Pollster Frank Luntz gives advice to former President Donald Trump after a string of midterm losses by the candidates Trump supported. #CNN #News
Listen to top GOP pollster’s advice for Trump

Pollster Frank Luntz gives advice to former President Donald Trump after a string of midterm losses by the candidates Trump supported. #CNN #News
It’s funny that Trump can be the number one republican while also being public enemy number one. Citizen X . ( As in ex president )
Partisan primaries
Just shows the pathetic state of the Republican party – a party with no conscience, no intentions to do good for the Americans in general, no policies, just lies, and selfish and idiotic………….
@Shlep Messing You are correct! Your dead God tRump ran the country into the ground.

I simply do not trust pollsters anymore

Appreciate CNN’S coverage however I beg to differ with the pollster’s opinion. Republicans actually voted against Trump, although they don’t have the courage to admit this!
What would you know
Too embarrassed to admit it.
@B. T. They should have been embarrassed to have supported and defended a man that lies on a daily, steals from charities and incites an insurrection.
The pollster said as much in a roundabout way. Trump wins primaries and loses general elections.
@Zhao Wei Lol, I was actually going to give you a well thought out intelligent response; however after I checked out your channel and read your comments I realized that you’re not worth the response. Have a nice weekend and get some rest.
Donnie don’t do “advice”!
Donnie just adds vice…on top of vice….on top of vice…
Astute! Could not have said it better myself. He lacks the mental clarity for introspection and has no clue on how to better himself, or change his behavior because of his illusions of grandeur. His mental illness truly is a hindrance and the LAST place he should be is in the White House as “leader” of the free world. Heaven help us… I feel better about the fact that it appears that the majority of us understand just how toxic and wrong he is for the job of “president”.. it would be 4 years (IF we are lucky and he does not find a way to make himself king for life) of bellyaching, whining about all who “did him wrong”, and revenge.. golfing every other day on our dime while nothing gets done. He needs to take a one way slow boat to “Chiner”, in my opinion.
The GOP need to tell DT “YOU’RE FIRED!!
Trump LOST 2020.

