1. #COVID19 will rain havoc in the US. New York will go first other states will follow shortly behind. Good luck everyone… #Pandemic #GlobalRecession

  2. 4 members of congress and one of the USA senate!! This is real everyone and actually seems like a horror movie..

    1. 😭 I suffered a lot of pain, and now, I want to follow God, follow justice… 🙏🏆🇦🇽🇦🇽🇦🇽

      🇦🇽😭 God… please forgive the mistake I committed, I committed the mistake not because I am so evil, but because I don’t understand …

  3. She is hoping to be VP as she will help secure ” The Blue Wall ” Michigan , Wisconsin & Pennsylvania all flipping back Blue and giving Trump the Blues in November.

    1. @tom ronollo

      It wouldn’t surprise me at all. Stacy Abrams came out and said it last week. There’s a lot of poverty and a lot of people with crap medical coverage and they’re not blind.

      All Joe needs to do now is say “Ive seen the light. Everyone needs good basic care in this country.”

    2. Amy Klobuchar would be a terrific VP. Biden is taking his policy from her. And is using her campaign slogan. Clearly he likes the way she thinks.

    3. @Forza Juve She’s a perfect VP……Smart and centrist who can move legislation in congress. Perfect VP who wont overwhelm or overshadow Biden

  4. I’m about to go to bed and rest up for a busy day tomorrow making my breakfast, sitting down, walking upstairs, feeding the cat, watching YouTube, getting ready for bed again in the evening. Makes me sleepy thinking about it

    1. Yeah, she has the taxpayer funded Ferrari healthcare plan, wouldn’t it be great if she supported the same for us?

    1. @Damn Feds Yep, Democrats wouldnt vote for her in the primaries. SO naturally likea ll good liberal they have to invent something to make them relevant. CHeers

  5. Watch out trump, right in you back yard: The River Church in Tampa was packed to the gills with worshipers who clearly were looking for hope. Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, who presides over the megachurch and has been reportedly defiant over social distancing, has claimed he’ll cure coronavirus just the way he did with Zika.

  6. TRUMP truely believes, the many people working selvelessly for others are only stupid for risking their lives

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