An interview with Conservative leadership hopeful Peter MacKay was cut short after a question about a tweet. Heather Wright reports.
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He’s weaker than Scheer and more liberal than Trudeau.
Lol I’d love to hear your reasons that back that up lol
The apology is a massive sign of weakness. Never give into leftist whining.
O’Toole is the better candidate.
Wow. McKay really needs to rethink who’s going to run his campaign. So far they’ve been rather sloppy.
Yeah. You can tell he didn’t expect that abruptnes.. his campaign team doesn represent him
I still have a headache from the flashing ads from last week.
His team. His problem.
He should have been prepared for that given his change in attitude…clearly not ready for the big stage yet.
Neither is Trudeau but he is in his second term. I hate them all.
@garrett knecht And they ALL hate you too.
Douglas aww shucks. I didn’t think they cared at all.
If you think McKay will save you from the liberals; think again. He is a more educated version of Trudeau.
@Born Albertan the rest of canada hopes that too
putputt without Alberta, the rest of Canada will become a 3rd world country.
@Born Albertan Hahaha, your a joke just like your idol Trump!
Jungle Mist thanks for the compliment.
@Born Albertan Wow! Aren’t you a little screwed up Canadian
If he gets voted in, they lose my vote.I’m not particularly thrilled with any of them, though.
patricia roy can you just not vote conservative? They are just corrupt liars. Nothing to do with conserving, just lining pockets.
@smushbrain The Left are no different.
Ugh. He shouldn’t have apologized for the tweet. It’s stupid and pointless but now it’s a “stinking albatross”
if you start with a bum, you end with a bum. CLEARLY, a bum!
LOL What a coward
Mackay will be the final nail in the coffin for the conservative party if he is the chosen one…
Oh why?
Please explain
So Peter MacKay agreed to an interview where his “handlers” dictated the terms to the journalists? Big strike against all of them. Except the journalist for ignoring their dictates.
Is that any worse than being the PM and using more than half a billion dollars of the tax payers money to buy the MSM?
James Ray Or shouting down a legitimate question by a concerned citizen by accusing her of being a racist?
The CPC is trying to find Mr Perfect to go against Trudeau’s imperfection, McKay is not him. 16k for a helicopter ride is a sign of a problem of judgement, and Mckay needs to find a new team, one that understands irony.
Maybe he can get a match in the UFC if this whole political thing doesn’t pan out
A higher level of BS.
Is mackay or his advisors running the show. So weird. Mackay had a decent response but should explain why its still up
His team made him look bad with that reaction
Meet the new MacKay, same as the old MacKay
Politician’s owe it to civilian’s to have transparency in all things. The interviewer was in the right to ask him that question.
He’s done — in record time, too.