During a September 2021 interview, Kim Crockett, a Republican nominee to be the top elections official in Minnesota, compared the campaign to change voting rules in 2020 to the September 11th terror attacks. CNN's Andre Kaczynski reports. #CNN #News
GOP nominee compared changing voting rules to 9/11 attacks

She’s obviously not too smart if she’s in the GOP.
1 Jake Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
CNN should start each and every show with a series of photos of campaign deniers so we know who not to vote for
the Republican party has to get their base addicted to politics as it’s a life-and death struggle 24 seven for them it’s a full-time job.
Project much?
This is just not something you should say
1 Mary Dera Fuk what you saying it here
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Wtf really
1 Richard Burgan Fuk what you saying it here
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I wouldn’t ever think about voting for her
Just another
Where are they coming from
Just one more person trying to keep us apart
1 Samantha Beasley Fuk what you saying it here
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A great man once said: “Death is the solution to all problems; no man, no problem”. J.V. Stalin, 1938.
The more extreme the statements are, the more attention it gets in the news.
Calling the US an exceptional nation, is such a statement; there is no evidence of that in the real world.
@Erwin Ros If you don’t America is the best country in the world then please do yourself a favor and move to the country that is lol I want you to be happy
Exceptionally backwards.
Trumps crazy Theory’s!!
1 Maria Herrera Fuk what you saying it here
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Sugar in the pants…a common thread in CNN news
1 John Vasquez Fuk what you saying it here
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Wait, she is talking on record, about putting a pillow over Biden’s face – “they’re just going to put a pillow over his face”, wtf? Who in their right mind says that about a sitting President?
Bwahaha and what was done to Trump was ok…smh
@sharon b Voted out? Certainly.
To be it wouldn’t effect him anyway
Brilliant reporting. You really got the Republican trolls all stirred up!
1 Biloki Fuk what you saying it here
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You couldn’t find a Republican that is worth two cents.
1 Oliver Harris Fuk what you saying it here
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The GOP keeps getting dumber by the day. I was a lifelong Republican, now I’m embarrassed to be anything but an Independent now.
Both sides are a mess.
Best comment on CNN ever.
What is your opinion of the scratch and sniff DNC?
What rat’s holes are these people crawling out from?
1 Paris L’amour Fuk what you saying it here
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Everyone needs to listen to NEW DISCOURSES podcast by James Lindsay to understand the origins of our woke movement.
1 Ben H Fuk what you saying it here
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Woke Movement?
[BREAKING] DOMINO’$ of truly CAPITALIZING on & keeping the OTHERS from the(wink
1 Phillip Durley Fuk what you saying it here
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Am so tired of the stupid people age shaming someone. Biden is like 2 days older than Trump. Just because he is calm when talking doesn‘t make Trump younger at all.
1 Horia Iulian State Fuk what you saying it here
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It used to be a felony to threaten a president’s life.
1 50police Fuk what you saying it here
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One word evil
1 blooo greeen Fuk what you saying it here
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