As the U.S. battles the coronavirus and dangerous misinformation about it, Dr. Anthony Fauci has emerged as the leading medical expert on the Trump administration’s virus task force. New polling shows Americans trust him far more than Pres. Trump, and this report shows how presidents in both parties have long valued Fauci’s nonpartisan scientific expertise since he emerged as a leader in the fight against AIDS in 1984. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on that history and Fauci’s prescient warnings about a “respiratory illness that can be spread from person to person,” and how that type of infectious disease means “nowhere in the world is completely safe when there's an epidemic raging in one part of the world.” (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber,” a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 04/21/2020.
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See Dr. Fauci's Stunning Pandemic Warning – Long Before Trump Minimized Coronavirus | MSNBC
You can bet Trump is trying to find a way to get rid of Fauci right now
He should!
@merrily beck Fauchi needs to be replaced by a scientist who is not on Bill Gates agenda.
@Shaken Not Stirred Bill Gates said healthier populations lowers birth rates, as healthy people have less children, which will ease resource strain on the planet. Unfortunately he is right. The real conspiracy is how Trump allowed the CDC to fail while ignoring reports of a coming pandemic since 2017
Fauci’s facts doesn’t fit Trumps propaganda which right wing think tanks determined hurts his ratings so instructed their troll farms to attack Fauci as a deflection from Trump’s failure. A similar drama is unfolding between Bolsonaro and his health minister. Populist propaganda versus facts and reality are incompatible
@Rose Rose but this is his manipulation. that is not his true plan. he wants to put liciferase in the vaccines. look that up! its a devil drug. enhances you for 5-10 days then you go absolutely crazy.. 100% addictive and makes you prone to suicide and homicide. its a devil drug. the elite want to get rid of all of us and have the planet for only their families. The 5G will destroy our wildlife and farms. The vaccines will destroy us. whats left of us, we will still die because our food will be ruined. The magnetic fields in the earth for 2020 are very similar to the magnetic fields of 1918.. which makes 5G super dangerous this year.
You know that things have to be pretty bad when you look back on GW Bush with even the slightest degree of fondness.
@rj zander Watch these vieos they tell the whole truth since before Trump was even elected and hottie who breaks all down will set the record straight. The next three will show you what Dem’s don’t want you to see and are hiding. The truth.
@Quercus rubra We have tested more people than the entire planet combined. You need to consider an alternative news source since it sounds like you have only been listening to one side of the argument or do your own research as I have done.
If you watch the last link I sent you you would see 4 top wealthy democrat donors were hiding just under 50 million masks they purchased before the virus was even reported? All buddies of Bill Gates. Barr tracked them down through sales receipt records he can pull up anywhere in the world. Went on national TV said they better donate them or they will be getting a knock on their door. All 4 listed below donated them the next day. Reporters were cracking on Trump then about masks like you are now about testing. Barr found they were being hidden in warehouses to cause a fake shortage so the press could attack Trump. Apple had 9 million, Face Book had 250 thousand, Tesla had close to 400 thousand and one named by the company name had 40 million masks? They certainly didn’t need the money. Wake up this was a setup and planned to hurt Trump’s record breaking economy to level the playing field right before the election but Trump stopped all flights from China and didn’t listen to the other 21 people in the room including WHO and Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. Dem politicians called him racist for doing it. It stopped the spread from getting worse and shortened the time needed to get back to work. Caught the Dem’s off guard or why else would they now be saying we can’t work until we get the vaccine and cracking on any other drugs which have shown they work? Admit it, it all sounds planned and most likely is as the fake Russian dossier was and that time Dem’s involved 5 liberal foreign countries who wanted world trade with TPP agreement Hillary had lined up and so they could rip us off even more like China, Mexico and Canada had been doing since the NAFTA deal Bill Clinton lined up and helped destroy our country Trump finally put an end to. Barr and Durham visited and investigated.and interviewed. One being Canada who then donated 375k to the lab in China in 2017. After Dr. Fauci did 3.75 million in 2015 and broke the law that was passed in 2014 not to give money to labs working on pandemic viruses? Dem’s are busted again. Dr. Fauci is a democrat.
