Rep. Val Demings, D-Fl., discusses balancing public safety and reopening portions of the country's economy, why Americans should continue listening to doctors and if she would consider being Biden's VP running mate if asked. Aired on 5/6/2020.
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Rep. Demings Would Be 'Honored' To Serve With Biden If Asked | Morning Joe | MSNBC
“People who elect corrupt politicians are not victims but accomplices” George Orwell
@aixelsyd tcefrep Not only did fox downplay this they criticized some stations news as spreading hysterical panic about the virus. And a few did, but most covered it well.
@Jeff Woods still haven’t explained why you lie for Trump? Are you a paid troll?
@Jeff Woods, you need an exorcism, STAT!
@aixelsyd tcefrep Btw, that’s great user-name. Maybe I have a problem, because I recognized what this was right away? lolol
@Jeff Woods Jeff, in all fairness, it really doesn’t matter what news network downplayed or up-played COVID19…… least it shouldn’t matter. What _does_ matter is what went on in the White House. At least I would hope the US president isn’t basing important decisions and actions on what news agencies are broadcasting, no matter who they are. That sounds dangerous.
Obama picked a competent honest vice-president; please do as well President Biden.
I like her, been very impressed during her committees hearings. She appears to be highly honest, strong and compassionate.
John Hillman Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you.
@flugsven they screwed up harris and warren…and the Iowa app…theyre busy little beavers with their paws mucking up everything. Sorry for your loss. And mine, too.
@frictionRx9 f-ing stupid racist american
flugsven Creepy Joe is such a winner

Dog Poo Fairy. And WTF a parent have to leave his child alone in a room with any adult that is not a close relative? I wouldn’t leave him/her with Biden, but neither with Trump, Melania, Pope Francisco, Beyonce, the neighbor, Jackie Chan and anybody else. Got it?
Demings is a very good politician and would be a good vice president. She is well-spoken and intelligent as evidenced by her performance in the impeachment hearing.
@Candice Martin People voted for him. A lot did. Ask them why.
@Candice Martin You all failed to give Bernard Sanders the vote push he needed. He was counting on people like you.
Karen Byrd I want Bernie or anyone but Biden. I will never vote for pedo Biden
America is not ready for a Black female VP. Too racist and sexist. A white female may slip through, because the hate for Trump is so strong. But that hate is not as strong as racism. Maybe try this when we get Trump out and win back the Senate. Have a good Black female candidate ready to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg when she leaves.
@Karen Byrd sucks for Bernie
She is not only a beautiful lady but seems smart and honest too. Go for it Joe B. From an old white guy.
@PJH199 1 What do you think is in office now? There is proof he is the worse of the all, over a dozen women have came toward Trump.
Wonder Wonderful but Joe sniffs children and lets them play on his lap…
No Black female for VP.
@Catotonic your name fits well.
Catotonic you know Democrats need to pander
Demings would be an awesome choice.
So many good women of color, so many to choose from.
I think he should choose someone, who is willing, ready, and simply want that office and responsibility.
She is willing, good enough for me. *VOTE*
Baby girl is Black and Blue!
@Librarian-at-Large She is smart.
When he said a woman, and then is teasing a women of color, Demings can do it.
Though, there are actually many.
@Wa Ly Biden did tease it being a woman of color. He was asked if he would chose a woman of color and he said he wouldn’t rule that out. I want him to pick a person qualified to be president, just in case something happens to him. I don’t care what color that person is. But if you limit the options to, “It has to be a woman of color” that discriminates against the most qualified person if they aren’t that color. He already discriminated when he said it would be a female.
@Raging Monk it may not be
but Demings would be a good VP.
@Wa Ly If it were me, I would pick Hillary just drive Trump crazy. God, that would be funny. But she is more then qualified. My second choice would probably be Susan Rice.
I love Rep Demmings but she needs to advise her husband mayor to step up mask protection safety! Cops running around no mask..unacceptable
Is her husband black
@quan Brooklyn kid does that even matter?
