After years of companionship, an older pair of African lions at the L.A. Zoo named Hubert and Kalisa were euthanized together so they wouldn’t have to live apart.
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BOYCOTT all Zoos, SVP !

I despise zoos.
Old and sick! Better not suffering, my cat of 10 years was euthanised 2 weeks ago, 4 different treatments, and nothing works, he was suffering a lot, was sad moments for me, but was the best for him!
Maybe stop keeping animals in captivity you bunch of greedy vultures .
So sad they lived a life of captivity and now put to death

The lions were over 20 years old, which is much longer than they would have lived in the wild.
@Ryan Prosper why can’t one make a comment without having somebody say something that ruins the sentiment

Couldn’t read the whole thing because the “see next” videos popped up over the writing!!!!
I’ll tell you , it said LA zoo broke like every other zoo in america so they has to go , the big eaters that cost the most to feed , no one has the money to buy them or the budget to feed them so you get this . the cheap way out . Board members still getting pay checks .
@Officers Club the lions were over 20 years old, which is much longer than they would have lived in the wild. What are you complaining about?
@Ryan Prosper life in captivity is like no life at all.
Too bad.
Probably got the bubonic plague
I hope the decision makers understand when it’s their turn…….
Very nice
I remember going to see them every time I got to the zoo
Time to line up politicians for the same fate.
we are a disgusting a species
Completely and absolutely disgusting and immoral