@Poemi10304 what’s sad is how dumb you people are.
Joe Gerr right it’s all a sham, the CFR and others run the US. The only thing is it’s not just the dems, they work together and the UN is king.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha….Thank you! I really needed to laugh x x x
Those 36% were dropped on their heads as children.
+Silly Luck maybe BIRX instructed them that all trump votes needed to go to Fauci, just like all deaths have to be counted as CV19
I trust Fauci as much as I trust mystery meat.
@todd easterday lolll not verified by me heard saw sealed indictment dr fauci???
The it’s just flu and don’t wear mask thing is unforgivable. All of the downplaying by MSM(not just fox news all of em) and politicians is unacceptable and they need to be held accountable. The fact it looks like fauci funded gain of function (improving viruses) research at the Wuhan lab on bat coronavirusrs is insane
Wuhan gain of function. For human infections.
You people are out of your minds. What is Dr. Fauci’s motive? You’re telling me you believe in and support Trump, who makes the insane inquiry into ingesting caustic cleaners, or UV light, which is deadly in and of itself.
@todd easterday An epidemiologist who is the head of the Centre for Disease Control giving a speech in which he predicts another pandemic? My god, it’s almost like he was doing his job! It’s almost like it’s his duty to prepare for pandemics or something!
Just because your boy Trump is incompetent and myopic doesn’t mean everyone else is
ALL of these people need to be the first vaccinated by Fauci before he’s ARRESTED for treason and crimes against humanity
@simon6071 ‘Regarding Maatje Benassi. GOOGLE: Exclusive: She’s been falsely accused of starting the pandemic. Her life has been turned upside down’
You have an open mind? Your statement above comes straight out of western MSM handbook. Look deeper. Wake up!
Google the newsweek article about fauci funding gain of function (modifying a virus to improve it). I’ve been posting the link but I don’t wanna get flagged for spam. Spread it around though. I was considering the US theory too but it’s basically the same thing right? We funded that research(secreah big review) so we are trying to put the blame on them in any case. The fauci/nih stuff is just stronger evidence I think.
It’s not a predication when you have people actively working on it it’s a PLAN.
Gates Event 201 pandemic simulation happened in Oct 2019. Gates already knew it was about to happen, just 2 mths later.
Why dont you mention how he help fund the Wuhan research lab a few years ago in your press release.
No, he’s not our country’s top doctor. He is on the side of corruption.
Did you see the newsweek article?
They’re ignoring on MSM so far
He took 3.7 million dollars to wuhan china. The virus belong to Fauci. He is a devil.
@technoway he was in the NIH… and he did when Obama was in office. FAUCHI IS A SERIAL KILLER!!
It was more like 7.5 million… To weaponize (Gain of Function) the bat virus. Dr Peter Daszak was the lead “researcher”.
lovethyself 888 – Shut Up with your Conspiracy Theories! Dr. Fauci is the Top Leading Respected Virologist for the country since the AIDS epidemic. Listen to him and the experts not tRump and Faux News and TV doctors!
@Jason Day
Gates is major Shareholder of Pirbright. He funded their 3 virologist ” inventors” of coronavirus sourced from infected UK egg laying fowl.
US / worldwide Patent application 2015.
Same year Gates TED TALK “we,’re not ready for a pandemic”.
How did Gates know? Oh just a slight oversight on his part…he already had the Coronavirus in his back pocket from Pirbright who patented it in UK 2014.
Same year 2015 Wuhan lab scientist collaborated with 2 US researchers on a Coronavirus article published in UKs Natural Medicine journal.
US patent approved 2018.
Oct 2019 Gates Docu Event 201 simulation of the world in a pandemic.
2 mths later by Dec 31st. World heard from China of Wuhan leak and pandemic starting. How did Gates know again?
Gates and Fauci in this together.
True Wuhan lab took a Coronavirus from birds and mutated it intentionally using bats, making it more virulent pathogenically until it transmitted to humans. Gates already funded and Shareholder of Pirbright Institute Patented invention of Coronavirusfrom infected fowl by 2015. The Wuhan lab top scientist collaborated in 2015 with 2 US researchers on Coronavirus published in UK Natural Medicine journal.
