Rep. John Lewis will be honored in a private memorial service at Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church in Selma, Alabama.
Following the ceremony, the public will be allowed to pay respects to the late civil rights icon as he lies in repose. On Sunday, his remains will be taken across the Edmund Pettus Bridge one last time.
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He betrayed Dr. king. He was a racist and filled his pockets with the money the same as his look alike brother Elijah Comings.
God bless the life and legacy of Representive John Lewis, a man humility, dignity, sinceretly and ethical principles. May he rest in power and serve a beacon of united hope for a divided nation.
What are you talking about do some research the man was an evil sellout to everything MLK stood for
*The sellout deserves not tribute!*

He did nothing good
He skipped president Trumps inaugural so one thing we know for sure, he is no peace maker…but a trouble maker.
.. God bless you John Lewis I know god is say well done my good and faithful servant

Did Elijah Cummings die again?
No his cousin did. Go to zoonews.youll see.
Rep. Elijah Cummings passed nine months ago.
@Nancy Jackson John Lewis is Elijah Cummings. It is the same person.
@Kim Kerchner They are NOT the same person! GTFOH
@Nancy Jackson Nancy, they sure look like the same person. Why are you telling me to GTFOH, that is not very tolerant. I thought the followers of John Lewis or Elijah Cummings taught love and tolerance. Are you related to Michael Jackson from the Jackson Five. I loved the trick Michael did when he set himself on fire and sang Bad. He was my favorite pedophile singer. I have Michaels other glove.
John Lewis was a leader for black people
I’m not very familiar with Sen. Lewis’ long political career.
Could someone tell me what his greatest ten legislative achievements that bettered the lives of all Americans?
Steel Boss
He’s ya mommas daddy. Ask her.
@The Golden Jaguar Hi Golden shower.. my mom was born in 1933 and died in 1997. If this fairy was my grandpa, he would have to be about 117 years old, and likely would not be surfing the internet too much. So, let’s propose a different story. Let’s say that while you were dining on the southern end of a northern-facing female camel ~ Mr. Camel, who was near-sighted – just happened to have a chubby all ready and located your happy cupcakes as the recipient of a month’s load of sugar-free frosting… what do you think about that? Happy ending, yeah?
@Steel Boss haha that must be real sticky on both ends lol.
Steel Boss
He’s four years younger than your mother. I’m guessing they met in the 50’s sometime, and that your mother, when she was alive, started calling him daddy sometime after the Selma incident in the sixties. Does that timeline seem correct?
Nu Yorc
I’m sure that’s your expertise. Why ask questions when you’re the authority on the topic?
What is it with you trailer apes and intimacy with beasts?
Burn Loot Murder
“Don’t wait for the right moment to start, start and make each moment right.” #quotes69 #viral69
I love reading all of these hateful comments about John Lewis. That let’s me know that he accomplished a great work. “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!” —St. Luke 6: 26
He was a hateful race baiter in his final years. The man they will be burying today is far removed from the man that should be praised.
@Eric Velasquez
John Lewis fought for your rights as well.
Your stupid the man started out good great then he sold himself out to the very government that killed Martin Luther King wake up useful idiot
@Eric Donovan
Be quiet, you moron.
The Edmund Pettus bridge should be renamed after John Lewis. After all, Edmund Pettus was a Confederate officer. Let’s spread the word.
Go to send link to others
@who is
Okay, thanks! I didn’t realize a petition had already started.
The ‘Nutty Professor’ was a funny movie. RIP Jerry Lewis.
The Almighty Creator took Dr. King before the age of 41 the age of responsibility therefore he was sent to Heaven otherwise he would have been nullified all his work by falling into idol worship and worship a fake name Jesus which you would never find this name in any original scripture especially the Original Bible in Aramaic language. So as Malcolm X who died before the age of 41 otherwise he would have been fall in that so called Islam another religion which is not authorized by the Almighty Creator. But unfortunately John did not make it that was why he had to suffer at the end of his life. The law in the Almighty Creator’s system is: “Nothing BAD Happens to you If you follow the Rules of the Almighty Creator, He is the Best Protector”. “Anything BAD happens to you is from your own wrong doings”. “Anything Good happens to you is from the Almighty Creator.”
Why did u play supermarket songs?
Hopefully Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters will be next to go.
They’ll go after your mama you TROLL!!
@Nancy Jackson Nancy, you are not being a very nice LGBTQ person. You called Tom a Troll, and you told me to GTFOH. Do you need a time out? Start treating others with dignity and respect, and others will treat you the same way. The only reason Tom wants Al Sharpton and Maxine Waters to go next is because Maxine took James Brown’s hair piece, and Al Sharpton is tired on getting a process. He wants to go back to the good days of Jerry Curl. Always glad to add a helping hand. Say hello to Tito and Janet for me.
I am shocked they did not make some super hero congressman out of John Conyers, they now want to make a big deal out of when the #DumboCraps black politicians!!!