Speaking to reporters in Ottawa on Friday, Scheer expressed frustration with the ongoing demonstrations against construction of the Coastal GasLink pipeline, which have caused blockades across the country at government legislatures and major rail crossings.
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Where was mister tough guy during the election?
He was busy destroying the PPC PARTY, the only real Canadian party.
@Wone Motie Both Neo Liberal/Neo Con parties .. the only real parties of mental midgets…
@Wone Motie What PPC party ?
Drinking Quebecois milk. Lol
The next war won’t be between countries – it will be between left and right.
Yep, so let’s get it over with.
The left will eat itself way before any fighting starts.
The right would have one leader and many fighters while the left would all want to be leaders to force someone else to fight.
Ones armed and one doesnt k ow what bathroom to use….should be fun.
@0nes And Zer0s I laughed so loud my dog got scared….nice.
Send in the army
Yep already thinking about the national emergency hotline number.
Start ripping up treaty cheque’s , see how fast they get out of the way .
A non-confidence vote to force an election can’t come soon enough for me. I only hope Ontario voters are a lot smarter next time.
@bridget Explain yourself with facts or you’re simply talking out your a**
@Buckbennyrides My whole family lives there, I’ve moved to Alberta
@G Tor she was in bed with the unions, she was anti oil…suprised she and some of her cabinet are not toting signs…not to mention the mess she made of vehical insurance…there is more
@G Tor Notley destroyed Alberta by spending and carbon taxing on high oil prices after they dropped 75%.
She ignored the experts saying they needed to buy an oil company so Alberta had a foot in the game. Then she went in with Trudeau buying the pipeline that won’t get oil to market. That purchase with Trudeau, then put Alberta against BC, Ontario and Quebec whom wanted the carbon scheme. All 3 provinces fought Notley on everything. That destroyed Alberta.
@Rebecca P How was she anti-oil? Was it fighting for a pipeline? Limiting production to protect long term viability of the market? Also, of course she was pro-union she is a socialist. Have you ever been part of a union? They aren’t a scary, evil enterprise, they protect worker’s rights. Some can be bad, but most are excellent.
At least he has the cajones to say it
Remove Protesters Now.
Should not be aloud to hold
Canada hostage.
D Brielmeier yep agreed
They don’t have the right to shutdown Canada, imagine Canadians not being to buy groceries or get gas for there cars because a lot of this stuff comes from CN Rail freight systems. They stop the rail , they stop Canada this is a act of war.
Order the trains to speedup when they see these blockades. They’ll move..
Yep. Idiots get hit by trains all the time.
That’s a idea
Freedom of speech hey is that what we have in this country????
What a joke !
No more treaty cheque’s period
Stop gauging the tax payer
Justin Trudeau is paying for these unlawful citizens
He trained them and then prepaid them with our tax money and then he took off to avoid the fallout. What a criminal
Adam Britt LoL at this point I’m thinking of running for pm
maybe its time for the citizens, to arrest these protesters
And don’t forget the government too
No, the RCMP need to ENFORCE THE LAW!!!
Non confidence vote NOW!
Why are the other leaders not damning the resignation of Trudeau NOW.
Ya a vote of no confidence is definitely in order already.