So he killed millions of people by holding off the aids medicine , and these stupid reporters and fake news cannot report that!!
@Steve and Jenny
Dr Mikovits led the team that published a paper suggesting a connection between the XMRV retrovirus and ME/CFS.The XMRV paper was later retracted in 2011.Dr. Mikovits participated in a large study in 2012 that indicated that there was no association between Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and either Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus or Polytropic Murine Leukemia Virus.
Heres the reference
@Steve and Jenny another reference
@Steve and Jenny another person talking about it, waken up yet brother?
Steve and Jenny – Dr. Fauci created the treatment for AIDS that saved millions of people. George Bush gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom for that. The fake news is attacking him now.
Sorry Dr. FAUCI has blood in his hands in this Pandemic. You know that Doctor.
Dr Fauci has saved more lives and done more good than you ever will anti-vaxxer. Vaccines save lives, Anti-vaxxers lie.
Mark R no one is anti-vaccine, you just have to question why certain events are happening in our world instead of being a robot and following whatever mainstream media puts out. The way this whole corona situation has unveiled has many people questioning our world leaders role in this pandemic and those are just the facts.
Mark R why are the number of deaths being construed to make the virus more deadly than it actually is, why was there affordable treatment available for the virus late last year but now when it spread to a pandemic, a basic drug now is “unavailable”. This whole 2020 has felt extremely off and I truly believe the world that we had known before will never be the same. Because someone dies with virus inside of them does not mean they died from complications of the virus. Lack of testing has our nation and the world in mass hysteria and it’s the government’s fault. Why is this happening when we’ve known about this virus for years.
@Fecal Matter Sorry but I have looked into all the Conspiracy theories floating around at the moment and they just don’t hold water.
All conspiracy theorists do is shout ‘Don’t trust the mainstream media!’ which is basically everything that proves them wrong. A report in a medical journal discredits their claims? Conspiracy! A fact checker website proves that their Conspiracy theories aren’t true and originate from an Instagram post? It’s all part of the conspiracy man!
No way mister, hello dig more on the evils of this Doctor.
No different that medical EXPERIMENTS carried out under Hitler and Himler
If pelosi like him and then we have to worry
Saroja Krieg Isn’t that the truth!
Nope Faucci is part of the World’s problems…right along with the other LUCIFERIANS..
Crimes against humanity.
Dr. Fauci, is of deep state that was part of creating Corona virus. Check his background.
Exactly!! And he and Bill Gates are directly funding the vaccine for it so they can receive even more money!
He is the reason for this whole mess
DR. Death is finally being exposed! Listen to Dr. Judy Mikovits who worked with him -real eye opener!! I’m sure msnbs would never cover her story? Time to wakeup people
When Dr Judy Mikoits tried to expose him, he had her arrested without a warrant, sent to jail without a trial and held there for a time without legal representation or ever being charged. He distroyed he life and said if she ever told the truth she would be back in jail. See everything you can on this brave women before the Deep State has her “Epsteined” If there is a real and true Nazi in this world, it is “Dr” Fauci
Is Y T protecting Fauci? They’ve removed Dr Judy Mikovits 2 hour long interview. She’d been a scientist employee of Fauci since the 80s. Fauci had her jailed 5 yrs for blowing the whistle. Dr Mikovits said documents were “planted ” to get the arrest. She says Fauci committed “treason and crimes against humanity. ” She refused to get involved in Faucis alleged corruption.
This is the link YT removed content from within the last week or so. Suppression of freedom of speech and TRUTH
He worked on aids alright, no cure even though cure was found that was the so called doctor at work, he is at it again with this country and world wide
so guys how are we gonna stand for ourselves and our families and friends? how are we to fight the corrupted?
Our country is being run by sociopaths.
The more you find out about Fauci the more corrupt you will realize he is. He’s making billions off of patents he’s acquired by using government money and through information he’s stolen from other doctors!!!