Kelly O’Donnell, Garrett Haake, Michael McFaul and Benjamin Wittes join MTP Daily to unpack Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’s testimony and the implication of President Trump’s tweet about Yovanovitch during the hearing today. Aired on 11/15/19.
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President Donald Trump Tweets Attacks On Amb. Yovanovitch During Testimony | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Trump does not deserve to pour the Ambassador her morning coffee.
@What The You’d be happier if it were Ukrainians.
@william knight Bubble wrap your self William it’s going to be a bumpy ride for you far right Twits ,! O Hang on you are already damaged Goods ,!
If you had Trumps wife would you want to be pouring Yovas morning coffee?
@mltnr290 Trumps Wife, is just sitting back , Waiting for him to Die ,! Then she will get all the Perfectly poured Coffee, Money can By , ! Maybe she is not as Dumb as the Media make out ,! Time is On Her Side ,,,, Yes it Is ,
Raymond Miller asap grandpa alias FROM the Munsters
Charged with bringing down the Bidens,Kerry and the rest of the ILK………LMFAO
he will plead insanity and get off…….maybe dementia.
Raymond Miller Rudy mighty. quiet these no TV apperances
Well, if there’s anything we can count on consistently it’s Trump’s tweets! His fat little sausage fingers are always going 90 mph typing out insults and lies to and about EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!
@ChillyToes – Ok, right. Sure thing.
Next time though…try not to protest too much about not being mad, delusional, stupid, losing…maybe you’ll make a more convincing case.
‘Fat little sausage fingers’… Wow. You really stuck it to the nasty orange man.
Sad….but true..
ChillyToes TRUMP as a degree in tweetology THAT MAKES him a tweetologist getting pay for destroying American Democracy
@Wayne Harris Judging from your literacy, Wayne, I’m guessing that you have a degree in Gender Studies.
He is sooo obsessed with Hillary Clinton and Obama. Sooo jealous. He just can’t contain himself. Everything comes back to he’s the first one to do this or that, but the only thing he’s doing is to cancel all of the good Obama did.
Jane Peters Obama and Hillary does not have A Comb OVER
Back to original comment, it’s all about REVENGE FOR DRUMPF.
And the walls…..come crumblin’ down…the walls…..come crumbelin crumbling Dowwwwwwwwwnwnnnnnnnnn.
Obama did NOTHING good! Period. He ruined this country starting with Obama care.
Note: tRump didn’t tweet attacks to the 2 men who testified did he
@Gatsby Light OK…Where is that evidence?
@William Stewart – Oh, I see…. you’re one of those. Delusional dimwits. *For evidence, you can start here:* _Then you can try:_ Youtube *audio recordings,* …. The Washington Post *audio recordings,* The New York Times *audio recordings,* The New York Post *audio recordings, FOX NEWS audio recordings,* Yahoo News *audio recordings,* The Huffington Post *audio recordings,* NBC News *audio recordings,* …..
I gotta go…. this will take all day.
@TheTruthMatters! She did a real poor job too, raising the little monster and leashing him out on the world.
@K T shut up!
As much animosity as I have towards Hillary’s corruption,Trump stalked and bullied her in the second debate.I found his behavior in public appalling and he also said if he was president should would be in jail.Going on 4 years and still not in court.
How does Trump tweet in real time about her if, as he claims, he’s not watching? Witness Harassment right there
bryiepooh…Well, I guess we need to investigate it and have public hearings, right?
Hey bry…Did you clean up all that nut I spewed all over you? LOL!!!!! #TruthAlwaysWins
Hey bry bry…
And the walls…..come crumblin’ down…the walls…..come crumbelin crumbling Dowwwwwwwwwnwnnnnnnnnn.
This Impeachment Hearing is not Democrats against the Republicans, it is a gathering of data for the American people, so they can decide if the President is a sleaze bag. GUILTY.
So can you explain his crime with a straight face?
You do accept Biden is corrupt and his son had no business being the CEO of a fossil fuel company earning $60k per month, with 0 experience in energy, business leadership or fossil fuels… If you don’t accept that then you are brainwashed.
Why trump keep making this a us problem this is his do-do fair and square.
@Judy Bargenquast this man is saling the country to the other head crooks in charge russia turkey iran. Putin is the president of US.
@What The does trump have expetience tunning a country earning 1M dollars a month or more tax payer money….
The Coward in Chief has nothing better to do beyond tweeting, and he’s lacking the common sense to do something productive.
@Antonia Peredo Yes OJ Simpson is innocent as the next man. He should get a settlement for wrongful accusations.
Just give the rich people money
HeyitsDee displaying NO sense dignity and integrity and respect FOR other’s
Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch Kudos to you for your tremendous courage. You are what America stands for; many true Americans are proud of you and what you stand for which is intrigurity and dignity. Thank you for service, and thank you for standing up for what you believe in…if only all Americans could be like you. Especially! Those in public service, and not fall down behind $$$. Again thank you, and may God be with you and family.
@Frisky Bottomsuuater , You don’t even know what the ”deep state” is.
@Marie Smith Your mom does.
@Frisky Bottomsuuater, really? You speak to the dead?
@Marie Smith She isnt dead, she ran away.