@quan Brooklyn kid yes
Biden 2020
thanks , msnbs paid troll
Shes a total badass. NO nonsense former Police chief worked hard to get where she is. No Nepotism here.
She’s tuff I hope Joe chooses her .
I wish Biden could be HER running mate.
@Nancy Alexander-Carreira BIDEN, LOOKING SOLID HERE
@Default Name hahahahaha… I’m waiting for him to call some reporter a “dog-face pony soldier” when asking about the Tara Reade scandal.
All I know is that Biden and his team are going to have a yuge mess to clean up come January.
Just like every Democrat president does after a republican ruins the country.
Ro G, I am glad u observed that pattern. GOP inherits a growing economy, ruins with greedy policies & wrecks the economy. Then the DEMs always come in to clean up the GOP mess. Can people see? And I don’t understand why people continue to give GOP power to ruin their lives & livelihoods!
@Joey Harper can’t wait to taste your tears in November.
@Bullet holes for maga hats That’s what Democrat said last election….Yet, Here we are.
@Joey Harper things are different, Trump phucked up on the pandemic. This is why he’ll lose and then those trumpturd tears are mine, so give em too me!
B I D E N 2 0 2 0 !
@Bullet holes for maga hats I’ll come back to this comment in November. See what excuses you have.
I’m a Republican and I think she’s awesome.
@Dog Poo Fairy “you see the trouble is the Democrats have committed themselves to Biden now, and I guess they didn’t realise just how bad he was getting until more recently. It’s difficult for them now cos they can’t just say “oh yeah he’s demented”
You people have been screaming this BS for months now, and all of a sudden the Democrats just “realized” he’s suffering from Dementia? GTFOH!!!! Now you sound stupid, and you do know that dementia is a progressive disease, it doesn’t just “pop up”, so if Joe had Dementia it would’ve started in his 60’s, not all of a sudden “pop up” now when it’s “convenient” for idiots to discredit him.
…..and no one with common sense would ever give a Trump supporter credibility for “concern” about Biden’s “mental decline”, get lost, and head over to Fox News for more brainwashing propaganda content.
BIDEN 2020!!!!
Harvey Grant I’m not a Trump supporter, I’m British for a start. You know it’s actually better to vary your news sources if you want to think objectively. Saying that the right wing one are all wrong or the left wing ones are all wrong is pretty idiotic and will keep you ignorant. By the way dementia can be much quicker than ten years. And I think the Democrats knew he had dementia a while ago but thought that they’d be able to hide it, but clearly his is too advanced and they they’re struggling to hide it now. The election can’t come soon enough for them. God knows what they’ll do when he has to debate Trump, Biden will be annihilated.
No your not. You’re a liar. A poser.
Guess what? You’re not a Republican anymore. You’re a Communist.
@Harvey Grant New Urban Dictionary word: INJOEHERENT.
I really like her.
I bet you do trash can liberal.
CC Ryder you seem nice.
@Tina Alicia Really I am but honestly I cant stand this lying liberal agenda network and feel bad for people who fall for there lies.
Why don’t you marry her, then?
She is great but Biden will lose!!
it would be a great change to have someone well spoken and thoughtful when they speak.
I agree. Biden really nails Trump in this speech
@Default Name lol
Class Act !
In trash can circles maybe, but you buy it , Lol hey dummy I have a used car for sale only a million milesw but its a BMW, Lol yeah not,
Val Demings has my vote ever since 2016

A True War Time Battle Tested Patriot
Rep. Demings would be a good VP.
I’m a Republican, and I’m proudly going to vote for Biden!
believe all women
Leonardo Wilson … Treasonous Traitor.
Because you both have dementia? Great choice boomer!
No, You are not.
You are just RINO!
And This is not your party.
Leonardo Wilson Thank you
She’s impressive, someone who speaks reason and truth to trump’s and his toadies’ BS.
Lmao thats funny.
Congresswoman Demings just made her pitch to be chosen by Joe Biden.
She would be an excellent choice in the new Democratic Administration.