Massive refinery fire lights up LA.
RELATED: Coronavirus outbreak inside Wuhan
No injuries have been reported and no residential evacuations were deemed necessary after a fire broke out at a refinery near Los Angeles.
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Can’t stand it
I know you planned it
I’m a set it straight
This watergate..
For SURE!!!
Why are there so many of these fires happening across the U.S.?
Hope nobody got hurt prayers to the families of those who didn’t make it out my condolences,and speedy recovery to anyone that made it out,and is hurt.
Third refinery” fire “in a month .. not suspicious at all.
Bad Cattitude they have highly trained security personnel at all points of entry/exit to the facility. It is safer inside these facilities than in the outside world, to be honest.
@rebecca henson
wrong’ unless you count a terminal operator as highly trained security?
dachicagoan you seem to read a lot of comments
i love usa
I’m so glad Murica is great again!
More smog for l.a!
Seems these burn once a week somewhere in the US. What is really going on???
Pay back time! I suppose, is what they’re thinking!! (just speculation)
Poor maintenance and aging facilities.
Canyon Racer well there is that, but also some of these things are running at very high pressures, 24 hours a day, for us to live the life we have here. Of course, these things need maintenance, hence shutdowns, “turnarounds”, and re-starts, which has a small degree of risk.
They are breaking the law by not following saftey regulations
patrick mathew these facilities do follow strict regulations from the local, state, and federal government, including OSHA and Homeland Security.
So that means gas forgetting to cheap so the refiners had to blow something up so they can get the price of gas back up there. Change to be every time gas gets below $2 a Refinery blows up imagine that, do I hear crooked people in the old business protecting their interests.
You could mistake this for Texas.
You could mistake this for Bladerunner.
Republicans think republicans just in Texas bcuz they slow I think.
its every five to eight years I hear something like this happens somewhere.
It’s a plan to raise gas prices and line pockets of corrupt officials. We the people need to wake up and take back control
V S that actually makes sense considering the state of California was being federally investigated for price gouging on gas prices
More likely it’s eco terrorists working for Greta
@Bad Cattitude more like oil industry not following saftey regulations thats against the law and I hope they get fined big for it.
@Bad Cattitude bad c you dumb like a rock
Sabatoge campaign being waged upon the us oil refinery’s but they wont tell you that cuz they dont want you to panic
gas prices will go up!!
What company? When was their last inspection?
Gulf Oil
“Attack Ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.”
And just when prices were slowly going back down this happens and now who would’ve guessed the prices are skyrocketing again…
“Oil refinery fires are a good thing.”
– Bernie Sanders –
Burn bb burnnnnnnnn idk why but I like seeing things on fire
Burns a couple thousand gallons to double gas prices. Thank goodness for my electric car powered by burning coal.