A group of US senators, including the vice chair of the Senate Intelligence committee, received a classified briefing Wednesday about a series of reported encounters by the US Navy with unidentified aircraft, according to a congressional aide.
#CNN #News
*This information will bankrupt the country.* Trump will seek funds to build a space wall to keep them out.
Alien President: There was no collusion with Earth. Fake News!
love you 3000
Felixx Denolo Donald has no intelligence
It probably took a lot of effort to reach earth. Why would the aliens keep their presence a secret after such a difficult journey? What do they gain by doing surveillance runs? Clearly they don’t need our technology.
Jim Jordan: Clinton paid the aliens to compile the dossier!
She would do anything that’s for sure.
Made me laugh
Somebody tell “Dumbo” that they’ve been seeing this stuff since 1947 !
I don’t believe aliens visit our planet, but I also don’t believe our planet is the only planet that has intelligent life. It’s a big universe out there
@dee Actually not turned into Myth but rather turned into faith. Faith is way more dangerous or good than myth. Myth is a story that was once faith. And while you are clearly on the side of relegating the Bible to myth status you are also by far the minority on this planet. But that said I’m sorry just being pedantic. I very much see how people could interchange alien visitation into a faith.
You watch too much TV. Go outside moron
@Juan Perez You’re probably one of those idiotic morons that believe we are the only planet with intelligent life in the entire universe huh? Get over yourself you’re not that special.
Relax guys. Its only people from the future. No big deal.
time is NOT linear, get a clue
Baseless speculation. It would be cool though.
@Alexandre Gomes yes… Baseless speculation

Awww. That’s cute you think there will be one long enough for our stupid species to develop such technology.
@GEORDI Is BACK! Except for if we built one it could only go as far back as it was invented. So it’s been around for awhile.
Trumps gonna deport these guys too. It’s only a matter of time
@Robert Miller its night time where I am buddy and haven’t replied for like ten hours
I see you are tapping out anyways all good
one for the road. Why doesnt trump wear glasses? Because he has 2020 vision!!
@will drew Nah i was busy with my job you should try getting one as for 2020 lmao how did those midterms work out for you .
@Robert Miller I do work.
He won quite a lot of seats. More then Obama actually. So what is your point.
@will drew https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/11/21/democrats-won-house-midterms-largest-margin-since-watergate/2084052002/
that is a real fact not a alternative one take your time read it slowly if you ask nicely i will help you with the big words.
Alien: take me to your leader

Me: suuuuuure, keep him as long as you like. Oh… and uh… he loooooooved probes
They are just trying to find Elon Musk (their Kal-el).
Operation distract from the potential catastrophic wasteful Iran war with Aliens commence!
AATIP was started in 2012, the Nimitz Tic-Tac was encountered in 2004. This is not a distraction, this has been a long time in the works. I’m not certain exactly what this is all about but it is not about Iran… though if you look up “1976 Tehran UFO Incident” on Wikipedia you’ll find some fascinating material to consider.
These videos are Airforce jets practicing tracking dummy missiles.
Good call.
The Men in Black promotion campaign really goes too far.
So I guess the pilots and the navy are all in on this to promote MIB, darn it.
Andy Daniel No,
Columbia pictures budget is big enough to buy time slots on CNN
The device is bullshit: the product of pilot oxygen-deprivation induced hallucination (which is incredibly common) and creepy ghost stories passed along through branches of the armed forces
Why, you ask? Because people are fucking idiots and want to believe in aliens.
And The fact that you’re even attempting to argue in favor of extra terrestrial advanced technology is NOT boding well for your critical thinking.
_”Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”_ – Arthur C. Clarke
or, according to Sean Carroll’s view on quantum mechanics, we have a superposition of both!
@Miles Patricola Why do you think aliens have higher moral standards and are more mature?
There is a third possibility
@Miles Patricola if you look at it in terms of probability, let’s assume 2 possible outcomes: 1, they’re friendly, 2, they annihilate us. Or something to those effects…
Without any further knowledge about their attitudes (such as previous performance of a sports team can adjust future odds predictions) basically we have to assume each outcome is equally likely. A 50% chance of death is pretty terrifying.
@Miles Patricola if they discover us they might have already discovered a million other alien species and don’t even care to study us but are like a child with a hose next to an ant nest
I was for once exiting that Drumf was not on the news
little did I know 
Alien: take me to your leader
Me: He hates aliens
You all are all stupid. Keep making up stories in your head morons
@Juan Perez

only the illegal ones.
he doesn´t hate aliens, he hates ILLEGAL aliens and normal people hate idiots like you!
Create New Myths while old are Getting District.

Alien – Take me to your leader
Staff member- Well he’s having executive time at the moment. Will you please reschedule your invasion.
How can you make such an interesting topic boring…
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber Man you’re so edgy and cool.
Bcuz news reporters are like robots, no real human expression just reading script. Beep boop
What the hell is so interesting about an unidentified object. Pilot1: what was that? Pilot2: I don’t know. Pilot1: oh. Pilot2: uh? Pilot1: never mind.
Aliens: Take us to your leader.
Putin: Привет.
*F-16 Pilots moving at supersonic speed say the UFOs were running rings around them*
There’s plenty of videos showing UFOs coming from the ocean from underwater near LA
“How advanced are these humans?”
“Well, they have mastered nuclear weapons”
“So they are intelligent?”
“I wouldn’t go that far. They have pointed the weapons at them selves…”