Can the Democratic Party keep up with the new left? The left-most wing of the party is growing and expanding, pushing platforms like Medicare for all, free college, and abolishing ICE. Though this group is the minority, the space they’re creating is the space in which the entirety of the party will have to participate in the coming elections. For example, Abolish ICE was first popularized by a twitter hashtag pushed by Sean McElwee. Now, it’s a common campaign issue that the President rails against in his speeches and that any 2020 Democratic hopeful will have to answer to. Sean McElwee pops up again in the primaries, having foreseen two of the biggest Democratic upsets months in advance. As someone at the nexus of the changing winds of the left, McElwee joins us to share his thoughts on what he sees as the way forward for the Democratic Party.
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The Left Wing Of The Democratic Party With Sean McElwee | Why Is This Happening? – Ep 20 | MSNBC
Why is this only being published now? This is like a year late! But yes thank you Chris Hayes for having this guest on.
ICE is Hitleresque.
Wow…. This was actually really good. Keep it up, Chris.
LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE THIS, CRIS!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THESE NEW SERIES!!! THIS PLUS YOUR LIVE SHOWS ARE A BLESSING TO MANY!!! Thank you for respecting us enough to do all this for us…. Its been a long time coming…BLESS YOU!
It’s pretty obvious that Zuck has become a Russian asset and will do everything he can do to help them re-elect Trump.
Big deal. Putin is an American asset. He has neglected Russia and is acting in the American interests exclusively.
@Mind Freshener
that’s not was an “asset” means. You might have thought you were typing “agent”? And asset is simply someone who can (often unknowingly) be of benefit, and so russia quietly works to help them do what the do without instruction or indication that they are helping. Indeed, the knowledge that russia is helping them might even make them question whether or not what they are doing is really a good idea.
Whereas an agent knows all of this in advance and does it anyway. Anyone who runs third party against the democrats, for example, is helping the russians. At this point they kind of have to know that it will help the russians, though, so I don’t see why hillary called them an asset instead of an agent..
@Norm alice My comment was a joke.
Yall are awesome to listen to….
I think this got uploaded about a year late.
The progressives and moderates within the democratic party can fight all they want AFTER the republicans are gone. Republicans are the chicanery party – parasites that rely entirely on the illusion of strength to continue enriching themselves. Nothing else matters to them, and it will continue to go on as long as people continue to fall for it. Be you progressive or moderate you should be proud of being a democrat – because to be a proud democrat is to have endured the baptism by fire that is the media’s disdain for anyone who isn’t a sociopath. It is to be proud of the political diversity of this country, and indeed acknowledge that that’s what defines this country.
Whereas to be a republican is to reject all of this and prefer, instead, to shrink the constitution to such a size that one could drown it in a bathtub.
A quick visual guide:
[Loonie] <-- Williamson <-- Yang <-- [Progressive] <-- Sanders <-- AOC <-- Warren <-- Beto <-- [Center Left] <-- Gabbard <-- Castro --> Mayor Pete –> [Center Right] –> Booker –> Harris –> Biden –> Pelosi –> [$$ Establishment Dems] –> Tom Steyer –> Klobuchar –> [Actually a Republican]
Delaney, Bullock, and the rest don’t really matter.
A quick visual guide:
[Loonie] <-- Williamson <-- Yang <-- [Progressive] <-- Sanders <-- AOC <-- Warren <-- Beto <-- [Center Left] <-- Gabbard <-- Castro --> Mayor Pete –> [Center Right] –> Booker –> Harris –> Biden –> Pelosi –> [$$ Establishment Dems] –> Tom Steyer –> Klobuchar –> [Actually a Republican]
Delaney, Bullock, and the rest don’t really matter.
No video = PODCAST this is YouTube, did someone FU ?
This series is garbage and is occupying the space where news is missing. Please bring back the news!
Abolish ICE? Wow, Trump is finally going after the Internal Combustion Engine in favour of sustainable energy transport!
Do video, too.
You really need to strip power from the president. We in Scandinavia, our countries are monarchies. But our Kings are ceremonial figures; They have NO power. Their job is to travel the world and make PR for our countries, to spread “glamour” to the Olympic Games, and to the ceremonies surrounding the Nobel prize. That is all, period. The ruling powers belongs to our government because we are democracies. One person can not reflect the will of a whole country, even if it is as small as our countries are. The belief in a strong leader reflects a slave mentality, where the “owner” controls the slave-people. A strong leadership is reflected in the representatives the people elect to represent them in the government. The people are more interested in the making of everyday-life become a good-life, than fooling around world-policing. That is not in line with a democratic approach towards the rest of the world. That is the slave-owners’ approach to the world. If the American people choose the strong leader, instead of a strong leadership, then you can’t have freedom of healthcare 4all, freedom of Medicare, freedom of good education, or any other kind of freedom. Today, your only “freedom” is to choose who is going to own you; In Europe the word freedom have no connection with money. Freedom is the peace in mind you have when you don’t have to worry about if you can afford to pay a medical bill if someone in your family get cancer. Is not being afraid of losing your job in case someone in your family is sick. We don’t have to worry about that. And still,, we are working. Can you get your heads around that! We work even though we have Health care4 All. 5 week paid vacation Affordable childcare, and even paid parental leave. I wish the people who work in the Bernie-party-campaign Good Luck!!! / From Scandinavia.
MSNBC can’t even afford a real video now? Breaks my heart. LOL
You mean communists?
The democratic party is dead
Whyyyyy is this happening?? Has msnbc gone out of business?? Maybe these should be put up on his own channel and not flood this feed.