Watch our fiery debate between editor of Ian Dunt and former Breitbart correspondent and current New York Observer columnist Andre Walker
Watch our fiery debate between editor of Ian Dunt and former Breitbart correspondent and current New York Observer columnist Andre Walker
Yes he should!! ! It would be good for both countries..
Nigel Farage is a hero here in the USA!! If all the crybaby Leftists Brits
don’t want him, I’m quite sure we can expedite his immigration papers!!
watcherjohnny can the 17M+ who voted Brexit have their immigration papers
as well because the corrupt powers in the EU/UK are doing their best to
halt Brexit.
I just want trump to do a trade deal with the UK so we can stick the middle
finger up to the EU..trump and Nigel will lead us into a better future.
Nigel’s middle finger is already firmly up his bottom. And apparently, he
likes it.
how butthurt was the guy on the left?
Sirian LJB , About as butthurt as a public school educated, cultural
Marxist can be. He’s the editor of Typical privileged,
entitled nobody who thinks he’s important.
Yet he had some good points, the chap on the right came across as a
submissive idiot incapable of rational thought.
get him knighted first
Perhaps President Elect Trump when POTUS should give Nigel Farage US
Citizenship if the UK can’t do the right thing here.
No surprise that the biggest liars support each other
Spit it out skynews .just show skynews editors biting their nails for five
i think this job will really fit nigel he is strong and capable he deserve
this job well done!
No, Farage should not be ambassador,….Farage should be Prime Minister…
The will of the people backed Nigel for Brexit, the will of the people
elected Trump, so by rights the will of the people should be able to get
Farage the where he needs to be…
The fact that Donald Trump had to tweet the idea says a lot about the Trump
and May relationship.
Not entirely, this couldn’t be sold to the UK public without a big display
of support really.
Trump has shown he’s good at motivating large groups of people. I wouldn’t
be surprised if he had done both, she has also discussed the idea I think.
Jesus take the wheel
Make him the ambassador to Romania, that would be much funnier. Go on
Boris, do it!
make him primenister he would get rid of all alibabas out just like trump
Wow, this Sky News presenter really hates the idea of journalistic
Wonder if the guy on the left had the same line when Pres Obama told the UK
people how to vote in the referendum. Nah don’t think so.
Sign my petition to support the idea guys:
who are these two retards arguing?