CNN's Bianca Nobilo speaks with African filmmaker Wanuri Kahiu about the Kenyan government's banning of her 2018 film "Rafiki" — which later became the first Kenyan movie to be selected for the Cannes Film Festival in the event's 70-plus-year history. The Kenyan Film Classification Board (KFCB) said the film was restricted "due (to) its homosexual theme and clear intent to promote lesbianism in Kenya contrary to the law."
#CNNI #News
Africa doesn’t accept homosexuality. They are very strict and authoritarian.
@Gas & Diesel and some are Democrat and some are conservative voters and they don’t hate anybody that’s something that they don’t really do
@Sean Shimamoto yes they are and I come from a Baptist Catholic and Muslim family and we don’t judge other people and we don’t bash them
@Sean Shimamoto the only religious group that really follows Trump is the evangelicals and I don’t even like them as people because of how they portray themselves
@Sean Shimamoto now let me remind you that he is cutting their food stamps off and then they get on the microphone and say this is the way God planned it the Lord doesn’t believe in starving anybody he believes and feeding everyone shelter to everyone
@Sean Shimamoto that’s how I feel about it wow this dude needs to be kicked off of YouTube for what he just said
Bianca, your hair!
Yass Queen Slay
This will generate some interesting comments.
Learning takes some time. Ignorance is quick to show. Here they come …
@ROB112 Feel free to move there.
@Daisy Elmir Happy New Year
@David Ellis

Happy New Year to you too David.
13 minutes wow
Who do you love?
Well if it’s banned, you bet i’m going to look at it
Sometimes I run into them
D I ndus.
Who make stars
Who used to
I’m holding a sword above
Sustenance is from Allah azzawajal kuwwatil mecid
Há !
I mean I never hear I wanna go to Kenya for vacation sooooooo

Cos ur myopic and can only see the world through what your media choose to show you and u run with it.
Don’t worry… ‘fisting’ was at one rime censored & now U can see it everywhere.
African woman is different more intelligent than man
The African woman has a rounder skull, a tea?
Pet sniffer
I’m mixing chemicals you know when a neighbour war starts
When i look at sunset this late and Africa its islam
At 0.11, the host says “criminises”. I think it should be criminalises.