Friday saw the highest single-day total for coronavirus cases in the U.S., with more than 43,000 new infections. Those numbers are worse than the pandemic’s previous daily peaks. And that’s leading to fears that hospitals in Texas and Florida could soon resemble New York’s during the worst days of its outbreak.
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New U.S. COVID-19 Infections Top 43,000 In A Single Fay, Far Outstripping Previous Peaks | MSNBC
Land of the free just became LAND OF THE CAGED .
just need one more stimulus check and im good
It was never the land of the free… unless you’re rich and white,
@Buttmeister dont O.D. To much of that stuff is bad for the prevention.
Home Of The Evil
Speaking about testing, there’s a new way to test people who have a low IQ. They are the ones who are not wearing masks in public places.
Deb Thompson thank you so much for your response, it is so sad that we have to sit back and watch people die because of ignorant people.
or just see if they wear red hat
@srgreeniii and of course YOU are TOTALLY wrong lmfao
@DynaCatlovesme he didn’t wear a wire because that was going WAY too far even for them
@JayBe Faulky Don’t be ridiculous. It’s normal practice when meeting with known criminals.
This is what happens when politicians put money over people’s lives and ignore the warnings and advice of medical experts

@Deb K people used a saying back in the day ”sacrifice the few to save the many” but considering the impact on third world economies i would say it is the opposite must be nice to live in the West where you can afford to shut down like this..other less well off and ‘minority’ countries don’t seem to matter to many people in the news..kinda selfish when you think of it ”who cares about the poor as long as WE are OK”
Your talking to ignorant people that are unaware of the FACT that 90% of the liberal scientist’s believe that this world can only support 3 Billion People at any time and say that the World is over populated now by over 5 billion people so death and war is WANTED by these liberal thinkers.
This Coronavirus isn’t doing the job they wanted with such a low infection to death rate!
Can you say Plandemic?
China and the “experts”(WHO) lied and people died. Do never forget that.
@Canadian Q Your list is impressive – you forgot one thing COVID19 is highly contagious – your list of deaths is NOT.
THAT is why this is more dangerous. Untreated the growth is endless.
@lexa harpell is it highly contagious? Is that why every hospital is empty across the country and there is not one hazmat blockade anywhere in north america ?
There it goes again………. some people simply doesn’t learn from their mistakes
I can tell you have done zero research, so let me educate you!
The COVID numbers are extremely inflated, for several reasons:
1) When you separate the deaths by covid vs deaths with covid, the numbers immediately drop. For example, if you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you contracted COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means, technically even if you died of a clear alternative cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death
2) Medical examiners classify any death as a covid death when the postmortem test is positive. Even people who died in SUICIDES and CAR accidents meet that definition.
3) The US has classified many cases as covid deaths even when postmortem tests have been NEGATIVE. The diagnosis can be based on symptoms, even though the symptoms are often similar to those of the seasonal flu.
4) There are financial incentives that might make a difference for hospitals and doctors. The CARES Act adds a 20% premium for COVID-19 Medicare patients.
COVID is nothing more than a bad flu, and we would never destroy our own economy for a flu. This is POLITICAL, and you’re just to dumb to see it!
Do research! Think critically! Dont be a sheep
@Don Williams
@Don Williams Ya, they really need to stop watching FAUXnews/entertainment. They are playing those ignorant, gullible, fools for all they are worth.
poonanny so you don’t disagree that the infection numbers are accurate.
poonanny you have no sense of logic. You are the one who talk and talk and highly opinionated. Another dumb F
Trump cares more about STATUES than about living, breathing Americans.
Steven Harris, this is trumps fault, like it or not
Valen Jade i hear you accusing trump but i do not hear why it is his fault.
High Mountain Fishing they are being torn down as are statues of abolitionists
High Mountain Fishing leaders of the protests say that statues of Jesus need to come down as well.
You’re not allowed to breath according to Democrats.
*Deadly virus going around*
*Europe:* Let’s work together. Ban Travel. Wear masks and do contact tracing
*US:* Let’s give a trillion dollars to the rich. What’s a mask? Cupcakes are delicious.
@unpaid troll “lie to yourself some more”, says the person that is obviously a pro at it. All of that is lies, every bit of it.
@angelo bucciarelli Sounds like EU 27 might be a good trading group. It will be interesting how it does without the U.K. Being an American, I did not know they were called EU 27. I just knew there was the U.K and everyone else after Brexit.
@unpaid troll Per capita USA sucks!
@Hannah Dyson Interesting, the world will be different after 2020. I really don’t know who will be running the U.S. after November. Boris Johnson is a lot like Trump in his ways. Stubborn I think?
tim coker@ trying to time market is hard. Just keep investing and also keep cash in hand when it drops 25%.
Well trump not worried about cali*! But he’s concerned about Florida and Texas ,,
We Cali folks expect nothing less, nor do we require it from HIM.
@mushroomking11 absolutely correct my friend*!