They are afraid

@Rachel Kristine I agree …the orange con man has no chance in a general election
The very fact that Trump ‘absolutely has the right to run in 2024’ is why the rest of the world continues to smfh.
@Fire Quackers I’m not disagreeing with you, but with what, or who’s, money? Not those donations he’s been getting for two years & if he loses the primary there goes the RNC money.
@Fire Quackers if deSantis wins Trump will call for His MAGA supporters to storm Floridas Governor’s mansion !!!!!!
@Gardener Smarter remains to be seen. There really wasn’t a good effort put out by the Democratic party here. They simply HAVE to stop rolling out Charlie Crist, and the crackhead DeSantis faced In 2018 wasn’t any better.
@Gardener Not just that, but messaging. The Republican candidates were hyper aggressive in getting the word out, while Democrats were almost as quiet as church mice. It’s like they didn’t even try.
Yep. A real country would’ve had him charged with insurrection.
Why do you think we call him
“The Former Guy”?
George Floyd loved Trump
You are a desperate old man.
Take your goldfish for a walk grandma.
@I CAUSED BIDENFLATION I absolutely know he loved your mother.
@I CAUSED BIDENFLATION Is this your new troll acct. William H Music?
@I CAUSED BIDENFLATION So did Jeffrey Epstein.
Anyone who has advise for Trump needs to find another job. Can anyone name a single time he has listened to anyone’s advise?
2016, 80 million elected him, so that.
He llistened to Melania when she said Dr Oz was a good candidate….. apparently
Advise from Luntz to Trump; don’t be Donald Trump. LMAO.
if Trump is nominee in 2024 then i will vote against him and his party.
Keep up the great work Donald! You’re a true gift to we Democrats.
Trump is not stupid. He see what’s going on. And he knows that the democratic are real while his party is fake. look how they are trying to get him out lol. They use him because as long as he was doing what they wanted him to do they loved him but now he coming out full blast. They do not like it
@THE M NETWORK ( The Millionaire Network) unfortunately, the Dems aren’t stupid either and they are playing the “divide and conquer” game with Trump and Desantis.
hellelujah Donnie…hail the King Destroyer of anything that requires co-ordinated team work and smarts…the Orange Cancer really is the Dems’ greatest gift…yes he is…the King of the grift! Donnie Demolition Man…hoohaa
….. another grift email from trump in 3, 2, 1…..
It’s amazing the GOP don’t get that their party is now toxic…but what else have they got?
@jim bob Wasn’t told that. I listened to one of his sermons that has been pulled from the internet.
@jim bob blah, blah, blah….next it will be Fetterman for President. hmmm….might be better than Old Joe.
@kay armstrong Uh huh, so you listened to an edited clip, pushed by liars and con men and grifters and snake oil salesmen that convinced you the liars and con men and grifters and snake oil salesmen liked you more than the man in the edited clip.
You’re so easy to deceive I can see why the RNC can’t resist it.
It was a red fart
@jammmy30 maybe
Mr. Luntz makes his living by creating and polling, but most do not listen to polls or believe in them…real irony!
Trump is kryptonite to the US period!
Damn right’s Catherine… he da man
We now have a weapon – he is not winning elections where he picked and supported candidates! This is huge because it shows that the big party members are not his sycophants, and do recognize the truth when they see it.
Kevin McCarthy is definitely afraid of his powers.
an its Orange Krptonite at that
which causes Superman to become anObese lyingBigot
Our EU allies think the US is nuts. Trump wants to be Putin in the US. Look at what Putin has done in Ukraine–that’s exactly what Trump is. A monster and a danger to our Republic.
“Trump’s patina has flawed considerably”. Good one.
In what universe does Trump take advice?
Herman Cain
NO! Announce, announce, announce. That will push the DoJ to go ahead and indict.
It looks like the scenario has changed from showing off your one-trick Pony to hiding the one-trick Pony in your Barn LMFAO
4:00 ……NO he DOES NOT have the right to run after attempting the insurrection.
Fourteenth Amendment
Section 3
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Why do people try convincing others that Jan 6th was the worst day in US History? I’m genuinely curious… Is it not the people’s building? They roamed the halls and left? 3 deaths? One being a military personnel shot by capital police? Other was heart attack? Subtract the deaths…how’s that any different from the riots that happens all over the US from BLM? The damages done to businesses and communities… Ffs a police station was literally caught on fire along with small businesses and the many dollars lost from looting…. But just because the capital was “under siege” by supporters of Trump aka ” maga extremist” is why it’s been over exaggerated and played out like it’s a day all will remember? Lol
@AOD Twitch – Legitimate political discourse, eh?
@Kitty S. And so many more:
US Criminal Code Title 18 § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection:
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
5 U.S. Code § 7311 – Loyalty and striking
An individual may not accept or hold a position in the Government of the United States or the government of the District of Columbia if he—
(1)advocates the overthrow of our constitutional form of government.
And the list goes on, yet he’s still the face of the Republican party?
I’m so sick of the Republicans blaming everything on Trump the problem with the Republican Party is they backed Trump instead of American Democracy and our Constitution. There are 140 Republican politicians who refuse to back the electoral college vote and the rest of the Republican politicians refused to hold them accountable for not honoring their oath. I left the Republican Party because I want politicians who will listen to the American people, stick up for our Country and who actually have and live integrity rather than immoral deceitful attitudes
Republicans bashing Trump? Please tell me one time Trump did something in his 4 years that the media didn’t pick apart, or the Democrats for that reason. They were saying they were going to impeach him before he was ever elected . I will not vote for Trump if he runs again, but I wish he would stop bashing Republicans who are very decent, and good at their jobs . Trump needs to stop his loud mouth. and his I did this , and I did that bragging , it makes me sick…
Thank you, young voters!
Well when you give one man so much power he could eventually destroy himself or destroy his kingdom lucky for us he’s destroying himself