A Florida judge ruled on Wednesday against Gov. Ron DeSantis, allowing mask mandates at schools to remain in place while the matter is appealed. The Morning Joe panel discusses.
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Judge Rules Against DeSantis Ban On Mask Mandate
I think they should put the fence up right now, don’t wait until the last minute! Better to be safe than sorry!!!
@Sean Atova because of US Boader Patrol
@Yuri Bezmenov was right why djt isn’t potus
@psycobleach46 tullis how about a fence Rround Florida cuz cubans,dr,Cubans,, and Venezuelans illegally cross but not a pee out of gop and mGa scum
Add sentry guns as well, once they get violent, take them all out
@Sean Atova quit watching Fox news and do some research
Deathsantis doesnt care of he loses in court. He still gets all the credit f the crazies in the republican base
What he does not realize is he killing a lot of his constituents.
I wonder how much money has been spent on political court cases in the last 6 years.
And people wonder why we are falling behind China. As a country, US is very inefficient in everything. More political fight, more fiction everywhere to slow us down.
@Victoria 77 lol ok
@joerightson Why ask Pelosi. She’s not suing ANYONE, DWEEB
@maria schultz Unimportant. Where’s Trump at now, by the way? Don’t see him in the White House anymore.
So much for that “law and order” talking point
Dictatorship is not “law and order”. You think Na. Zi germany Stalin ect. And other dictators was law and order? Like the Taliban forcing face burkas and something into our bodies. This is not a dictatorship trying to force people for years or put them in jail smh
And you even have all these demorats going to parties and other places no mask but we do it they want us arrested that is dictatorship. We cannot wear mask constant non stop forever. It was actually Joe Biden and the demorats that said no they would definitely not mandate and force and do dictatorahip but looky here. Funny it was them last year speaking against vaccines but now no one else can say a word about then they do not like or have their own mind or opinions that is dictatorship
@Courtney The Law and Order President is tasting some Law and Order himself. Law and Order is for everybody, accept for Trump himself. And DeSantis? Just another fail. Not real President material.
@Patriotz Finder And the old senile dementia patient is? 10% for the big guy. Just don’t question it. 13 dead marines? Don’t question it.
Poor little victim!!! Don’t ya just feel soooo very sorry for her. She tells lies that make her look like an innocent victim then she gets mad because you don’t fall for it. Poor little Courtney. Wanna cookie?
“What party does he actually belong to?” Why the question? We all know. The American National Fascist party.
@Fascistsshould Die So does that mean you actually believe the B.S. tRump says, wow, a complete conned fool
@chuck findly well it’s a 3 week old account so yes it buys all the tump stuff and tries to give them a reach around while they’re… you know, but he doesn’t.
@Random Internet User That’s a logical fallacy, you woke bot-brains all think the same.
I would say he is a simple boot-licker. Not so much a “true” party rep.
I live in FL and he did some good things at first, but he is trying to grab # 45s base.
Only fools choose government established sides. Right, left. Both seem so stupid and subservient. While the earth around you burns to ash. A place that provides to everything and everyone. Fools will always be played by those with power and evil intentions
JAG needs to investigate his past in the Corp.
1 month old troll account @The Thing because he’s a commie liberal like you.
Go after the leaders of the rallies.

“Look you’re not going to be hospitalized if you’re vaccinated. You’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations.”
Joe Biden
@keepit kawaii “President Trump still does not have a plan to stop the virus…..I do!
Joe Biden
Still waiting for the plan
I suppose that’s an Obama nation well actually we are an Obama nation lol you republic thumpers and you’re made up names and all are so nuts
Let’s see: 550,000 people died under Trump in less than six months and about 100,000 died under Biden in less than six months of the two I’d say Biden is the best although no deaths would be ideal but never the less they are two things that are certain in life death and taxes my friend
My aunt was fully vaccinated. Got covid one month after getting fully vaccinated. She’s in the hospital now. These vaccines have nothing to do with covid. There is an underlying evil.
Shut up and put your burqa on! – Joe Biden
They’re doing anything they want what do they have to lose Ron DeSantis know he wasn’t going to win anyting it’s all show bad acting
FYI: SD Governor Kristi Noem signed an unconstitutional executive order to ban telemedicine prescription of abortion drugs and banning the shipping of such drugs in the US Mail. This is an attempt to override a presidential executive order and federal mail service laws. Please, do a story on this @MSNBC !
It’s unconstitutional to especially considering she is not a doctor and she does not have the ability to practice medicine per law however the DEA does so I guess everybody is a doctor now
@Jee Ess you do realize what you said makes absolutely no sense right?
What is this war on women about?
@Kathleen B.. .Mommy told them to stop playing with it.
She knows she has no authority over the USPS. What’s she going to do, go thru ppls’ mail? Another Fed offense
It’s just another GQP grift.
Took them long enough.
All the dead people’s friends, and family thank them.
As long as they can still vote. That’s all that really matters.
Right, blame everyone else for Chinas virus
Three weeks in and my boys and their teachers say no complaints about the masks in class. Kids are happy to be back and protecting each other.
A Biden supporter, a white liberal woman, walked up to a black politician with a monkey mask on, started hurling racist attacks, and tossed eggs at the black politician,
Typical democrat, biden supporter.
@richard french Your fan fiction sucks.
I know it’s part of a longer sentence, but the statement at :09 which begins “Ron DeSantis is appealing” is just wrong.
Appealing to OTHER mob boss wannabe’s and foreign dictators.
Lol. Very funny.
Appalling is what they meant.
I was just looking at that closeup and thinking about how incredibly ugly this man is. Your personality shapes your face.
You have to respect the law to follow the law. Desants feels he has the right to ignore legal judgements! Unless they hold him accountable for disregarding rulings it will mean nothing
And my local school district Charlotte County has said there will Be no more talk of mask mandates in schools. This does nothing to stop schools being able to be optional and not mandatory on masks
Yes. You can stop talking about masks and start wearing them!
@Diana Hilton they ruled no mask mandate…. so it’s your choice
@Austin butler “They” are dangerous idiots. Vote them out.
The same anti big government argument can be made about Texas abortion laws.
The court ruled 9-1 that private citizens cannot dish out punishment to other private citizens and its the job of the government to prosecute. So in other words that bounty system with abortion they enacted is unconstitutional. You can’t have people suing other people for doing something that has nothing to do with them.
@KN Byam Yep. You can only sue if you have been “damaged” and having your religious feewings hurt is not “damage”.
@KN Byam It’s not ‘dishing out punishment”. It’s justice. The same being when the state executes a death row inmate. Sort of what you do with unborn babies.
Organize, help others to get registrated and vote!! Vote them all out
Not gonna happen
1 month old troll account
@Random Internet User not really
Mr ‘anti-big government’ De Santis loves nothing more than micro-managing local Fla school districts and businesses who want to set their own policies. This guy is the biggest mini-Trump among all the other others scrambling to be clones of Orange Julius Caesar. America is a circus of stupidity!
Biden is stupid and why do you hate freedom?
Ron DeSantis is not too bright, literally.
Advisor: The peasants are revolting.
Trump: Yes, they are, but I love them anyway.