Dr. Kavita Patel On Trump Continuing To Hold In-Person Rallies | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

With just 8 days to go before the election, there have been record breaking numbers with early voting and new coronavirus cases. Washington Post White House Bureau Chief Philip Rucker and former White House Health Policy Director Dr. Kavita Patel join Stephanie Ruhle to break down the two very different responses from the candidates. Aired on 10/26/2020.
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Dr. Kavita Patel On Trump Continuing To Hold In-Person Rallies | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC


  1. Covid-45 believes if we deny the existence of Covid-19, it will disappear. I wonder if that would work on him. If we deny his existence, will he disappear and just go away?

    1. @deb honey. The bidens are treasonous scum. Expand your knowledge ,fear not . There alot your not being told. Consume slowly. It’s bad really bad!!

  2. Covid-45 thinks he may lose the election, so he doesn’t care and will now be scorching the earth in vengeance.

    1. @Michael and u love biden because he has taken money from foreign countries while he was in office…helped his family get rich of his office..this is acceptable????

    2. @deb I do not “Love” or “Worship” Biden. Creepy vs Rapey, I choose “Creepy”. The better of two evils. Covid-45 made way more than Biden from foreign countries. Read below if you want to know the truth or don’t and continue enjoying your “Bliss”.

      Qatar, threatned by Saudi Arabia, Trump’s friend and Xi Jinping of China has already bailed out Trump’s Family debt, 666 Fifth Avenue, Trump and the daughter he lusts for, has already been given many Trademarks © by China and Jared Kushner’s sister has been selling Trump NY apartments in China for $500k ea, which also gives these rich CCP members green cards. So he has no more use for China and now he can pretend to be tough going after China (which I agree with) but it’s only to cover up his cowardice against Putin, who has him by the short hairs.

      The Mistake China made with Trump was paying him off early, then they assumed they had some soirt of agreement & understanding. There are many apartments and factory spaces, purchased early on in Trump’s administration by The CCP, that remain vacant and unoccupied to this day. Like any who deal with Trump, if you provide a service up front, assuming you will be reimbursed, you will be screwed. Now he is done with China. Unlike the small American companies & craftsmen screwed over by Trump and are now out of business, China deserves what they get.

    3. @deb You have confused the definition of a “coverup” with “exoneration”. I don’t mean this as an insult but you’re really too stupid to communicate with, as you believe in a lot of “Alternative Facts”.. So I wish the well.

    1. @jk jkk hospitalizations are increasing exponentially in all the Scandinavian countries and Sweden is leading all the neighbouring countries. Unfortunately, there is nothing called herd immunity for this disease, without accepting a shocking number of deaths to achieve that goal. You must also remember, that people do follow rules and our public health officials requests, in Europe. We do not go to rallies, concerts or any other indoor events in order to limit the spread. However, we are also still able to go to the barbers, restaurants, pubs and so forth. We are not in a lockdown situation, but our health authorities are monitoring the situation closely.

    2. @Lars Dohlen if u see increased deaths, it’s those people faults..if u do not know how to protect urself and ur elderly by now ..ur just stupid

    3. @Lars Dohlen well that last reply from deb, but you cant compare sweden with the other scandiavians due to sweden actually having more than 1 large metropolitan area, i think sweden has 3 or 4 while the others is just the capital and even the capitals are small compared to stockholm, i think herd inminuty works, like every other time in human history, oh and about your claim of sweden having the most deaths per million in europe, sweden has 590. Spain has 700 and thats just one, surely i can debunk you with more but im too lazy

  3. Covid Trump wants to cause as many deaths as possible. The figure of 226,000 dead does not satisfy him.
    Evil, he is evil !

    1. Everything Biden has suggested for covid we did in my state in Australia. We have no cases now, still physically distancing and Perspex barriers etc in place, but life otherwise is back to normal. IT WORKS.

  4. Anyone going to one of Covid Donny’s rallies planned on voting for him no matter what. He holds them so he can have his sheep clap and cheer for him in person. The only purpose they serve is to sooth his giant EGO.

  5. These are not rallies! These are Covid-19 Super Spreader Events & you wouldn’t find me within a miles distance if i can help it! You’d have had to drank a gallon tRump Kool-Aid to attend one of “DoNaLd’S SuPeR CoViD-19 SpReAdEr EvEnT’s!

  6. A vaccine will not cure the nearly quarter of a million Americans already dead, but advocating mask, hand washing, and social distance early on would have, but no, the pandemic was declared a Democratic hoax. That’s mass murder and I want to know why Trump and his entire administration isn’t in prison over it.


  8. Democracy is in danger. Perhaps this is the main choice in our life. Let’s save democracy! Vote! Do not ignore!

  9. Democracy is in danger. Perhaps this is the main choice in our life. Let’s save democracy! Vote! Do not ignore!

  10. This has to stop!! Most of us will be dead or have lost a loved one if this Reality Star get’s 4 more yrs!

    1. Then he will have an executive order to put his daughter succeed him as the president. He loves the Korean way – rule by succession.

  11. Trump has made the wrong decisions about this virus from the start.
    If we don’t elect Biden we will continue dying.

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