Rep. Stephanie Murphy comments on a restrictive Florida voting bill: "If you have good ideas and good values, then you should be confident to battle those out and allow and encourage every American to vote."
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Rep. Stephanie Murphy On Florida Voting Bill | MSNBC
I thought Florida was all about freedom? Florida residents need to wake up! It will be like another Cuba soon! Sad!
@jerome dupree the country and beauty of it, but not the dictatorship. Apparently that’s what Florida Trump Republicans want…they like that “mind control” and “conspiracy” BS…did Q send you???
@MAC Karma29 fun fact. The national board of realtors says record numbers of new new Yorkers and Californians are moving to states like Florida, Texas, and Tennessee. Hmmmm
Voter ID laws means freedom.
Justin Bradburn ….IDs are fine, but restricting voting times and limiting locations is a sign of fear.
If you have to RESTRICT freedoms to win, YOU’RE PATHETIC!!!
@MAC Karma29 how does extending the hours from 9 to 5 till 7 to 7 less hours? Math escapes you.
Wasn’t the Republicans complaining that it Biden would get in he would be doing the same thing they are doing? Strange isn’t it they become the Communist party.
@Justin Bradburn No lol. They are a different ideology.
@Justin Bradburn The majority of fascistic nations have been actively imperialistic, though some have kept to themselves. Fascism is totalitarian, meaning that within the fascist state, no value can be defined outside of the state, and therefore the state becomes godlike in its relationship to its citizens. Gender roles, religion, race, and other individual aspects of human identity are regulated and controlled within the fascist state. In theory, communism’s operating principle is this: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” A perfect communistic system would therefore have it that everyone would receive equal resources. Each would give according to his or her gifts, and receive whatever resources were needed for survival. Everyone would receive fair pay, and nobody would want for food, shelter, medicine, or other basic life needs. In theory, communism’s operating principle is this: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” A perfect communistic system would therefore have it that everyone would receive equal resources. Each would give according to his or her gifts, and receive whatever resources were needed for survival. Everyone would receive fair pay, and nobody would want for food, shelter, medicine, or other basic life needs.
@T.A. ACKERMAN, you’re wrong.
@Jim River, the results was always iron fisted genocide, thusly communism is exactly the same thing as fascism.
@Justin Bradburn Saying they have the same “end result” certainly does not make them the exact same. Communism is a socially left-wing “egalitarian” evolution of socialism focused on class equality, a planned economy, the elimination of bourgeois property, and inclusive social equality in general. Fascism is a socially right-wing “hierarchical” evolution of socialism focused on exclusive social hierarchy and nationalism, which may or may not implement a socialist economy
Just VOTE republicans OUT!! Then REVERSE it!!!
This will not stick. Vote Ron DeSantis off.
It’s gonna stick.
@Justin Bradburn I bet you voted for trump.
@SGT. Torouk, proud to say I did. And I’d do it again without hesitation.
Still waiting for any evidence that the 2020 election had widespread voter fraud.
But hey, GQP, don’t let that get in the way of your voter suppression! I’m sure all the old republicans who vote by mail won’t be affected by this either!

@Justin Bradburn Feel free to show us that “mountain of proof,” numb nut!

@Nick Lawson I have a feeling Nick has as much proof as the My Pillow Guy has rational thoughts.

@Justin Bradburn
2 + 2 does not equal 5 gramps.
No matter how much hydroxychloroquine and bleach you ingest.
@Nick Lawson, everywhere you’re ignoring.
@Ro G With 212Million registered voters and 66.2% voting,140.344 M voted. Now if Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66.344 M for Biden. These numbers don’t add up to what we are being told. Lies and more Lies!
Voter suppression has become the sad state of America

Florida seems to get dumber by the day. Anyone with common sense should move.
Best state in America
Funny. More people are moving in.
Most people down there were conceived on the Florida gas station bathroom.
All demoKKKrats are literally kkk members
@Justin Bradburn Just like their Grandpappys.
Patriots like Rep. Stephanie Murphy inspire the next generation to Rise Up — Go to the ballot box to defeat the cowardly voter suppressors.
But how if we are suppressed?
Good stop the voter fraud before it gets started.
All demoKKKrats are literally kkk members
Please explain “JIM CROW 2.0”
@jerome dupree they cant.
Ha Ha , George and Florida have lost thier way ????? They’re Southern States this is thier legacy people from the east coast who move to or visit there are complicit
You know what’s funny. People from NY are moving to Florida and people from California are moving to Texas.
It needs to go to the Supreme Court!
The only inconvenience for me voting in FL will be remembering that I have to request a mail-in ballot for EVERY election instead of every couple of elections. Until a federal law is passed to set uniform minimum standards for elections, we’ll just have to work twice as hard to cast our vote and defeat the GQP.
The voting bills stacked the deck in GOP favor.
Cry me a river.
Floridians love this bill
ID’s are racisms.
It’s really undemocratic when you have a president who has scammed his way into power
I got the vaccine today first dose and I feel perfectly fine
. The process was less than 15min.
Well it’s not surgery
No tagline on the end? I like this.
Good stop voter fraud before it starts.