Did you make this post up yourself or do you recycle it over and over again.
@Trump Truth Train Trump troll lately? Over and over again??

He’s probably gonna say democratic Cali Gov. can’t run his states.
I’m afraid there are so many people who just don’t seem to care. They have not reached adulthood in life, regardless of their chronological age.
@Dorian Shades of gray I hate to tell u this but BLM is an issue swept well under the mat for many years. The scars are real. Is it any wonder these racists issues rises again while under Trump govt? The most racist bigot ever!!
You need to take the blinkers off, it’s time to listen to all the issues surrounding you instead of making matters much worst 

His rants and speils are based on racism, hate and divide. I’m sorry petal, unfortunately u are one of those deluded ones who is the problem in your world, in your country!!!
Our country also supports the BLM movement protests and by no way what so ever does any of them support trump or his ideologies. Its a worldwide thing. Does it effect u at all that the ‘world’ is watching in astonishment by the stupidity and even more so by how many support the narcassistic piece of
@Anaru Philp BLM formed in 2013 under the Obama government . If you did your research you’d find that only 9 unarmed black people were killed by police last year in the whole of the US. Last weekend, 18 black people were murdered by other black people in Chicago alone. So yes, black lives matter but the problem isn’t the police killing them , it’s other black people .
I am a republican who wears a mask. It is my right to protect my fellow man from getting sick.
2be Blunt it is clear that our education system has a loooooooong way to go.
I wholeheartedly agree with your viewpoint.
So this is what the end of America looks like.
@laksh nayyar Or it’s proof that he’s a moron and needs a strong distraction while he figures out how to make voting near impossible for the majority of Americans.
@Anne Rigby That was step 2 or 3 but who really cares? The present mess started long ago
farvision who are you to tell that?
The mindless people from America not protecting themselves
It’s like a zombie movie, but we usually see it very quickly on the screen. We’re living every second of it
This was predictable.
It was PREDICTED.. If anyone had ever read a history book they would have seen it. History does repeat itself. When you don’t learn from mistakes,just keep doing the same things over and over expecting a different outcome??????
From a European perspective, yes. You had even better warning signs than we did. A lot of people could have been saved.
And don’t get me started on your health ”care” system, smh.
Pretty much. The number of deaths will soon start to explode too, since the death rates tend to trail after the infection rates. Upside: They now have a better idea how to treat this thing. Downside: The hospitals will soon be overrun.
Only thing bunker boy is good at. Rallies before his doting fans.
@Kevin McNeil
@wiremantw Freedom & Liberty Forever

