CNN's Nick Valencia caught Rudy Giuliani, ex-lawyer of former president Donald Trump, on his way into the Fulton County Courthouse to testify before a grand jury. #CNN #News
Hear what Rudy Giuliani told CNN reporter before entering courthouse

CNN's Nick Valencia caught Rudy Giuliani, ex-lawyer of former president Donald Trump, on his way into the Fulton County Courthouse to testify before a grand jury. #CNN #News
Never trust someone who looks like a vampire/Mr. Burns hybrid who “didnt know” he was married to his cousin for nearly 14 years
Those must have been some very awkward family reunions!
@Tom me that’s projection
@Salty Pureblood the salt is definitely with you.
He does bring Nosferatou to mind
on the courthose steps. he wasn’t looking for his keys with his small hands!
lock him up, wow no ambulance nor cane wheelchair nothing. what a fast recovery plus no problem talking to the media.
Specially when he got hit so hard about a month ago with a back rub
“Why do you think people remain loyal to him?”
“Because they’re stupid”
Spot on.
@Royith He is hiring but hopefully you will be out of work soon if you take the job. could anyone still support Brandon?
@Louise Collard for what?? Just name one thing… I’ll wait, clown
@wgooetrik You seem confused, I’m stunned lol.
@Salty Pureblood do you just copy and paste that comment cus its getting old
Lindsey Graham is neck deep in this corruption. I hope he is found guilty and does some time.
@Bob Everyone has a opinion and yours is no better than mine . I wish you good luck anyway .
@UF1 go back to FOX
@wgooetrik that’s just it. They haven’t been charged but absolutely should be. The two tiered justice system at it’s best. Smh.
It’s uncommon to have a sitting senator subpoenaed because most senators don’t try to overthrow the government.
@George Woodard hard disagree
@Kenneth Wright just report him. That language is disgusting.
@Nolegu please report that person. People are killing them self because of that rhetoric.
@Norman Stevens that’s the sad part .
“Lied for Trump” – get it on Ghouliani’s gravestone!
Maybe “Still Lying For Trump” ?
@Sophia Estella Exactly and he is still lying for that conman!!!
I find it sad to see how far he’s fallen. Someone who was once respected and admired has turned himself into a joke.
Guiliani appointed Bernie Kerick, his CHAUFFER, to be NY City Police Commissioner. Kerick and Giuliani went into a scam deal together providing walkie-talkies to both NYPD and NTFD. We learned that the NYPD and NYFD couldn’t communicate to each other on 9/11 because the walkie-talkies were on different frequencies, the result being the hundreds of NYPD and NYFD were killed.
And before that, Giuliani wanted the Police Emergency Command Center to be in one of the two towers. Anti-Terrorism experts opposed the idea based on the fact that the towers had been unsuccessfully attacked, so would be attacked again. Giuliani nonetheless insisted and got his way, which is why he was running all over NY City on 9/11: the Emergency Command Center was destroyed, so he had nowhere to go.
And Kerick ended up being convicted of numerous felonies and sentenced to prison. He got a pardon from Trump.
Jared Kushner’s father was convicted of financial crimes and witness tampering, and sent to prison. Trump pardoned him. And we have Jared’s testimony that in the final days of Trump’s administration he — Jared — was busy facilitating pardons — doubtless one of those was for his daddy.
This has nothing to do with voting. And did you really laugh out loud at your own comment? Ok.
@RogueTool All I know is Rudy better start listening for diesel engines and air brakes, because one is about to head his way!
@The Big Guy The angry mango still has the laughingstock title.
I hope they throw the book at him! One fascist down, many more to come!! I can’t believe what these republicans have done to the country, disgusting!!!
Rebublicans like Cheney!!! Thank God she is gone! Now we just need to vote out the Dems and we can start putting the country back together again, finally!!! Joe definitely has to go. What a train wreck this administration is.
The big tough mayor that cleaned up Manhattan with his arrest everyone policy is gonna plead the 5th like a criminal.
Criminals aren’t the only ones who plead the fifth though
@Bad Noxin You are right, even though Donald Trump said only criminals plead the 5th.
@djo9C1 I don’t really care what that guy thinks
“A pat on the back,is equivalent to getting shot.”- Rudy guliani
That was hilarious
They should’ve asked him: Rudy you used to call and lead grand jury investigations. How does it feel being the subject of criminal investigation? What went wrong?
@Shahnul Islam No I went to public school with the other white kids.
@rascally rabbit Walking on the road ain’t a good idea either. Those damned bicycles will run over you then. Get a job and buy a truck. One of them pick em up trucks.
@Mountain Nomad VFX , Michael is a three week old account. Don’t feed the troll.
@Michael She DID turn you down lol
Everyone one of these people can’t help but to get on every outlet out there and run their mouths, but as soon as they are under oath they just plead the fifth. If you can’t understand why that is then that says more about you than it does about them.
Its the news
Tara of Lincoln Project said Giuliani got confused and drank a 5th.
“He was defiant…”
Hasn’t that been the issue for these people all along? Alex Jones was “defiant”, doesn’t mean he was neither truthful or right. Rudy has been defiant, claimed things and never shown anything. It has caused him to be scolded by judges, stripped of his license etc
Exactly! That is a common thread with this crowd, from trump on down. Perry, manafort, Graham, Johnson, and the list goes on. They try to equate being defiant with strength and unfortunately a lot of us can’t tell the difference.
Problem, Alex Jones admitted on the stand that he was neither truthful, nor right…..
Why do they always suddenly have all kinds of health issues during these situations it makes it hard to believe but he is old however how much of it is him hoping for sympathy. He deserves whatever he gets.
He may still be recovering from that vicious pat on the back that nearly derailed a subway going by below them at the time.
Well, he did show up on a skateboard…
He was well enough to travel for holidays after surgerynd before court appearance
I’m not going to say “I hope they’re all held responsible”. I haven’t seen one single person held responsible for anything.
Several members of the mob attacking the US Capitol have received punishment and penalties of various kinds. Unfortunately, it takes more effort and time to go after the ring leaders of a crime. And Remember, several of Trump’s cronies WERE convicted of various crimes during his Administration, but Trump pardoned most of them. He’ll do it again if he gets the chance.
Some regular common folk that weren’t seriously doing anything useful in life have been sentenced to some jail time.
you’re just not paying attention Patricia
They should be made to say the whole thing, “Relying on the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it may incriminate me”, or words to that effect. Letting them just say “fifth” lets them off the hook far too easily and allows them to treat the seriousness of the situation as a mere inconvenience. Having to use the full statement, alongside of it being, fundamentally, an admission of criminal liability / guilt, reminds them of the legal jeopardy they put themselves in by using it as the reason to not answer.
@Steverino same here!
they all took David Chapelle’s routine…1 2 3 4 fifth~ ><
@Greg Miller brilliant
Never understood that. I understand “shorthand” descriptions for the media and repetition but when formally invoking the right SPEAK WITH YOUR CHEST! The right doesn’t say u can mutter the word fifth and escape a legal obligation to answer.
Totally agree
Guy devoted much of his life to honest public service and threw his legacy away for the biggest con man of all time.
Anybody who messes with the jinx looses respect,carreer and everything
Rudy: could somebody PLEASE bring me a fifth?
Lawyer: Rudy, that’s not what I meant.
Trump has thrown Rudy under the bus…He won’t help him in anyway
“We have a lot of theories, but no evidence.” — Rudy “TRUTH ISN’T TRUTH!” Giuliani.