New jobs report shows record 20.5 million American jobs lost in April

With much of the American economy in self-imposed shutdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus, April's colossal surge in unemployment delivered a historic blow to workers.

#CNN #News


    1. @fake account trumps stimulus gave billion dollar company’s 10s of millions in stimulus, the la Lakers got 10 million in stimulus under trumps ” small business” stimulus.

    2. @BooBoo Bear trump lied more than that in his first year, but who cares right, I mean CNN is making the laws and regulations that affect our lives not trump, idiot!

    3. Neither do greedy DemocRAT politicians with their roots dyed, professional plastered makeup, bragging about gourmet $104/gal ice-cream stocked full in their $25,000 fridge, while getting full pay check for sitting home not doing their damn job.

    4. @BooBoo Bear 1 question, what affects more lives, the lies a news channel which you and trump say, is failing and fake, or the lies told by the president of the United states? 1 more question, what ever happened to locking up the Clinton’s? That special prosecutor he was gonna appoint to investigate her? Why so long? All the ” evidence” you guys have on her, I mean murders , rapes, why hasn’t he done anything?

  1. I feel like america has gone too far down the hole to fight this virus.

    What’s frustrating to see is that this could have been prevented if taken the right precautions before it got worst.

    1. The virus isn’t that bad. If they opened up more death would happen but again most people overcome this virus. This a 5% mortality rate. The country must move forward and accept the casualties with.

    2. What Precautions? Even right now the American people are not listening to doctors orders or guidelines, lets face it no matter what Trump would have done, the American people will just not listen.

  2. TRUMP’s respondse to the virus was terrible.

    As a result, your economy is tanking WAY faster than other, well organized countries!

    1. BS…economy was great pre covid…you are so brainwashed thaf you blame trump for what the virus did.

  3. This TOTAL COLLAPSE of the economy is NOT happening in other wealthy countries!

    It is caused by your governments non-responds!

    1. @john magill In United States constitutional law, police power is the capacity of the states to regulate behavior and enforce order within their territory for the betterment of the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of their inhabitants.
      Spreading deadly illness has been also illegal for over 100 years in USA .
      Funny how republicans that act like they would be tough , crumble in few weeks if they need to stay home .

    2. @Pete Lind In no court in the land, would going to work constitute intentionally spreading illness. I realize that you may be entirely comfortable sitting at home on welfare. But not everybody is in your situation and I’m not surprised that you don’t understand it. Now go read your constitution and continue to misinterpret it.

    1. @blood stream James Clapper: “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.” Very sad what Obama did, spying on the President. Obama should be in prison like Crooked Hillary.

    2. @Ben Levine Donald Chump : I wish Russia would find those emails for me …if you are listening….”

    3. is it true that all democrats are serial rapists or is it just joe biden

    4. @Chuck Schumer is a true fascist is it true Donald Trump was accused of rape by not one woman but 16 ? Is it true he supported a known pedophile Roy Moore ? Is it true all Trump supporters are idiots who think he is god?

    5. Awwwe they deleted my pee pee comment, I guess somebody went and cried to their mommy 😆

  4. “They’ve never really had our interests at heart,” he said. “And now would be a weird time to start.”

    1. still the one who makes fear Trump needs to go bring on Joe. Trump didn’t create jobs, do your homework. Those jobs came from Obama. Look at the job creation from Obama and look at Trumps. He lied about his creation now he’s wiped out 12
      years of jobs in three months.He lies about everything. Definitely not a leader.

    1. @Ngawati marupohill
      everyone has to eat and as nature provides nearly all of it it can kill also as seen in some parts of the world.

    1. That’s what I did also. I’m learning self sustaining skills. Hopefully not to late. Learning to make some snares, fish basket/traps, and animal skinning also. Hope I’m not learning to late.

    2. Did you know that you can recycle and repurpose democrats? Yep they make great roses. Just ask a Kennedy during Karma week.