not any more. His last one sucked and was 2/3rds empty
Steve Dixon and broke records for the time slot on Fox News
Steve Dixon and no it was at 2/3 capacity..
Might I suggest panic or elevated urgency be added to the menu at this point? Just sayin’.
” A broken man with power ” , the most dangerous thing in the world.
Trump’s cry to overturn Obamacare in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic as millions of Americans lose their jobs is proof that Trump is one of the horsemen of the apocalypse.
Compliments of the Neglector in Chief, Donald John Trump… a POTUS help into office by Vladimir Putin.
john emeigh , wake-up John you’re still supporting the MOST CORRUPT IMMORAL EVIL RACIST person on earth.It just show what is inside your small brain
Compliments of the Neglector in Chief, Donald John Trump… a POTUS help into office by Vladimir Putin.
Donald John Trump is waging war against any potential voter likely to vote against him; when fewer Americans vote Republicans win elections.
Donald John Trump is conducting nationwide voter suppression by appropriating PPE via the FBI & FEMA and delaying COVID-19 tests in the USA. Donald John Trump is a dishonest, inept, irresponsible, financially isolated moron in it for self-dealing. Donald John Trump is not The Great White Hope, he’s a political grenade tossed in by Vladimir Putin. Donald John Trump is a traitor and terrorist to the USA.
@FU T Nayyyy bloke…. you see, — that’s just what you are selling, and it nae true atall! No sale, lad.
We have to have to wear seatbelts when we drive and wear a shirt on our back to shop at the mall but Trump can’t say we have to wear a little mask just until we get this under control. Very poor leadership!
Good slave, now kneel and wash my feet.
Masks are dehumanising and anti-human. Where this is all going:
@Mountain Man Bet you hear that a lot.
@fasteddie WTmF? How? Please explain, bet you can’t.
@srgreeniii Read the article
Trump: “Like a miracle, it will disappear. ”
Also Trump: It could get worse.”
Donald have 4 year old brain
@Suremes what part of — everything he touches dies– don,t they get??
@peter gho What about if testing is stopped altogether? There will be no new cases at all. LMAO This is how the president of the USA thinks. This is Mr Donald Duck!
Who is responsible for this disaster? 2,500,000+ Confirmed Coronavirus Americans, 127,000+ dead Americans and 45,000,000+ unemployed Americans. 40,000 new cases and 700 deaths every day.
Many countries were able to limit the damage but not Trump’s USA. WHY?
The population of the USA is 4% of the world’s population, but we have 25% of all Corona deaths in the world.
“Trump is not fit for office.” Trump bankrupted 6 of his businesses. He’s on his way to Bankrupting the USA.
@Nivek Nanorc and everything he grabs ends in court. Dating his daughter did not end in court though. Strange…… OH I see. She has been employed at the White House as an advisor to the president. This makes sense.
Lol we need Ja Rules pov
whining trump : “this is unfair… covid-19 is now targeting republican states… this could cost me my re-election… unfair… “
Trump held his rally in republican states, he wants that virus to spread
“I’m sure the universe is full of intelligent life. It’s just been too intelligent to come here.”
― Arthur C. Clarke
@Harry Steele Yes, I know. It is so sad. November is not far away.
With Republicans as the enablers helping Russia, it’s too far away.
@Harry Steele Trump is finished. He has no hope in November. Even in 2016 MOST Americans did NOT vote for him and his approval ratings have been CONSISTENTLY low around 40%. After what he did to us with the virus he has no hope to be re-elected.
Who is responsible for this disaster? 2,500,000+ Confirmed Coronavirus Americans, 127,000+ dead Americans and 45,000,000+ unemployed Americans. 40,000 new cases and 700 deaths every day.
Many countries were able to limit the damage but not Trump’s USA. WHY?
The population of the USA is 4% of the world’s population, but we have 25% of all Corona deaths in the world.
“Trump is not fit for office.” Trump bankrupted 6 of his businesses. He’s on his way to Bankrupting the USA.
RowenS Newsroom4am u r

Criminally negligent homicide occurs when the perpetrator acts in a reckless, dangerous, or negligent manner which causes the death of another person. Surely Trump is guilty on multiple counts.
@hugh jorgan it is unfair to blame New York’s leaders for poor outcomes in New York… Yes you can find poor decisions, but there is no doubt that New York was hit the hardest because it is THE epicentre for international travel, and a densely populated area. Any leader of this region would be hit hard, no matter what decisions were made, aside from closing down the airports and travel early enough.
@hugh jorgan ‘cuomos and deblasio’s negligence made it an epicentre’… this is not true. Not saying they didn’t screw up, but New York would have been an epicentre’ no matter what decisions they made. It got hit so hard because it is THE hub of international travel, and a highly and densely populated city.
@hugh jorgan ‘the federal government didn’t encourage people to act normally during the beginning of the crisis’… Actually trump did this , at least indirectly, by saying the disease would disappear. You can’t blame some leaders for not realizing how serious it was and not blame trump for the same thing. You’re cherry picking observations.
@poonanny ‘covid is nothing more than a bad flu’… Yes, it seems, a ‘really bad flu’ for which there is no vaccine, and which possibly spreads easier than the flu. Wrt inflated numbers, you’re absolutely right, deaths with covid make the numbers misleading. But you can’t deny that hospitals in regions like Italy and other places became overwhelmed… this really happened and would have happened elsewhere if no action was taken. It will happen in the states if they don’t shut down when/if they measure spikes in cases. Luckily they are shutting down when the data suggests that it is advisable.
@poonanny first off, I am NOT a sheep. You can believe what you want to believe, and I can believe what I want to believe. Fact is, people are dying because people like you fill their heads with nonsense. No need to reply.
You knew having an inexperienced, dangerously stupid narcissist would hurt us if we had to deal with a real crisis. Turns out it not just hurt us, but is killing us. Bigly
The cult won’t care.
Sad but true
“We need a President who isn’t a laughing stock of the world!” Donald Trump’s Twitter Aug 9th 2014
@V Z typical Trump supporter. Throw out a bogus statement and not indicate the source of their misinformation. Facts on Fox? BWAHAHAHA!
@V Z All he did is quote him. What’s disrepectful about quoting someone? It sounds to me like you think trump was being disrespectful for saying it in the first place.
@V Z That quote was from dear leader himself.
@V Z what’s wrong with quoting the chosen one’s Twitter?