President Trump distanced himself from the racist “send her back” chants from his rally Wednesday, but then Friday proceeded to defend the rally-goers, calling them patriotic.
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Trump calls rally-goers ‘patriots’ – The Day That Was | MSNBC
Anyone who has a parent that was arrested at a klan rally, should not be eligible to be the president of america.
Congresswoman Omar is lucky to be where she is????
No Donny YOU are lucky to be where YOU are instead of not in a orange jumpsuit sir.. but u will be eventually no doubt
@Goddess Wisdom TV Bruce Smith is just another pathetic troll.
Bruce Smith bye bye Russian moron
enigmaticmisfit obviously
.. these people are truly ridiculous. It has to hurt to be that ignorant
They don’t even know what a patriot is if they think that a patriot isn’t supposed to question their government
We question the inflow of illegal immigrants by the Government
@Squishy Potato … good for you…
@yellow dog u Mad?
They think the 1st amendment only applies to them.
@Squishy Potato …no… why?…
There was a time when being a flip flopper was not a good thing at all. Trump is a flip flopper 2 faced liar
Keisha Jones Yet he’s helping blacks more than your beloved Kenyan ever did.
You fell for their race baiting trap. The “somebody did something squad” cries racist if anybody disagrees with them, supports sharia law, open borders, and hamas.
But the Democrats in Congress didn’t flip flop when they said that there was no border crisis?
Never in the history of the west has a “so called leader” created such mayhem and hatred !!!! The world is watching America with disgust!! Americans get a grip of yourselves and vote that mad evil man out in 2020, PLEASE !!!!
One of the problems is, Trump and his supporters really don’t care what the rest of the world thinks. They are narrow minded, brain washed bigots.
Flip-flop, flip-flop, flip-flop…what an incredible weakling racist. The new George Wallace.
He is the real Kitty Kat in chief. No backbone all talk no sense, integrity, humility, character, honor, or civility. The President for a select group.
Trump, the orange George Wallace , for that matter.
George Wallace was a Democrat. All slave owners were Democrat. The KKK is Democrat. Segregation was implemented by a Democrat. Every major war was launched by Democrats. At least Trump is not a Democrat. I thank God for that.
Is Agent Orange trying to redefine what “patriot” means?
You fell for their race baiting trap. The “somebody did something squad” cries racist if anybody disagrees with them, supports sharia law, open borders, and hamas.
Healthcare Matters who raised you? The nerve to have healthcare matters as your name. Puh lease! If you support this clown of a man then healthcare clearly doesn’t matter to you.
Agent mad man Trump
All about skin color for demokkkrats…
Trump is lucky to be where he is instead of prison where he belongs.
TrumpTrain202 We might have the largest suicide in American history after he WINS. Keep you fingers crossed.
@TrumpTrain202 Ignorant Americans and Trump’s surrogate pappy Putin.
Don Williams patriot spotted
@collab. rec Nazi sympathizer.
In the early 90s I was often told to go home. Young white mother. Don’t you have kids? You should be at home.
Anyone who knows me knows I am a feminist. I love men but I don’t like it when they tell me I can’t.
If my brothers can, my sons, my husband…, I can.
First mistake was teaching me to read. Second mistake was sending me to school. I was taught to stand. Don’t tell me to sit. It will only make me stand taller.
Thanks Mom
Wednesday, he does nothing to stop the chants. Thursday , he claims he tried to stop the Chants. Today he cheering the people at the rally for doing the Chants.
Did I miss any flip flops?
unclepatrick2 I think you got it all ….. it would be funny if not that dangerous !!!
I knew he wasn’t upset about the chanting. His people urged him to act like he was, but he couldn’t keep it up for one day.
“I didn’t say that, they did!” – Trump throwing his own supporters under the bus. First he laughed and called them “dumb enough to believe anything I say.”, now he’s blaming them, saying, “I disagree with [the chants], by the way. But it was quite a chant, and I felt a little bit badly about it.”
When asked why he didn’t stop the chanting, he said, “I did, and I started speaking very quickly.”, which is a lie; he paused his speech as they chanted “send her back” at least 15 times. If he felt so badly about it, he should have stopped them after the first round. That’s how a responsible adult would have handled the situation, unfortunately, Trump is an irresponsible, dangerous, childish, lying, racist, who instead, blamed his own supporters.
But but but Linseed Graham did say this. Senator Lindsay Graham prior to castration: “He’s a race baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. He doesn’t represent my party, he doesn’t represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for.”
Meanwhile the people who are fighting for equal rights for everyone he says hates this country.
The Democrats are fighting for the rights of foreign invaders and wealthy corporate donors. Trump is fighting for the rights of every working class American to have freedom and prosperity. That’s nothing new since all slave owners were Democrats who started the Civil War because Republican Abe Lincoln was elected to end slavery. Some things never change.
KentBalzer You have that completely backwards my friend. Completely backwards.
KentBalzer man you trolls have hypocrisy nailed! “Dems fight for corporate donors” huh?
Then why is Ilhan Omar endlessly vilified for speaking out against Aipak?
Get your story right stoolie
KentBalzer bye bye Russian moron
Trump often forgets what he said 10 minutes ago, so why would we expect him to remember what he said yesterday?
Jabba the Trump didn’t forget, he just doesn’t care. I know it can be hard to believe, but he and his minions will get much worse.
*”Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism is when hate for people other than your own comes first.”* –Charles de Gaulle
Yeah, I’m sure all those cruise missiles he fired into Russian occupied Syria after his election was meant to throw us all off…
That’s right does trolls aren’t Patriots.
@KentBalzer No treason is when the president is willing accept help getting elected from the Russians in exchange for lifting sanctions, and staying out of Russia’s way in Ukraine, the middle east, and South America.
@KentBalzer Anybody who supports the Russian puppet is a traitor, anyone who is against Trump is a patriot.
GOP has put America on a self-destruct mode.
King Toilet Tweets is sticking to his typical antics, as always… No, those MAGAts were not/ are not being “Incredible Patriots.”
That is so gross!
They are getting closer, and closer, to resembling the SA, though… what a curious time, to be alive… smh
Trump’s MAGA zealots = American patriots? I don’t think so.
Ungrateful bitchs who rose to the top using their America privilege.
Aldrin and Collins looked like they’d rather be in Space than in the Oval Office…
Nadia Murad : ” ISIS killed my mother and my six brothers.”
Trump: ” So where are they?”
Nadia Murad: ” In a mass grave in Sinjar, because they’re dead, like I said.”
Trump: ” Oh really, so how are they doing?”