Jobless claims have reached the highest number since 2017. Former Secretary of Labor for the Clinton Administration, Robert Reich, joins Katy Tur to discuss what this means for the future. Aired on 03/19/2020.
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Small Businesses Feeling Brunt Of Coronavirus Crisis | Katy Tur | MSNBC
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”….Ben F.
And the corporations have not followed this advice. They want corporate welfare.
@The Blade to buy back stocks…artificially pump up the market until……….AND WE PAY…CEO’S LINE THEIR POCKETS………THEY ARE WORSE THAN ANY BANK ROBBER
Trump is completely incapable of understanding the problem. It involves data, graphs, projections, connecting dots, conceptual thinking. I think he fundamentally cannot mentally grasp it.
Agree 100%!!! We are so far behind the 8 ball right now. Trump was told several months ago about this virus and he thought he could stay hush-hush about it and it would all just go away and he really believed that I think. Because he doesn’t understand the science or the data, graphs, and projections being shown and explained to him. Thank God we have Gov. and Mayor’s out here acting like leaders.
@Joyce Duncan Bingo!
White, democrats think preventing the coronavirus is racist and we should open the border for the virus!
Rather than taking the leadership around the world on this matter, America will now have to deal with the huge problem this incompetent president has created. Rather than cementing its standing in the world, America will now cede its place to China.
Thank you, Mr. President, your stupidity and arrogance will cost us dearly.
Yes, we will survive because America is indeed great, but we will never remember you did everything in your hands to put us in a hole.
I hope my fellow Americans understand now now why we cannot vote for a total incompetent as president. It’s not just about the market booming, it’s about leading, for God’s sake!
Well, at least we don’t hear Trump talking about how great our economy is doing now.
I wonder how many times a day t’rump asks his staff if he’s allowed to go play golf now?
He’s going crazy without his monthly rallies – his cult members praising him and cheering him on! Zero self esteem! that’s why the members of the virus task force Praise Him daily. tell Trump the role of God has already been filled!
@Joyce Duncan Facts! And monthly? He was doing that weekly. The pressure is building, with no relief. Meltdown in 3…2….
Ah…let me see, well there are 1440 minutes in a day, so that means He’s asking 1440 times a day? Something like that…
Yeah, I’m self employed with a very small company, I can’t get unemployment or this paid leave or whatever they’re calling it.
Same. They’re not gonna give us the check?
I was looking for work when this happened. Will I get the money? I wonder. Probably not. And, of course, nobody’s hiring.
@Janie Buck
EXACTLY. I won’t get a check because I’ve been looking, but out of work. Now everything is dried up with a literal flood of applicants.
If you filed a tax return you should see a deposit or check.. it aint settled out yet, it won’t be 1k per adult and 500per kid across the board. have to wait and see, it *should* be meanstested like it was the last 2x it happened (2008 came as a tax credit after fil;ing)
cruise ship? most are not even American and most of the crew are not even American.
Oh Please the airline industry does NOT need help, they will NEVER go out of business! People need HELP! This administration needs HELP!
The airlines treat their customers like crap and then wonder why they garner little sympathy. They act like they’re doing us a favor.
Ruth I AM WHAT I AM ! We need help we need healthcare provider protection before our professional workers become the next wave of infection & the care giving by professionals grinds to a halt as well as death rates of providers rising to a level that depletes our healthcare provider workforce and then all healthcare for all healthcare needs could be in peril. This is worrisome to me as a nurse. As a human I need money too. Both are needed both fast. And the workers and hospitals need it yesterday. The system is already slowing in the scramble and the fray of things. I hope and pray that they roll out bail outs one right after the other. But now!!
In order to avoid a few thousand deaths from the virus, we’re probably going to see millions of deaths due to starvation, suicide, and desperate violent crime. Astonishing.
Millions of certain deaths from the virus. Not a few thousand. But the consequences you see coming are of mismanagement and ignorance, not disease.
Agreed but this is a fire drill It will be worse soon
Great. We need a leader to help save the day. “Not” The Loan Arranger.
Loans do not sound good to me. Student loans are a good example. Paying back loans while trying to catch up? When that does that begin? 6 months?
Katie had it right. Freeze all bills.. bc sick ppl have to stay home
Why give money to rich ppl, hoping they be sincere?
$1000 doesn’t even cover rent.
Average American household has $15,000 in credit card debt. That’s just for starters.
Dummy you don’t have to pay rent
JR, Then dont take it!
Covers all my bills, but I live within my means, no debt.
Lives matter first, save our people from spreading this deadly virus…We need to contain and find the cure. The economy can recover when everything is back to normal…what we need is people need to be in good health not dying from this virus
To expect the servants of capitalism to have any kind of meaningful answer to the latest crisis of the system is expecting too much. Only a post-capitalist logic is capable of providing said answers.
Oroborus, Then go to Italy it has everything you want! I wish you luck with your free healthcare in the perfect land of Italy!
Forget loans! Why should we have to pay for it? We pay enough!
Janie, I hope you were not a Bernie supporter!
No loans, dump waited so now we need 5k to get us through…we die, our country dies, PERIOD! NO ONE CAN LIVE WITHOUT WORKING.
So I guess Andrew Yang’s $1000/month wasn’t such a bad idea now was it?
The Healthy, Not during a emergency!
Freeze everything and pay us our regular paycheck.
20% IS a depression. Dumpy owns this.
The average pay for workers now is $1,000 a week well now I guess I’ll just unretire it’s only been two and a half years; I guess they waiting for me to stop working to start paying
Crazy. People who need loans can’t get them. So who the fk cares about interest rates?