President Donald Trump will celebrate the completion of one of his top legislative priorities when he signs a revamped trade deal with Mexico and Canada.
RELATED: Nancy Pelosi holds conference on U.S., Canada, Mexico agreement
The U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, rewrites the rules for trading agriculture, manufacturing and services with the nation's neighbors and closest trading partners.
The pact is the product of months of negotiations and replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, which essentially eliminated tariffs on most goods traded among the three countries.
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#usmca #trump #nafta
トランプ氏 2020年.ありがとうございます。
Great Job Mr. President!
How stupid can stupid get? The kids of today are killing God in the times of computers. It really makes sense killing God when computers can learn everything there is to know about you and sell it to the highest bidder. This is what you have today, it is called carnal knowledge (Dickhead… Or Bubba for short translation). Congratulations you and your Satan have gotten back your Garden of Eden… Now everybody is God even Satan (do not forget, “an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth”). If you believe that God doesn’t exist anymore you could be nailing truth to the wall. It has been said that if you change even one meaning to the Bible heaven and hell will freeze over. Going upstream when everybody else goes downstream all I can say is God bless Santa Claus. For me, greed is not good and never will be! The truth will never follow a lie but a lie will follow alternative facts. I hear Disney World is almost as good as the real thing. “Greed is good, I do not destroy I liberate,” says greed. Greed is right, greed works, greed clarifies cuts through and captures the evolutionary spirit. Greed and all of its forms… Greed for life, for money, for love, and for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. Is this coming out of the Bible? Who needs God anymore when you have his father (the Godfather) telling us more about what is right coming out of it. M. A. G. A
Changing meaning to the bible..
So, where did you learn hebrew in ordee to actually READ the bible..?
@Li Raven What Bible are you talking about? it has been rewritten so many times under copyright law I don’t even have a clue. I would rather walk with truth than read about it. To tell you the truth I don’t even go to church.
More waste
черти,что со звуком???
God bless you usa
Company:time to move to China…….
Now we can all save on Twinkies! MAGA!
Twinkies are made in the US dummy.
Dummies…he just entered you into the north american union..exactly as the E.U. started. How’s that going? Any of you read it?
Didnt think so.
May I recommend using only Renolds aluminium foil for your head.
No sound and how can he sign it hasn’t been passed in Canada as of jan 29th 2020 lop
Right on, President Trump! I love you FOREVER!!!

Wow, wonder how many jobs are heading to Mexico?
Trump gets it,block illegal immigration/bad trade deals…
That depress wages for decades!!
Money is freedom to what you want,when you want!!! Trump 2020…45 state blowout!!!