As the Senate marches towards putting Pres. Trump on trial, six former senators who served as jurors in the Senate trial of Pres. Clinton weigh in on the process in this rare joint interview with MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber. The senators fact-check McConnell’s recent claims that he is following the same precedent as the Clinton trial; share their insights on who the key witnesses would be; and reflect on how Sen. Lindsey Graham went from advocating witnesses at this kind of trial and condemning then-candidate Trump to contradicting his past positions. Aired on 1/9/20.
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On Trump Trial, Sen. McConnell Gets Fact-Check By Six Of His Senate Colleagues At Once | MSNBC
The grim reaper Moscow Mitch needs a visit from the actual grim reaper. That would be beautiful.
@Speedy Chicken wow you traitor
Yes, yes it would
Biggus Dickus wouldn’t it, though? And for Ms Chao too!
Good thing Moscow Mitch’s shell is fact-proof!

Ro G No, not really a good thing…
House, just keep bringing up the next and next impeachable issues, start more investigations, impeach again, drag him through more of his merde
What is the Fox News Factfree, Lying, Propaganda Hate Filled Matrix Stupidity Zone??????
But but but Nashty p has said that impeachment is to divisive to impeach without bipartisan support !
My bad , she’s a senile lying democrat
Moscow Mitch and his gang are all connected to Russian oligarchs and protecting their precious orange clown protects their investments. The current GOP reeks of putin.
Mitch and Lindsey are Russian a assets – Trojan horses, traitors.
Did you know he has a lot of funding coming from the Voter Machine industry? No wonder he doesn’t want to go to paper.
DNA tests show Mitch is 115% Russian.
clinton foundation receiving $145M from russia is not a problem right?
Any decision which is partisan will leave a giant gap to fill, which will leave a cause to fill the gap.
I think we all agree gaps to fill are what cause investigations into corruption. The public can see many things which get covered up. The senate can choose to avoid the fact that the people are watching. Some people watch snippets, some people watch everything. Some people have an eagle eye and can detect intentions.
I think the people will agree another investigation will uncover more than the American people can tolerate!
We have huge problems in our streets with drug use. We have huge problems in our churches when gunmen shoot people. We have huge problems with our Vets who need care, who are not receiving care. We have a multitude of other tensions which need resolved. Young children shooting fellow students in schools.
The public outrage has peeked and it’s time for some restorative work. Restore law! Protect the constitution! People can read and define every word, we know when something is not being upheld.
WoW! Well if the call was a “Perfect Call” as Trump says, why are you so afraid of witnesses! Bring OUT the docs and witnesses, Why not?
@Dave Schultz Back trolling again, Davey?
@Dave Schultz BS! How bout that “Big tax break” Did you get one! How bout that “Wall” that Mexico’s gonna pay for! How bout gettin
our troops out of endless wars! We just sent 4500 troops to Iraq!
@Dave Schultz Stay deluded.
Dave Schultz The working class is working more than one job just to get by, especially in areas of high housing costs. Many manufacturers are slow/stagnant, wondering what effects Trump’s tariffs will have. Farmers are committing suicide at record high rates as they are forced to lose their family farms. Most workers have almost nothing in the market, and are not benefitting from nominal tax cuts that hurt more than help (by eliminating important deductions greatly affecting returns). Your excuses don’t hold up very well.
But that is too logical and reasonable. Trump’s cult doesn’t deal with logic and facts.
Who would believe just how low standards have sunk in twenty years. Neither do the offences match so using the 1999 trial as a precedent hardly applies.
Nothing has changed with Lindsey Graham. He’s been a corrupt, partisan hypocrite the whole time.
@Chuck Cox Not at all. Democrats force their party members to immediately resign over inappropriate jokes and offensive behavior, while Republicans cover for decades for serious criminals like Dennis Hastert who molested children! Then you’ve got people like Governor Matt Bevin who pardons rapists and murderers if their families give him campaign donations.
Are you proud to stand behind rapists too?
@Duane Hall if you’re nasty
J. Jackson
True. His initials are LOG which just about sums him up.
Chuck Cox no not hardly. Why when trump or his men do something it’s ok, just reflect to a democrat or independent. Maybe people are raising their children with the same reasoning. Dad I can steal a car, cause the neighbors down the street bought a new car. We used to know right from wrong in this country.
Any decision which is partisan will leave a giant gap to fill, which will leave a cause to fill the gap.
I think we all agree gaps to fill are what cause investigations into corruption. The public can see many things which get covered up. The senate can choose to avoid the fact that the people are watching. Some people watch snippets, some people watch everything. Some people have an eagle eye and can detect intentions.
I think the people will agree another investigation will uncover more than the American people can tolerate!
We have huge problems in our streets with drug use. We have huge problems in our churches when gunmen shoot people. We have huge problems with our Vets who need care, who are not receiving care. We have a multitude of other tensions which need resolved. Young children shooting fellow students in schools.
The public outrage has peeked and it’s time for some restorative work. Restore law! Protect the constitution! People can read and define every word, we know when something is not being upheld.
I’m sure alot of em’ drank the Kool-aid!
Debra McGuinness drank? DRINKING.
Debra McGuinness oh man! They’re full of “Kool-aid”
How can you physically sign a pledge of impartiality and then openly sprook to the media that you are in bed with the White House and the president. Does this man own a conscious and a moral compass? I think not.
Great panel and show…if we could only have known Trump was in our future! Clinton and Nixon were choir boys compared to Trump
Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsay what a pair of vaudeville comedy team.
It’s incredible that Clinton can be compared to Trump. Clinton betrayed his marriage, Trump betrayed the nation.
@J T SMITH no one is stupid enough to ask that question………..
@Bjay AwesomeBlackDude – I understand your sorrow, frustration, and anger knowing Trump will not be removed from office by the Senate, Trump’s approval rating is at it’s all-time highest. His rally tonight set record numbers of people attending, and he is most likely to win re-election. My heart goes out to you. HAHAHAHAHA
@RuBaron715 Because you better have proof if you think someone is lying?.. Don’t parrot what you hear degenerate.
That is a perfect way to describe it. Thank you.
& when “Bill Clinton had a BJ
You all were real men, real Senators, and much more capable than our current Republican goof-balls.
moscowmitch an his wife chinachoeo they get millions from china every year,there is lots moreon this
This Russian puppet show is almost over, folks….VOTE ’em OUT, America.
THIS ISN’T LIKE THE CLINTON TRIAL! McConnell needs to stay out of this trial! He can not, will not be impartial!!
What they are really saying is.
“we don’t believe we want to give up our power “.
Trump killed someone and got a way with it! Just like trump said.