The Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has sparked controversy after migrant workers, returning home during a nationwide coronavirus lockdown, were doused in bleach disinfectant used to sanitize buses. #CNN #News
Outrage stirs after migrant workers sprayed with bleach disinfectant

Poor people have no life in India.
jack meHoff : watch this video and rethink about it:
They get a free bath. They do quite well.
@LOOK UP: 21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger Well said.
@LOOK UP: 21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger dude…stfu. you sound like an uneducated idiot, like a high schooler has a better education than you. I’m not even a liberal but I don’t speak like a radical idiot. You make all conservatives look bad you fucktard. Go to community college and get yourself an education lowlife idiot
@Uchiba Uki damn right
When you spend so much money launching satellites that you have forgotten the majority of your population is still living in poverty…
@StanChinedu USA 100%
@Gabriel Yes
@Kevin Yang and What About The Yoga your Whole country has been doing – It Came from India … Without Yoga you all will be MAd cripples
@Kevin Yang, no brother, It is said that Modi hy tou mumkin hy means everything is possible due to modi and it is also said that sub ka saath sub ka vekaas means everyone will be prosperous and wealth one day.. So every India believes that Modi is just like a supernatural thing and it has ability to do better for people but it will happen one… day……day is still not confirmed maybe somewhere before end of time but it will happen…
@Tasneem Alam Nasim Ha….Ha….Ha……
Do they do this with politicians ???
@Troll Destroyer keep fighting the trolls
The spelling usually gives it away
Makes one try to figure out why they support tRumpitita
@Thomas Traveling Yes sir, I shall. The Trump campaign is paying media trolls to lie while people are dying to make him “look good.” It’s disgusting. I will continue to call these filthy humans out whenever I can. Thanks, and stay safe. I wish you the best.
@Bernett Dews Where are you?
In that case that should use acid.
Wow! India, geez. So bleach on people?
Dragged them out of a SCAMMER call center

For information it is not bleach but sanitize and people facing backward….
@real time R.k hahaha..ya right

Well..they are getting a shower for the first time in a year i guess?
Teaisfantastic 1965 0:53 it clearly says sanitising liquid
It’s 2020 and most of the world is still just trash. Sigh
@starchild sunlove The devil is a metaphor for a general force or phenomena of evil/malevolence.
It is working through you, as if you are a puppet, spreading your racist lies, and your Nazi hatred.
NO NEED TO GO BACK AND FORTH OVER WHAT YOU REALLY DO NOT KNOW. The History books will not tell this right. If YOU ain’t in the loop…you gets no truth. Probably couldn’t handle it anyway
@Ronnie Allen How STUPID! You may not be shown to be racist yet, but your IGNORANCE will quickly lead you there. You have NO idea what it is like to live in China and have no clue what their parliament was discussing. In fact, i bet you didn’t even know they HAD a parliament. China sent us a mass of supplies just the other day quier!
@TEMPORARILY ANTI SOCIAL No one hates you, we just have a strong dislike for the hypocrisy shown by your government and part of your people who likes to point fingers and judge others while you do the exact same damn thing you judge us for.
WTF!!! That stuff is so toxic the users are gowned up for Armageddon.
Savedby Grace dude it’s not a good response at all. You can’t make a claim then when someone asks for proof say “enjoy your mainstream news”. When they make a claim you need to back it with evidence.
@Darklord1201 The Last American Vagabond channel. Mr E Archives channel. Enter the Stars channel. Gematria Effect News channel. White Board Gematria channel. Mike Morales channel. neverlosetruth channel. If you research these channels, you won’t need mainstream media anymore. Better screen shot them in case they delete this comment. Peace
@Darklord1201 Truthful Spirit-Blue Heron channel. Leeland Jones channel. Logic before Authority channel. Ed H channel.
@Darklord1201 Gregory Mannorino channel. The Money GPS channel.
Savedby Grace I appreciate your effort but a YouTube channel isn’t a source. A news organization could be a decent source if the information was discovered by the news organization, but still they would have to show evidence of where they found it. I mean it’s just a fact that the US has used chemical warfare. An infamous example would be Agent Orange in Vietnam.
Crazy. What a backward sight.
I’m not sure it was done out of fear or ignorance — I’m pretty sure it was just good old fashion tribal bigotry.
@Rolo Tomasi yea, tell that to the B Gate
Gabriel no dude, that was a criticism. Obviously.
n95 mask You sound like the type jackass that would paste anti CNN paraphernalia all over their white van.
Alla Veles I would -if I even knew what that was.
@Gabriel I am not, just explaining the background, reasons why India is cruel
God knows human beings are hypocrites by the way we treat the poor and the sick.
@Gage Sherwood you know some people have daebilitating diseases as well as their last name not being a white last name like you sir so therefore being subject to racism
@Conky Bubbles can I ask why you hate socialism?it seems to be working for everyone except for close minded idiots
Whites are hypocrites for ignoring their laws and such when it comes to black people.
@Gabriel so you can’t find just 1 socialist country that works?

