Protests have erupted across the country daily since the death of George Floyd, a black man who died after being pinned to the ground by Minneapolis police officers.
RELATED: George Floyd protests take widely varying turns
All four officers involved have been fired and officer Derek Chauvin, who kept his knee on Floyd's neck for more than 8 minutes, has been arrested on third-degree murder and manslaughter charges.
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stop looting people.
Michelle Onayinka no one told you how to feel. Stop looting like the hoodlums y’all can be
The looters are sleeping. These are the protesters.
Useful Idiots!
MLK said “Darkness will not drive out Darkness only Light – Evil will not drive out Evil only Good” Let see how many times we see MLK taken
out of context
@Michelle Onayinka Right, especially after her ancestors stole this land and stole people and stole millions of lives and stole precious resources and on and on and on to this day, damn thugs.
@Sue W Wow lmao. You still mad and can’t sleep because your boy is too much of a buffoon to ever outshine, outwit, out finesse the O even on a bad day. Mr. O showed the brilliance of a Black Man in high power. But your boy clearly is an embarrassment to his followers and indeed the world. If this were not true, trumpeters would be displaying extreme happiness and not extreme anger on a daily basis. Then on top of all this. your boy got impeached, something Mr. O was never stained with. What a laughable loser and by association, so are you. So like I said, You mad?
I just watched an 80 yr old woman trying to protect her business get beat up by two black guys. Too many things that are hard to watch. Never shut down churches again for any reason.
@Terry Breiland Where’s the Video, Terry? Or are you a simple-minded liar?
@Hebrew Hustle not a liar .I saw it on youtube. I am a point and click kind of guy like most of my generation. Whats all the hate for me about?
And that’s how Covid-19 will have a second wave
@T0asty Plus those flimsy masks cannot hold back all the spit being thrown around. It is kind of foolish to be around so many during a pandemic.
@Meso Hony Yeah. We might just get herd immunity this time.
The second wave of people that are immune. Man y’all just repeat everything msms feeda you don’t y’all?
@T0asty never said they were . again youre choosing to focus on everything but the point i was trying to make. #grasping.
Not everyone is drunk on the covid kool aid
The Looting has literally reached all the way over where I am and we had NOTHING to do with George Floyd
@Michelle Onayinka I just saw a vid of some 3 black dudes messing with some cops car. Right at the end one of the black dudes poured gas on the car which then exploded
It was one of the protest that are in the act this very moment
@Tommy ThomasOh, cry some more! You losers hate black conservatives! Bad black cops kill also. Blame the lib-tard mayors you vote for.
It doesn’t matter they just need an excuse to rob and steal
..The Looters are not smashing shops and Vandalizing Property because of Floyd . Those that are engaged in such acts are Liberal Radical Leftists who have failed in Life , and are blaming Society for it , Instead of their own Incompetence . They couldn’t care less about Floyd or anyone else .
We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. – Martin Luther King, Jr
Mlk accomplishments have been disgraced by welfare fed looter criminals…
They get so much reparations on a daily basis in the form of Free housing. Free income. Free jobs. Shoplifting. Burglary. Then they have to go loot and pillage the entire nation on top of that over something totally unrelated? There are so many drains on the prosperity of our nation, but this has got to be one of the worst.
David Canelas exactly there handed everything then they turn around and bite the hand that feeds. If there going to pull this crap I say demolish welfare completely
@Michelle Onayinka there still thugs
NightMusic1 what accomplishments? Black people are still being oppressed just in different ways
wasn’t MLK himself assassinated
so much for peaceful protest huh
Watch like most of the protesters get covid.
@Sam Summers I know I do
@Sam Summers You are racist. Periodt. People like you are the reason America is getting even worse
Michelle Onayinka Why are you calling him a racist. You lefties don’t have a clue what this is all about. George Soros paid for this sham of a protest. They are busing people into these cities to burn, rob and destroy. This isn’t a peaceful protest. Waking until dark.
@Sue W its time the citizens got their guns out
How else was phase 2 going to come about… Phase 1 was a flop
The EXACT SAME Karens who were complaining last week about masks and social distancing are now in these crowds chanting.
Your ‘misappropriations’ are losing their luster, potency, effectiveness and will.
