President Trump responded to a question about Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's potential misuse of government resources.
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President Donald Trump said Monday he preferred for government employees to wash Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's dishes if his wife or child weren't present, to allow him to do his work.
The president was responding to a question about Pompeo recommending that Trump fire a State Department inspector general who was investigating Pompeo's potential misuse of government resources.
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I’m beyond tired of this gaslighting narcissist. I won’t be a bit surprised if his easily manipulated base and sycophants in the electoral college hand him a second term. Ugh.
Davida Krappenschitz……it behooves me to inform you……that your stupidity can not be cured.
The government is corrupt. All politicians are corrupt including Trump. Jesus will bring you life eternal. Don’t waste your time in politicians.
Well yeah they corrupt, but I aint wating for god to save the country, people have the power to vote, make the right desitions next elections people!
If democrats done this and I’m sure they have but the republicans didnt investigate every fart the democrats did . Cause Hillary didn’t win the election the country divided to a point that it will never come together again. And if your honest this all started in the Obama s administration but I know democrats will never believe that but just be ho est with ure self . All the political correctness if Americans did something to offend the Muslims we had to stop it . They came to our country they bedded to heed our laws not the other way around
And if they didn’t like what we do or our laws than go back to your own country
OMG trump lover now try in proper English
Omg just admit the fact that he’s a crook you think all of this is just some conspiracy by a political party? He’s a thug and a criminal

Trump 2020!!
Dead trump 2020.
This is only beating around the bush, Triumph will evade this trap
Holy Christ he cracks me up so HARD!!!
Maybe Pompeo could use undocumented workers like tRUMP did at his golf courses. That way he could pay them next to nothing like tRUMP did. If he is using highly trained and paid employees of the United States government to walk his god damn dog or wash his dishes, I for one think that should be investigated. North Korea’s top diplomat has called Mike Pompeo, “the diehard toxin of US diplomacy” so I doubt that Pompeo is negotiating with North Korea about anything.
Our illegitimate president, better known as Cadet Bone Spurs just attempted to justify having a secret service member walk Pompeo’s dog if his wife or kids aren’t there so yes I do know how stupid that must sound to the rest of the world. Everything that comes out of this orange turds mouth sounds stupid to the rest of the world.
Thank you Mr. President
trump for guillotine 2020.
Trump for prison 2020

(I had 4 more flags than you that means I win)

The Dem/Commies like to throw taxpayer’s money around for nothing, as long as it’s to another Dem~!
*boomer noises*
@Sheeshkebabz ?? Check your history for the answer, it’s not noise~!
So, you’re aware of Trump ingratiating those around him, right?
Bravo president ! Je vizioni i te ardhmes planetit .

This cuts out the comment by a reporter that the main issue is the SAUDI ARMS DEAL, not the walking dogs…
Haha After he said his wife wasn’t there to wash the dishes he realized that he forgot to do the act and quickly added the children part after that but you see how he really thinks but the brainwashed Trump supporters that are women not even that will bother them
No, all we see is you doing a terrible job of mind reading.
You wash his dishes and let him negotiate with other countries.
Lol, Biden demands millions in payments for taxpayer Ukraine bailout. But Trump’s staff dares to walk a dog on government dime….
Ok why is he really being investigated? Clearly this isn’t the full story.