This is inhumane and I’m devastated to witness this. These poor people
@Ruler Reigns bolsorikkae
@Ruler Reigns when your’e a SCAMBAITER you learn the language of this Scamming SCUM so that when you’ve tapped into there system you can understand what they’re talking about to each other in private. And you can curse them out in their own language. We tapped their phones, cameras and delete their files!
NEITHER of the governments are doing anything about SCAMS, so American citizens have formed our own ARMY so to speak and are dealing with the problem ourselves.
@Alla Veles in China each citizen has equal rights unlike India wherein 10% bahman banias own every property and jobs. Why all cheaters who loot hindu bharat mata are high caste Hindus from Gujrat? Stop destroying India and begging all over the world. Make India a equal rights country.
Почему? только потому что вы глупы и безграмотны? отбеливатель содержит хлор и прекрасно дезинфицирует он не вреден и очень эффективен вы невежда и глупец!!!
If they took a step back and thought about what they were doing. They would have realized that did nothing but hurt people.
@gerard collier

@gerard collier
has a little limp LUND 

@Conky Bubbles do those words translate to to English. I’m curious what words do you think would upset me.
@gerard collier im just wondering if you have any kind of EDUCATION. You seem to be completely illiterate and ignorant. I don’t care if “I” upset you, you’re already quite DISTURBED

I hope you get some HELP
@Conky Bubbles Nope you should really go to that mental health web site. You really need it. Teenage brains aren’t fully developed some times. Or you may have been dropped on you’re head as a baby. I don’t know who’s to say that’s what the pro’s are for.
rigme sherpa
That’s why we support capitalism
The problem with India is that it’s full of BHENCHODE scammers

@Roger Ward trump and his lawyers and allies that have been put in jail for lobbying and corruption??
Could be worse, could be stuck on a cruise ship off the coast of Florida.
What are those idiots doing on a cruise ship at a time like this anyway? Keep them out there. Our hospitals are full right now. You play, you pay.
Modi should be shamed,India World is watching you getting nude front of all world.

@TisEYEthe1 Exactly, they make a big deal to help them when they were the ones who made the dumb decision to board the ship in the first place. It’s the liberals that keep on blaming other people for their own mistakes. It’s hideous
@TisEYEthe1 Most cruise lines aren’t registered in the U.S. to begin with…most employees are from abroad…
@TisEYEthe1 There are Floridians and Americans on board. If we are no longer United let me know and I will stop paying taxes… and suggest all major cities be blockaded.
Feudalism making a come back.
I see that the caste system is alive and well in India.
@Jeremy P Americans think all migrants..local or from other countries are illegals who don’t deserve any compassion.
Greek Philosopher America is the definition of freedom
@Liberty Prime it’s actually just Hollywood and a few liberal places like New York and California. In southern states like Alabama, they kill black people and put little kids in cages
yes it is
As it is in America, where only the rich and famous can get a corona virus test if they want one.
Caste system alive and well in Modi’s hyper nationalism.
@Alla Veles Just because you yell REEEEEE doesn’t mean he is wrong moron.
@Stephen Funk are you a muslim?
Jihadi will bark
Capitalism beats Marxism.
This was very hard to watch. Praying for everyone in these troubling times.
*You Cry When U Take A Bath?*
NOTHING BURGER – CONFIRMED. Lol!! I appreciate the laugh…
This is what happens when you lose control of your democracy……shameful!
Actually u r wrong…they are not shameful…they’re shameless !!
In another words this is what will happen in USA
The only difference between this and the 50s and 60s is the absence of the attacking police dogs.
And look at your own country system . Ignorant trash!
WTF you know about India when you don’t even know a thing about your own country.
This is so…uh I don’t even have words…
*Oh no dear Lord , I’m so selectively outraged right now* !!!
MeToo I somehow feel DRUMPF is at fault for this!
There face is backwards & it is not bleach …. Who bleach people nonsense…
No shade…but the ones spraying in their “protective gear” are probably the ones with it. Ridiculous and unnecessary!!