And they were never true to begin with.
“Fake” ?
Tabby Reed Here is a coughing Karen
and telling covid-19 protesters that they are morons and are endangering everyone…
Bunch of sheep the lot of them
Remember when they said our adversaries were using social media to foment far Left and far Right anger? Yeah, it’s working
Idiots are easily manipulated. All these people have very simple, child-like minds. And the rest are just drama eaters and straight up evil.
@John Madsen thats any average american… the other side just hasnt got violent yet. They havent had the need to.

@Joe Blow Yeah, because no one hates America more than Americans?!?
Everyone of them….useful Idiots!
“WE” The People.
Maybe give the mega phone to someone else?
I guess whoever has a megaphone is in charge, or did someone give him that position?
Lmaoooo i was literally just thinking this. I can’t even understand him
The Epstein Diaries prolly so. Cases are sadly about to skyrocket.
He wants to be the leader of the pack
They should go home . they arrested / fired the officers / murderers already !
Adele Hill shut up ! It wasn’t your brother !
racist persons need to shut up!! you shouldn’t say anything about the protesters they have every freaking right to protest I am so glad everyone is coming tighter together !!! All the colors are there protesting for (BLACK LIVES MATTERS) !!! Until there lives matter than other lives matter !!! That’s the only way!!!
@Rebecca Marquez no you need to go home. it wasn’t your “brother” either. any thing but agreement will prove to me you just want to riot
15 African-American business looted and burned down.
Someone hit George with a brick and then history will have repeated it self from Rodney king
lol really ?
@Ryan Wilson Duuude really ? Not cool … not cool going to colledge thats not tubeular dude
savagex466 you can borrow one of mine if u can’t find one
Now I’m the savage…lol
2020 be like

It be like that though
those with nothing to lose have the most to gain
They gain some lead if they keep it up.
The great ways!
Shouted in great bloodthirsty proclamation!
All will give voice and issue forth in a great deafening roar!
And in final commencement a single word will be head on earth…”GREAT!”
In response to the ‘GREAT’ Hellfire Glowing White Radioactive Phosphorescent Fire reigning down unto…
“When you have nothing to lose, it’s easy to win”.
-Crypto, Apex Legends
*Runs out of burning building with smart TV
@GothamDiesel and that’s your major concern? could focus your attention on the actual problem, but a person stealing a tv is so much more interesting.. #imnotracist
Protest peacefully!!! Good. But start hurting others and their means to feed their families is wrong
That’s a result of decades if oppression. It will get worse. As it should. Whites have been oppressing blacks for way too long. … and I’m white. Its sickening and heart wrenching, yes.. so really I dont blame them… they should continue full force!!!!
@jan joy …I know many successful African Americans , who don’t share your views .
Harvey Parhar they don’t have to
it’s the truth whether they agree or not…peaceful protests hardly work Many can argue that MLKs protest were just a formality because black people are still being executed by the state decades later
oh yeah who’s the other famous peaceful protester GANDHI…sure his peaceful protests got rid of British rule in India but for what?the caste system in India which they use to enslave themselves 
Yes, YES!!!!
Justify the reason for which Cops racially profile. Genius!
American Paisa And why do u think racial profiling exists…maybe cause there were statistics on who committed crimes
American Paisa I see a lot of caucasoids in this protest.
Talib Akil Bey there’s ignorant sheep of all colors
Calling them genius is giving them too much credit
@Talib Akil Bey You see Caucasoids protesting, but how many do you see looting? Not nearly as many.
So sad that many have chose destruction over civil protesting
This is all going to end real well. Liberal cities burn, woohoo!!!
@Matthew The Great Coin Roll Hunter Glad I could make your day. Laugh now while your reign goes up in flames
@Bari Wambach Okay tough guy. You sound all the people who confronted the protestors and got their asses kicked. As I was saying this is happening in every state in the country spreading like wildfire. This has been building for years and you can’t stop it. This isn’t a isolated incident this is the fallout.
Good let the f#ckers burn, sanctuary and all and after it’s burned out build a wall around the ashes. Then we can go there and have a ice cream party
Just beat a 85 year old veteran within one inch of life over a vacuum cleaner. Racism over.