Fmr. Senator Claire McCaskill tells House Republicans to stop complaining about hearsay testimony if they continue to stonewall the investigation and keep preventing people like Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney from testifying. Aired on 11/13/19.
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McCaskill: 'Shut Up About The Hearsay If You're Blocking All The Witnesses' | MSNBC
AMEN. Claire NAILED it. The Republicans are a complete, pathetic, JOKE
Lunatic Fringe And the biggest virtue signalers and double talkers
mrs mucha Only if youre Republican if youre a Democrat theyll want to throw you under the jail. Republicans act like the Russians
@Wise Man dan barker vs hort
The burglar caught at the bank drops the bag and says “no crime here, the money is in the bank still”.
Javier Bonilla perfect analogy!
Right, or a murder for hire plot that goes south…still a crime…
Say it 10 more times Dems are slow to learn
@grow forit You sure it’s a the Democrats who are slow to learn? They are not the ones who are holding on to the “it’s not a crime because we failed” defense.
“Shut up about the hearsay if you’re blocking all the witnesses!”
(an innocent man does not ignore Congressional subpeonas to block witnesses.)
@SheilaghmBrosky Brosky you can always tell a dem when they open their mouth. Uncouth.
@Sharon Remund I’m not interested in what you have to say – troll. I’m already bored with you. Keep moving.
@Miriam L. How will I ever survive without your kind words?
@Sharon Remund Ohhhh. I’m so embarrassed. All this time I thought the comment section was a place to respond constructively and thoughtfully to a video. I didn’t realize it was supposed to revolve around the juvenile harassment from insipid trolls and vapid, self-centered, self-righteous commenters.
Its an inquiry not a hearing last time I checked.still no evidence for a hearing
Feel so happy for America today, real patriots standing up for the constitution, Taylor and Kent were so impressive!

@God Bless us all it’s hilariously pathetic how stupid you and the other Trumpian morons in this thread are
, today’s testimonies were extremely damning to Trump and only you dipshits refuse think otherwise.
@Sharon Remund Qanon tell you that
This is bad for the democrats in 2020
@Rod Allen You are a clown show. Go back to Russia.
Isn’t attempted murder a crime even though you never murdered the guy?!

@Dwayne Coy Your comment is so obtuse and illogical it’s completely nonsensical. You said all of this to say nothing at all.
Michael bagley – says the man who’s brain is so obtuse that he complains about a comment not making any sense, but fails to note one example, comment or point as an example.
Not if you are a demented Republican like Nunes and his cow or Jordan and his pervert enabling skills. That’s the Republicans! “to coin a favorite quote from Gym Jordan”
@Darnell Tobar – Republican infected brains? Pretty much!!
Exactly!! How can they get “first hand” testimony, when Trump is blocking all of the witnesses?!
@Linda Simmons He couldn’t be lying too much, others have backed up what he said. Nice try, but no prize for you…….Try again.
Where did you see that Trump is blocking anyone?
@None you know that making stuff up is really dumb when we can Google you wrong within 5 secs, right? Or are you just parroting the leftist propaganda? The FBI interviewed everyone.
If you are talking about Joe Biden .check out utube and see for yourself he used the same tactics Trump is being accused of (but did not do)– Joe biden bragged about doing it on tape-WHERE WAS THE IMPEACHENT TRIAL FOR THE FORMER VICE PRESIDENT—? oh he was and is a corrupt democrat and his son but democrats don’t get impeached. right?
@None where’d you go?
The diplomats appeared as witnesses and they reported what they heard, witnessed and said. Mr. Kent was pretty straigtg forward and didn’t play any political games, same for Mr. Taylor.
Must have been the clown in the bow tie huh?
Wow was he ever convincing.
Tee hee!
TRUMP couldn’t look any better right now
and I can’t wait to see him reelected.
Perhaps he can run for a third term!!!!!
The diplomats didn’t witness anything about the call and were asked many leading questions, which much to democrat chagrin, didn’t always answer the way they wanted. Kent mentioned how he was concerned about how bad it looked when obama asked Ukraine to shut down investigation into Burisma when Biden’s kid was put on their board. But shhh, we’re not supposed to notice that.
You do know Taylor is a 4th hand account witness, right?
@strobed22 I understand the whole scheme and how putting together a case works, and I don’t care too much if corruption in the US will increase, because I’m not living there. I just want to understand how to fight corruption because that is always very damaging to a countries economy mid- and longterm. And I want to have GDP of my country going up and not down.
Three out of every five republicans are just as stupid as the other two.
Ann Linley Trump should have been able to bring the country together. He is the current president lol
Yet we don’t believe this total b.s from the media lmao…..not one thing came out today….u believe the very people who are dividing this nation….the democrates and the lying media
So woke!
Stock Broken Even stupid people can con other stupid people.
