Annie Bergeron-Oliver reports from the NDP campaign, where Leader Jagmeet Singh said Trudeau and O'Toole would 'both be bad' for Canadians.
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At work already. Taking advantage of the scandal.
So would that sellout gangster Sackmeat ..
Haha my wife calls him gagmeat
what makes him a “gangster”?
Says the one who posed for photos at the gravesites of Residential School victims just a few short weeks ago…
Yeah, that was a ridiculous photo op
Yeah, not the best optics.
Why would you criticize the Liberals when your party has propped them up time after time.
voter insanity is electing liberal and conservatives governments and expecting a different result. end the voter insanity and vote for anyone who isn’t conservative or liberal
@ricky starduster PPC!
@linda weller Lazy? I am a working professional who wants to live in a society where we all take care of each other. If my taxes go up, so be it.
@ricky starduster Do you really think the NDP or Greens would be better?
Both are “bad”? In last 40 years election, we have been choosing between bad apples and bad oranges. Anything new?
@Justin Minello Do you always project this much?
@Justin Minello Take your radicalized racism and shove it sideways…9 times out of ten the ones crying “racism ” are the most ignorant and racist ones of all…!!!
@Justin Minello was just speaking your language bud
@straife1 Naw, would rather stick with NDP.
Over the last 2 years I got the impression that Singh and Trudeau were Siamese twins joined at the hip. What happened? A fraternal dispute?
@Brad K His mask hypocrisy made that readily apparent.
Just shows how much of an opportunist Singh is.
@DPhyre LMAO@U!
Yeah hard not to spot the differences unless you’re blind. Both are fos.
@DPhyre agreed 100 percent
Justin’s pocket snake out for a morning slither I see.
Pffft Singh….it’s partially HIS fault for joining the Liberals LAST election
@Charzan Boo nice copy and paste
As opposed to what, joining the Conservatives?
@TheRealPVC Copy and paste is an example of a verifiable fact’s, verifiable fact published verifiable facts! I think it goes much further than just your opinion!
@Frank Zapplin Venezuela doesn’t have a democratic government, so BIG difference. If the NDP mismanages the country, vote them out in 4 years.
@TheRealPVC Thank you for noticing and right back at you
He’s in Trudeau back pocket
no he is not he made trudeau double the cerb and fought for paid sick leave and and got help for students and actually supports pharmacare which the conservatives and liberals blocked. stop the voter insanity of electing conservative and liberal governments and expecting a different result. Vote For anyone Not conservative or Liberal
Seriously? The guy who makes tik toks all day?!?!?!
The future belongs to the youth! And with climate changes they would have to worry about debt!
@Wayne Polk the only thing the new generation is not worried about is debt ! they are too busy with all those PC shits that they don’t have time to financially educate themselves !
Uh he was skateboarding and drinking an energy drink! Cool.
I feel the same way about NDP
my take is liberal worst of the worst. NDP bad and Conservative mediocre.
I voted for O Tool myself. I don’t like NDP because of the provincial government in BC
@Just Working for the weekend but provincial and federal are not the same
@Jeremy Dove Yea but it is same ideas
Stop voter insanity stop voting for liberal and conservative governments. Vote for anyone Not conservative or liberal. and what do you expect no one wanted an electing during the pandemic and sing doubles the cerb got help for students got the paid sick leave he is at least trying to help canadians
We need changes in Ottawa!!!! PPC!!!
Yeah! lets jump in the fire!
PPC!!! Let’s take back our Freedoms
On a side note, love the hypocrisy of Trudeau/Singh lecturing Canadians on the urgency of the climate crisis, then board their full size commercial airliners and fly all over the country to deliver that message.
Too bad Vancouver’s Harbor air electric airplane can’t fly across the country just yet! I would double him on my ebike but I don’t think the extension card would go that far.
Lol politician says his opponents would be “bad”. Jesus some ground breaking reporting here.
What else? Water is wet?
I can confirm that water is indeed wet.
Ridiculous isn’t it, this is just rubbish. There’s no journalistic integrity in this country. It’s gone. It’s almost like saying the government can be trusted.
They all share the same bed….doesn’t matter who is elected…they are all the same
Vote PPC F or real change.
Yes, and winter is usually cold as summer is warm.
@christopher moltisanti and maybe sometimes salmon
Sadly, NONE of the three stooges have a clue. Singh is so naive that he thinks he can get billions in taxes out of the riches. Yes, there is a Tooth Fairy. O’Toole didn’t want to meet the climate change target. So he is proposing to lower the bar. And then there is Trudeau who thinks the budget would balance itself. Sigh.
Singh cant talk he sided the liberals on everything for years. I was ndp for years done with them
The roaring carbon emitting NDP jet in the background says all we need to know about Jag.
How would you prefer he travel long distances during an election period, or anytime for that matter?
@Dual Hearts Personally I don’t care how he travels, it’s his hypocrisy that bothers me. The other two aren’t any different there either so moot point all around I guess
@Dual Hearts I prefer he and his family get on a jet and fly back to mumbai with their millions.
Jagmeet : “Trudeau and O’Toole are bad for Canada”
Trudeau : “Jagmeet and O’Toole are bad for Canada”
O’Toole : “Jagmeet and Trudeau are bad for Canada”
Canadian politics as usual.
Maybe they’re all right for once.