White House press briefings during a crisis are supposed to be a way to put out accurate information, and give reporters the opportunity to ask questions and hold the government accountable on the public’s behalf. But President Donald Trump has largely spent the daily Coronavirus Task Force briefings praising himself, attacking “the media,” and making statements that are unsubstantiated and often proven to be false.
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Millions Watch The White House Coronavirus Briefings. What Do They See? | The Day That Was | MSNBC
a big lying mess….those who say otherwise, open your eyes and ears
“Don’t believe what you’re seeing & hearing”- Trump
Say that to fox news fairy
Lock down is essential
TRUMP knows he can con the average southern inbred,corn fed, toothless ,illiterate population. He likes em stupid.
@YOSHAAA! media ban trump we all be better off
I stopped watching yesterday. They are just campaign ads that pat each other on the head, back, and butt. Not worth my valuable time.
David Mueller have you noticed that every body that goes up to speak, keeps congratulating Trump on what a good job he is doing. Except for Dr Faucci and that lady Dr.
@Jims H If someone doesn’t stroke that weird implant on his head, he unravels, becomes a defensive, pissy little child and descends into a hissy fit.
We see incompetent “leadership” !
A man who struggles to string a sentence together, remember basic facts, and routinely becomes aggressive to hide the fact he can’t answer very basic questions.
@Patrick Kingfisher Kennedy you piece of crap garbage ,your name sounds like foreigner garbage that love the Demo Radicals and Fake News CNN and most main stream Media Mob,and forget ;These Anti-America Democratic Radical/socialists Demo loons went crazy,. We don’t need more criminals on the streets at this time ,open borders,another million Muslims,a green deal, corruption Incorporated,Biden and son getting kickbacks from Ukraine and China, again.impeaching presidents over false claims, Congress lying in court, fighting the president every move he makes,no NWO,no deep state,no removing historical monuments, no Koran in our schools,get Christianity back in America,get rid of college professors and teachers teaching anti- American thoughts,arrest those accountable for treason,no swearing in on the Koran to be in our government.Stop any kind of pedophilia and changing age of consent,( sick weirdos),stop disrespecting our president,flag, National Anthem, veterans, military,judges, history,way of life.
What do you expect for a third grade education? Why do you think he can relate to the southern swamp people so well?
The virus is VERY SMALL and VERY DANGEROUS. that’s from the standpoint of viruses… Don the con.
Why do he read like he’s reading Braille?
But enough about your father.
He has no idea what to do, he is completely out of his depth, as the conman that he always has been , nowhere to hide for the sociopath in the white-house.
@Rabble Wolf agree !!
The gop are standing back letting this happen….trump is just the dumb mouthpiece.
@Rabble Wolf exactly. .this is horrible what’s happening. .and it’s going to get a lot worse.
@Jude Jackson
Trump is, “sadly” the poster boy for corruption.
The person you describe infested the WH from 2008 through 2015. Traitor 44 is done! Curse him!
When election time is there …you all know what to do …get him out and put him and his ministers in jail.
*not gonna happen and you and the dems know it… Joe “I like when little kids rub my legs” Biden is pathetic*
Use Amendment 25 on 45. Fire him. He is totally incapable of doing the job and is killing people because he’s so useless. Reckless endangerment combined with sheer incompetence.
I wonder how bad the death rate will have to get before someone actually considers doing that?
@The Insane Shecklador Where is the GOP? Has anyone seen a senator lately? Are they all on Easter break? This is what they should be doing. They have to say ‘enough is enough.!
Margaret Nicol
I agree #25the45 is the only solution…
Who will use it? How does it work?
I just see a bafoon blabbing about hes the savior of the world and knows whats best for us peasants. Narcissistic bloated tangerine
Bloated orange buffoon or tangerine twatwaffle turdbag
I totally agree with you on this… I made a music video call ‘Putins Toy’… I think you would appreciate. Its on my channel. It’s a satirical anti Trump punk song. M Safrons, I’m sure you’ll enjoy the sarcasm of the video. A little levity in these uncertain times. If you like it, feel free to share it and leave a comment , I value your opinion.
I see nothing but Incompetence and disinformation anytime “Con”ald Trump opens his mouth!
I see the same thing. It’s disturbing to think that their are grown adults who buy his bs.
He’s been a conman since his early ventures into “business”
Trump using these briefing as a campaigning tool
Trust me his supporters will vote for him again watch
@Angus D the article is not praising trump. It’s along the lines of what the OP wrote, that trump is using the daily updates as a campaign vehicle.
@Leslie Williams Not all of them. I think he has virtually no way to broaden his appeal, and there are people who voted for him , that have had enough. He has turned off many in many industries.
@Paul Wilson moron
@Leslie Williams not if they’re all dead!

By any judgement this man should be put in a straight jacket and put in a secure jail cell.
He need a mental institution and a padded room
I was thinking of sticking him out on Alcatraz island. Then he will have his own island, like his buddy Epstein.
Would love to see that
“Out the back door” he learned something when he was working with the mob
Yup..have you noticed how every single thing he blames others for are his own “crimes”? That’s why he knows so much….ha,ha,ha……
Sadly, millions of Americans believe the incompetent and unfit IMBECILE spewing ignorant comments. Dr Birx lost all credibility when she said tRump was quick to understand the science behind the COVID-19.
Of course, Trump chooses only asskissers for office.
lol, Trump and science are adversaries, and understanding is not exactly one of Trump’s characteristics, but to be fair, Birx lost credibility long ago
@Wilicca99 Tokoroa that explains why he fired all the experts.
Birx was bought and paid for and you can see her soul physically leaving her body in the footage of her onstage.
@Stad Cheven you noticed that as well. I thought it was painful and pathetic at the same time as her body language kind of gave her away.
Trump has no compassion. He has done everything to ruin the economy. He’s going down as the worst President to ever serve the office.
he is a sociopath – can’t feel empathy
Serves himself
Well, you were warned.
Now that my daughter is a covid nurse in a covid unit – I’ve come to realize what parents of military families go thru – god bless you all for all you do !
P B God bless your daughter and you.
UK government: “unfortunately 1, 415 have passed away, our thoughts are with family and friends”
US government: “if 200,000 die, we did a good job”
Not exact quote but the point remains, Donald Trump doesn’t care about it’s people.
I wish an exasperated reporter would, when tRump says “I never said that”, would shout out “If you told told the truth you wouldn’t have to remember your lies”. Sticking to polite decorum obviously hasn’t worked.
I’ve thought the same…many times. He deserves no respect because he gives none.
If he hasn’t heard about testing, how can he claim to know that millions have been done? trump is a liar and too stupid to keep his lies straight.
this is such a hopless man…. and….. nobody is impressed.
deepblue64 The saddest part is that there are people who actually believe him. I’m thinking the reason is that they refuse to fact check anything and blindly believe him and FOX. I can’t think of any other reason, Why would anyone ,other than psychopath, have zero interest in humanity and human life….preferring to take advantage of it and line his pockets financially To say it’s disgusting is the nicest way I can express it.
“Many people are impressed”
Yeah! Who? Only maga maggots
Keep it up Sanctuary Cities are paying dearly
MSNBC full of lies. Of course we have the most cases and highest spike when we test more than any other country. Keep pushing fear. Don’t worry Democrats aren’t gonna help you they are looking for ways to take more money
@jays knight king titan you win today’s most idiotic comment award!
@EarthsDreamsCos 777 na. That’s go to you far left morons. Don’t worry Democrats don’t care about you