The president…shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. – US Constitution, Article II, Section 4
@camjamsdad did you know that Senators take a special oath promising to decide on removal of a president based on the law of the constitution and not on political party ? so your saying they will break that oath no matter what ? and is that a good thing in your mind ?
@Chris Robin you are correct….all that is required is that the president act in a way that is unbecoming to the office of president…. it does not have to be a crime….. Trump is a total dumpster fire and needs to be out of the white house to restore integrity to our nation.
No, he won’t.
Good thing Trump hasn’t done anything like that
LOL, going after Obama not providing aid, going after Biden’s credentials, even attacking Taylor and Kent’s integrity in their testimonies. Scattershot is an understatement, this is easily distraction tactics. Republicans truly have no shame.
Why do Republicans continue to defend this traitor tRump.
steve gerhart it’s a question even themselves have a hard time explaining while frothing at the mouth.
As a former R that could see where the party was going and they have even sunk lower in the cesspool. How they can continue to try to support corrupt Trump is beyond belief…Go Dems.
David Burns, welcome to the sunny side of the street.
Thank goodness you saw the light
Country over party and yeah hoe anybody can defend that corupt cheeto puff is beyond me
This ain’t a fukkin soccer game fool!
” Go Dem’s” really?
No wonder you lost, you possess the mind of a child.
@William Burgess proof of a FELONY on live tv with the Dorian hurricane map. Doesn’t matter who altered it, he presented it as being true which according to U.S. code 2074. Go look it up
They’re missing on the analogy. Its as if you robbed a bank on Dec 1, learned on Dec. 10 that authorities were to make an arrest and returned the stolen money on Dec. 11. You still committed bank robbery.
Not according to the lame brained Republicans. It would be like Gym Jordan going back and cleaning up the sperm off the floor and claiming it never happened. Typical Republican stupidity.
I am Canadian, watching this closely, I agree, wonderful and respected men testifying today. I notice that Taylor thought his answers out before replying, Very wise man
“Wonderful and respected?” Same is often said of Canadians (in circles familiar to me, anyway). You guys are cool…and c-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-old.
Trying to remember his coaching from shifty Schiff.
@grow forit Give it a rest. Those comments are simply insulting at this point.
@C G kind of like russian asset, overwhelming evidence or the I word…
@grow forit grow a pair chump. Empty channel equals empty mind.
Remember this feeling you have, you will need it in a year time when you are at the ballot. Let’s rid this stupid Republicans out of office and send them home.
They got the $$$$from CORPORATION w.taxcut UNLIMITED.They have BENEFIT 2.5 TRILLIONS every year and share it.So 45 get money to win 2020.
Is it still illegal to castrate them so no more ignorant Republicans can be hatched?
@Fork and plate – He should be sent to Mexico to work and pay for tearing down the fence. That stupid useless fence!
@Elena Timofte – You are a true CACA hatter
“We stopped committing the crime once we got caught.”
@Surprise623er sorry wrong again I am not a kid I am 55 years old, see I knew you cared still responding but not about the actual clip or substance of the topic, you just keep proving my point.
@timandsue legere no you keep proving my point
@Surprise623er repeating what I originally said does not help try coming up with something original you have become tiresome now and obviously have nothing of value to say so I bid you adieu
I know you pulled me over for speeding, officer, but I am not speeding now.
Do you think that that argument will work?
“The bank didn’t get robbed, but they sure as heck tried to rob it.” That is a great quote but I might argue that Trump did indeed rob the bank, but he was caught after 7 months, and was forced to return the money.
What do they call Attempted treason?
It’s like Republicans don’t care about our country anymore.
@photoshopknight and the left is doing the fearmongering with all their lies. Smh. So sad. I really mean it. Breaks my heart to see it.
@photoshopknight again, even if the kids are in cages you have to blame the left for encouraging the illegal crossings for a reward (living in sanctuary cities). And you still haven’t explained how Trump is ruining the country. You just talked about fearmongering but that’s exactly what you did. Huh.
@photoshopknight drunk already? Smh.
Police officer: The reason I’ve pulled you over is because you were speeding back there..
Republicans: Oh ok officer, but my car isn’t moving right now…
“I robbed the store but there wasn’t any money” GOP defense
@Excalibur Ok , Allow Joe Biden and his son come testify about how corruption is handled in Ukraine …They have experience and know a great deal about the practices of dealing with the Ukrainians.. Joe Biden knows that you have to give them 6 hours and threaten to pull their funding and Obama backed him up ….
@Manhattan Valley of the Dead Meltdown is those freaks called Democrats that have rabid fits over hats … Or the ones who cast hexes on the Supreme Court Steps because they lost the outcome of a slanderous hearing …. Republicans do not have that kind of followings “Freaks of Common Sense” , Democrats have them out the woodwork…
@Stev Wood The lunatics on the left are a fringe, Pizzagate and Qanon and other delusions are commonplace on the right.