@Frisky Bottomsuuater , Warning! Troll attack! Typical pubtard. Blind to the obvious. No facts to present, just namecalling. Nothing to see here. Move along – watch the hearing. Pay attention to the witnesses. Fact check the Republican attacks on unique public servants who walk the walk, while The Orange Bone Spur only badmouths the talk.
FAKE POTUS set the table for Bribery last year and this woman wouldn’t play his game.
@jabeck42 try paying attention.
Congress: Do you have any knowledge of the President committing Bribery?
Yovanovitch: No.
Congress: Do you have any knowledge of the President committing a crime.
Yovanovitch: No.
Jada absolutely TRUE statement
The bloated tangerine is pure garbage.
A moldy pumpkin collapsing in on itself
% true✓ X
% true✓
CShield A Orange Orangotan Chedda looks better
Like a bashed up mango that’s been sitting in the sun for 3 days, oh wait, that’s ur vagina…
@What The Does your cult leader have a vagina, or are you just butthurt because someone is making fun of your daddy?
Bonespurs can’t stand it when he isn’t the center of attention so he decided to do what he does best, pick on a Woman who has more Honor in her lil finger than he has in his fat Bleeping body.
Well said.
eurekajim #VoteBlue2020
we have a poonani grabbing Dunce occupant in the oval
That is because djt is a full-blown narcissist and bully.
Eurekajim #VoteBlue 2020 –
“trump’s Fat BLOATED body”
eurekajim #VoteBlue2020 Marie Yonovich has more American Patriotism than TRUMP has in his Comb OVER
Trump will impeach himself
That’s exactly what Pelosi said way back in the spring, when impeachment wasn’t on the table yet. The orange moron grabbed that rope and has been winding it around his fat neck ever since. His lackeys have been doing the same thing.
Hopefully his demented minions aren’t able to throw him a life jacket…
let’s hope he executes himself too
He can’t keep Obama’s name out of his mouth. I’m beginning to think he’s not jealous of Obama but has this obsessive crush on him. He keeps talking about Obama wanting to get his attention and the more Obama ignores him, the more obsessive he gets.
bonwright78 haters always hate what they cannot imitate
REVENGE on Obama for making fun of bone spurs at press club comedy nite.
@just me , and stalker! He’s way beyond bullying.
@Sandra Patterson , Obama is wise.
@Tom , May the best man win…not much to watch there.
as if the grave he dug for himself is not deep enough
Peter Tan a cartoonist dummy display to the world
All the way to China and back……LMFAO
Peter Tan advance in stupidity
These tweets speak volumes about president – horrible person with bad grammar.
@Marie Smith I reside in D.C. so my teacher was a liberal.I bet that having a certificate from grammar police school entitles you to divert from the actual things that are important,like you sore losers trying to overthrow a president.
@Marie Smith Don’t mind nuthin, he is just sore because everyone makes fun of his boyfriend. He quickly forgets how trump was so sore before the election that he already started saying the election was fixed. so does that mean that it was fixed so that trump could win. — Well that has already been answered. He also forgets how the GOP were ready to overthrow Obama as fast as they could.
@covfefe I’ve never understood why Trump goes on about the 2016 election being fixed when, if it was, all signs pointed to hm being the fixer.
@Marie Smith You are not only correct, but if I may add, if it was fixed, and he won, wouldn’t that mean he is illegitimate. I mean he is anyways, for the reason you stated. I can not, just can not believe this waste of a human being will get the title, the honor, the portrait, the state funeral, and the library. Our tax dollars are going to prop up this idiot’s legacy.
@covfefe, I hear you.
Those who support Trump after this are full blown sociopaths.
@Ban Usury Worldwide And IF they are Sir… then you are correct that would be every single bit as Scary.. This should NOT be so Partisan.. You can rest assured that the Majority of us that get labeled as being “Never Trumpers” would be every bit as disgusted and horrified if it was a Democrat President, and Administration and his or her Friends and Family who had committed all of the actions that have occurred under Trump.. “IF” you doubt that..ask yourself..Did You see People in the Streets screaming about “Witch Hunts” when the FBI started Investigating Hilary Clinton?? Did folks just blindly Defend Her?? NO..there was sufficient reason to Investigate, they did so..and the woman testified to the FBI for over 13 Hours.. She did not continuously Tweet or be interviewed attacking her Opposition.. ALL of Us Irregardless of Party Affiliation should be able to hold those we have Elected to a Higher Standard of Conduct and Ethics.. We can’t expect Perfection, but we should be able to rely on our Elected Officials to be HONEST and to admit when they make Mistakes.. That is NOT asking Too Much.. This is a Disgrace..
Wesley C. absolutely crazy
@Wayne Harris It was a stone groove!
Great respect for Adam Schiff….
Lmmfao. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in along time. Toothpick shiff has lied countless times to the American people. On tv many times! and you respect that? Another pos waste of h20 you are
Sam Lim trump is a zero
“He’s a business man” means he will look after his interests over all Americans safety
And file another bankruptcy…
such as?
Yovanovitch linked to Ukrainian organized crime.
@News Reports Central this report is exactly like Fox news. Alleged stuff with no proof. Fox puts up lies to strengthen the r Republican party with no fact-checking. Since when did TV become politically driven?