis. Trump’s goal of selling you a beautiful body bag will be easier. ‘We are doing a excellent job’
You’re a very stupid troll
@사인웨이브[prod. sinewavve]
“My community, where I lived…” Trump has never been part of anyone’s ‘Community’ ever. He’s a mean spirited self centered narcissist. A sociopath. Those type don’t belong to communities… They prey on them!
@Rita Tacoma did you not hear the pain and sorrow in his voice?
@Steven Bergquist No, When he comes on I change the channel , I call tell you he doesn’t have any empathy for anyone or anything. He’s a Pathological Narcissist, what you are hearing is his sorrow for himself . He can’t leave the White House, play golf , or have any rallies… He is pouting like a child .
Because clinton was better…
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
They dislike him so much in New York he can’t go back and live there, he’s changed his address to Florida …. LOL
“Have you noticed any sniffles”? – SNIFFS 5 seconds later…
Trump sees lots of body bags as a sign that the hospital staff are doing a great job.
Yes, it’s almost like Frump has no empathy for the Covid-19 victims…
You can’t control this virus.
Divine Falcon suuure.
When you have No Compassion ” You have No Understanding .
I didn’t get that out of the video
TRUMP needs t start most of his statements with the phrase’ Once upon a time’.
Trump is obviously lying. Citizen reporters go out and do what the media won’t! (empty hospitals).
“I was elected to lead not to read” the simpsons score again, americans are really in trouble with this guy.
James Ahern It depends on what comment I read, I’ve been known to get pretty insulting. But I’m old enough to know people see things from different perspectives. Having said this, for me Trump does so much that I DON’T like, it pretty often outweighs what I do.
The world is in trouble with this guy
That’s the problem, he can’t do either one …
@Christian Arrizon Ahren is a rabid Trump worshiper and a conspiracy theorist par excellence.
Wanna see those body bags..
I hate when he smiles and jokes during the most serious matters
Milo Rodriguez…he’s like “Reverend” jimmy swaggart, & “Reverand” jim bakker! He’d never make it in stand up, along with swaggart & bakker.
@Atlantic Beach Exactly and thnx. Won’t someone throw rotten tomatoes as another pulls him offstage with a Shepard’s staff? End this nightmare comedy show already
So his staff told him to go on air and show some empathy…………..and this is the best he can do??? talk about himself?
“Hoax hoax hoax. Maga. Maga. Maga. Dead. Dead. Dead.” Rhetoric of a 4 year old also called Donald Trump
SeraphimRoad you’re going to see another 4 years of him

@August West I doubt it. If he and his cronies use their emergency powers to delay coming elections indefinitely, we will have him much longer. Amazing Polly re: Colleen Smith making fake video.
Citizen reporters go out and do what the media won’t! (empty hospitals).
“There are freezer trucks full of body bags – these people are doing a fantastic job”” Proof that certain people should never have been given the power of speech and trailer loads of money.
Kitten Heels Right??? “There are so many body bags.” And very next sentence: “They’re doing a great job.” What the…???
By painting a gruesome picture he hopes you forget what he said about how his administration had this under control.
Unbelievable. This man who in the last few days has publicly criticized journalist for sensationalism and negativity, stands before the world and makes offhand comments such as these.
jeremy marke while saying he isn’t responsible, but a few years ago he said Ebola and swine flu is Obama’s fault. Funny how him and Fox News changes their tune in such a short time
And he is the president of the United States of America – a ‘big’ and ‘strong’ nation.Ridiculous isn’t it
Describes crude deadly scenario… follows with “fantastic job”…