Former federal prosecutor John Flannery joins MSNBC’S Ari Melber on breaking news from The Washington Post, reporting Trump attempted to entangle VP Pence in the Ukrainian scandal, despite his aides saying he was unaware of the pursuit of dirt on Bidens. Flannery says this scandal ‘is different’ than any other earlier disclosure in the story. Aired on 10/2/19.
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Impeachment Jitters: Prosecutor Says 'Rats' Are Jumping Ship From Trump WH
If the call to Ukraine was ” Perfect”, why did they stash it in a classified server?
pavanatanaya : It WAS a, “perfect,” call . . . For the REST of AMERICA! Not for Donny
Perfect. Perfect. Cheeto has a tear in his marble bag.
@L. Langhorn Really? you never thought that yourself? All this time?
@Vivo Cano honestly no. But it’s really funny. I mean I’ve thought of a million other fitting names but not cheeto. I shall add it to the roster.
bm packer

I’d like to put a tear in his ballbag
@T G I think theirs a lot of people who like to put their size 10 nike in his ballbag
Someone needs to tell Lindsey Graham. Or he’ll figure it out if South Carolina polls flip.
Unless McCain become the ghost of Christmas visit him this Holiday
@Grackle2012 yep, and gerrymandered districts don’t help.
@D Me why can’t we find Lindsay a good woman… oh, yeah… right. Never mind.
@Jamie H Something happened at GHW Bush’s funeral. Lindsay got a look from across the room, and at that moment, everything changed. Lindsay became a full blown Donald Admirer.
Don’t be fooled by Pence’s ‘church lady’ act. He’s been there that long because he has his hand in the pies just like all the others. Mother probably knows all about it, too.
Pence, after being thrown under
*The* *Trump* *Truck* -… ‘Well… isn’t that… *sPeCiAL* ..?!!?’
Like warden Norton in Shawshank
@Rebecca Broughton
He is a Christian solely for the Old Testament… You know, the part that wasn’t ruined by love and compassion because of that Yeshua of Nazareth.
Yea, pence didn’t know it was about Biden’s son just like he didn’t know nothing about Mike Flynn being compromised
I didn’t even know Pence was a real person.. thought he was a blow up doll propped in the corner.
@Landon Johnson and more He is the reason the blue fairy don’t magic and drink anymore
Lying is so easy for this shameless Administration. And to think that some of fellow veterans have fell prey to this hogwash!
Charles T. : President Pelosi is LOVING this
Do you want to make Donald really mad? Put the picture of a whistle on the cover of Time Magazine and call it ‘Person of the Year’.
They should do it before 2020 then because him winning the election will most likely cover news for a while after.
I think you’ve got a tee- shirt ,
Biggus Dickus Buahahhaa!

Biggus Dickus

The walls are closing in on the con man Trump

@Steve Preston Trumptanic will sink just as low as the Titanic did with all the rats sinking on ti too.
….and again in 2020
Remember Mike pence claimed he knew nothing about Mike Flynn b.s. also when it was proven that he did so now he wants us to believe that he knew nothing about the transcript.
Pence ran Trump’s transition team. He’s in this up to his rear end. Which from looking at him I suspect happens a lot.
Liars Lie.
That’s Pence.
I for one believe him ! Just look into those vacuous eyes an you see a Truly obsessed Lickspittle of a sheep. #maga ?
VP Pence even lieing for trump now. So much for being a bornagain Christian!
@John Didier there is no god. How have you not figured that out yet?
@quaysha1 you doubt he has some weird incestuous desires? Have you seen america??
@LardGreystoke waaaaaay more than half.
@Hazzycakes what are you talking about? Reread my comment. The news said he refers to his wife as mother….as in trying to portray a wholesome Christian family who lives by the bible. I said i doubt that, meaning they arent as wholesome as they try to seem.
As far as I’m concerned the whole administration is complicit. Trump has already weeded out all the honorable men and women who would put their allegiance to country over the GOP
Here you go: If you not yes man, you go bye bye
And there are very few GOP members capable of country over party.
@Kirk Thiets That is why he chose that party.
@John Sands it’s not a matter about being a yes man/ woman , it’s about upholding the constitution and the rule of law, putting country before asking a foreign government to interfere in America election ,which puts national security at risk,what will that country ask for in return, then you have a favour for a favour ,where will it stop
There is absolutely no one in trump’s circle that can be trusted with anything.
We need to clear the slate.
And throw all of those crooks in jail.
They are a miserable crowd of backstabbing jackasses. Donald only trusts his kids, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Donnie. throw them under the bus. Being honest brings peace of mind.
@MaryAnne Brown I won’t be surprised when the Felony charges are brought against the kids, that they will squeal like little piggies against daddy. Financial corruption, tax evasion, money laundering are serious crimes. They would miss nightclubs, steak and lobster, caviar and yachts…
Let me translate what he said. ”Look over there MoFos! ”
Trump smearing Pence so he won’t benefit from Trumps impeachment – I’m no pence fan, but what a slime ball….
No honor among thieves, etc.
trump knows he going down but he is going to those Dirty Rats with him. This is better than Watergate
@john smith yeah, we are brainwashed, which is why we believe EVERYONE ON EARTH is lying except for the NY conman.
@David Escobar Yeah but the first thing they do is make sure they hold said henchmen by the balls with some nice juicy Kompromat so that they don’t turn on them , I’m pretty sure Trump always has done that too , his whole administration probably should be impeached so that none will risk getting Trump out of the way since that would leave them wide open to prosecution , so no 25th in spite of the obvious dementia onset and many fingers crossed in the hope he doesn’t spill their tainted beens in some random furious rant .
Yeah we’ve seen Pence in the room before, like a cadaver, lifeless, and ineffective.
Kinda like Biden as VP ya know?
@G B Nope! Go away Trumpie!
Your boy is really circling the drain now. Losing control, hitting that panic button constantly.
He’s toast! And Pence won’t survive this either. Looks like it’s going to be President Pelosi!
Pence’s eyes are zombie like!
Trump’s getting his orders/commands from Putin…aside from the Saudi.
Throwing everyone under the bus lol

These idiots standing by him but if he goes down he’s gonna take as many of them with him as possible.
F Scott don’t feel sorry for them. Trump promised to drain the swamp and he sure does. Who would have thought he meant his own swamp.
Not if. When.
One big word about Trump , he a “ crook”
Loooong before he ran in 2016… just ask New York and New Jersey lol
Trump 2020
@john smith 2020 = 20 years + 20 days for Treason. Vote that
@Pete 952 The thing is I actually do vote. Unlike you lazy loonie leftist.
keep crying for impeachment because none of your candidates can win lol. Trump 2020
Well,he’s already decided that when he goes down he’s taking names with him.
Predictable, cowardly move. Wouldn’t expect nothing less from this morally bankrupt, disgusting, womanizing, racist, spoiled brat of a man. All the king’s horses, & all the king’s men, can’t put humpty trumpy back together again, lol
no, he just forced pence to help bail water out the boat lol
He should take his swamp w/him
@Michael Francis What else can anyone expect from a coward who would not serve the country he claimed that he loved..
Taking names with him, Now that’s a good thing.

Person or Hero of the year: the whistleblower
of the year: The agent orange
Mob or rat
Luis Arredondo, snitches and traitors will be tried