  5. Wait for the second wave now that social distancing is lax it will get more worse.

    1. @Sean Steo take the reported death #’s cut them by 2/3 then that might be about right…Leftards you have been played like a fiddle for your ignorance and your willingness to conform ….

    2. @Mr. NaturalI would like any possible shred of evidence to suggest that the virus will spread to an exact number regardless of mitigation measures.

    3. Sean Steo how about every credible model of the infection rate? The area under the curve doesn’t change. Calculus will tell you that area under the curve when graphing a rate of change = total number who will be infected.

      Nobody is really disputing this either. No credible scientist is saying less people overall will be infected if we stay locked down. Just that the rate of infection will be lower and more prolonged.

    4. @Mr. Natural Okay, I understand, what you’re arguing is a completely mute point. The infection and hospitalization rate is what people WANT to keep down

    1. @TalesofStories I’m not going off right wing sites or stories. Am I to assume your sources are not left-wing if you are blanket assuming mine are on the right?
      Do I think the administration has the brightest minds as part of the team? No — Not even close.
      Do I think Trump’s constant sparring with everyone opposing him even the slightest helps in the slightest? No. Any talk of holding up resources to Blue states is hugely unhelpful. To my knowledge, that has been talk only.
      Do I think the entire situation is absolutely unprecedented and that resource production and distribution is absolutely critical, unlike anything we’ve seen before, apart from active war? Yes.
      My biggest beef is the promise of widespread testing that hasn’t happened after weeks and weeks. I understand this is a massive job, given the numbers of people we’re talking about, but they really shouldn’t tout that it’s going to happen if the logistics just aren’t there yet.

    2. @guj19 I appreciate you’re respectful tone and language in your replies. Unlike a lot of Pro-Trump responses who immediately jump into derisive talk and slander.
      In any case, I won’t direct you to any specific articles, but please Google search Coronavirus Federal Government Stealing PPE and find a source you trust from there. The government is literally taking supplies from local governments. Cuomo even talked about how they have to bid against other cities and then FEMA for their supplies. It’s a mess.
      This is an unprecedented situation for sure, but every Presidency has been challenged by an event that tests the leadership of the Commander in Chief. I can’t think of any other President that has failed so miserably on all fronts as this President has on this issue. We are nearing 80k dead. If this was a Clinton Presidency, what do you think the Right would be saying and doing now?

    3. @TalesofStories because we know everything on the net is real. I saw a horse talk on tv once so it must be true. What a fucktard.

    1. @Pat Ho you along with the democrats must have short selective memory then. Anything to fit our own narrative

    1. @Seymour Asses David Icke knows Republicans and Trump are globalist sob who’s going to put chip inside every American citizen

    2. @Inter Pol They’ll never put a chip inside me but I’m scared they’ll put one in my mom and then she’ll try to get me to get it or that I won’t be able to work without a chip

  6. What would happen to the economy if we all stopped spending money? Let’s find out.

    1. Are you kidding the post office is processing more packages than at christmas time. Its insane. By the looks no one’s going broke. Everyone in the restraint business is making more money on unemployment than if they were working. That moves gonna backfire. Can’t blame them for taking a raise.

    2. @pr0xZen the poor people are always the hardest hit. They were struggling before the virus. The rich are shopping like it’s Christmas on steroids

    3. @Newton Arock that’s just stupid. We are already in this mess cause not enough people vote

    4. @Julie Elfrink We are in this mess cause too many ppl vote for corporate controlled shills who then steal our money and give it to corporations. STOP voting for them. They are called Democrats and Republicans.

    1. He only has to blame China for it; “Look what great economy I have created and look what China did to it.” It shouldn’t be hard.

    2. Is coronavirus economy now, Trump surrendered it to coronavirus, he cave we are still in a pandemic!🦠

  7. Unemployment is skyrocketing, and yet the stock market is gaining ground. It’s clear who the economy is set up for.

  8. Ughh no. Y’all wish I would go out and spend all my money in the middle of the worst economic crisis in centuries

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