Dr. Hotez Breaks Down Vaccine Misinformation, Return To Normal Life | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC

The government announced Sunday that half of all adults in the U.S. have received at least one Covid-19 shot but some Americans remain skeptical about vaccinations and mask-wearing. Co-Director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital Dr. Peter Hotez joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss pandemic misinformation and how the country can return to normalcy. Aired on 04/19/2021.
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#PeterHotez #Vaccine ​#MSNBC

Dr. Hotez Breaks Down Vaccine Misinformation, Return To Normal Life | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC


    1. @Sarah F what about manafort? cnn admittedly said they were propaganda (Charley Chester, cnn technical director) and since msnbc is saying the same propaganda then you are spewing propaganda. own it 🙂

  1. I’d be happy with Republicans refusing the vaccine if I thought it was just themselves, and their families, they were killing.

    1. @Make Racists Afraid Again In any democracy, every citizen has an absolute right to die of their own stupidity. For some, it is very nearly a duty.

    2. @Chris ONeill Care to explain why Texas and Mississippi have such low infection rates after all the restrictions have been lifted? Even Fauci can’t do that.

    3. @Lp78Ch ‘If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.’ (Donald J Trump 12.05.2020)

    1. @Paul Wilson Probably because of the huge number of Arizonans who have been vaccinated. eg. in Maricopa Country, less than 1% have not received any vaccine. Over half have received both doses.

    2. @1ronin What’s a blue state? Michigan? Because we have a Democratic Governor? Michigan is weird. Go a fifty miles north of Saginaw and you find yourself in Alabama.

    3. @Sarah F Why are Democrats so stupid? Do they not understand why Texas and Mississippi are doing SO WELL because all the idiotic restrictions have been lifted? Herd immunity is the only way out of this “pandemic,” not vaccination.

    1. @Gabi123 Rojas321
      As a white retired law enforcement officer
      And a lifelong Republican, I find you overworked underpaid queen vladz trolling GOLUBOI hilarious
      You keep Americans laughing 😂

  2. Hi Steph🐞.👋☺.
    Me, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make the horse drink the water.👍.
    Me, you can only help(vaccinate) people that are willing to permit/allow you to help(vaccinate) them.👍.
    Me, do not place an unnecessary burden on your mind/psyche. The people that refuse your help, will have to accept whatever health consequences that might occur(incur), because of their decision.👍.
    Me, if they refuse to be vaccinated(wear a mask), contract the virus and die. Then they die.👍.

    1. Refuseniks just put the rest of us nearer the next vaccination. And we won’t have to sit next to them when flying in a couple months.

    2. Your little thought exercise leaves out a very important detail, the ignorant luddites, that refuse to be vaccinated, give the virus the opportunity to mutate into another strain, which vaccines can’t prevent. By choosing to be animate tissue cultures, they risk undoing the protection the vaccines gave us.

  3. “(Covid) Vaccine Misinformation…” motivates us, the people of America, to redouble our efforts to rapidly find out at any given moment, including even while On-Line, who among us are unwittingly contagious (i.e. pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic) in order to “Convince It Forward” for them to call their doctor and to self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more “Mourning In America.” Thus, we’re hoping for the best while preparing for the worse-case scenario of the “UK variant” strain(s) mutations and others like the South African, Brazilian, Californian & “Cluster 5 Mink” mutations rendering current vaccines no longer effective.

    1. @RR , again for a 2nd time here, your not being able to reply appropriately when greeted here means, RR, you’re possibly infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, which does invade the brain (i.e. “COVID brain fog”) to cause the cognitive impairment (i.e. loss of function) that you exhibit. So again, I advise that, instead of obstinately returning, you call your doctor & self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more “Mourning In America” (see my comment at the very top).

    2. For those wondering why “RR” is so cognitively impaired, watch the videos on the hashtagged “Stat COVID-19 Test” playlist.

    3. @HeartDoc Andrew Aww sweetheart, when someone mutes you, they can no longer see your comment, and they don’t get notifications. I just muted you too, so I won’t see any replies. Now go play with your toys and take your meds like a good little boy. Shoooo.

    4. @Kicapu , again for a 2nd time here, your not being able to write that you’re “wonderfully hungry” when greeted here means, Kicapu, you’re possibly infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus, which does invade the brain (i.e. “COVID brain fog”) to cause the cognitive impairment (i.e. loss of function) that you exhibit. So again, I advise that, instead of obstinately returning, you call your doctor & self-quarantine per CDC guidelines in hopes of stopping this pandemic instead of having more “Mourning In America” (see my comment at the very top).

    5. For those wondering why “Kicapu” is so cognitively impaired, watch the videos on the hashtagged “Stat COVID-19 Test” playlist.

    1. @M W F Every expert and doctor has been telling us over and effing OVER again to mask up and get vaccinated or we won’t achieve the herd immunity we need – that means at least 80%. What about that do you not get?!

    2. @M W F don’t worry, @Mary is a sheep that actually thinks that the government cares about it’s citizens lol.. The people on TV says something so she blindly listens and does whatever they tell her to do and what and how to think lol… Anything to feel good and feel safe 😂… Those type of people that prefer safety over freedom deserve neither.

    3. @Mary the thing is you care way too much about others instead of the number 1 rule in life, SELF PRESERVATION. As an EMT of 10 years and doing multiple discharges of covid patients from hospitals all through 2020 I can honestly say that it’s BS. The numbers are grossly inflated. What happened to flu cases? It’s like the flu disappeared, meanwhile “covid” is supposedly a thing? 🤔

    4. I’ve literally been on the “front lines” and what the media reports vs what I deal with everyday are two completely different things. Meanwhile a lot of companies and people made a lot of money of off the public’s ignorance/fear and gullibility via MSM. Wake up!

    1. So you think it is ok to catch it and pass it on to vulnerable people? So you think it is ok not to help prevent the virus from mutating to that degree that the vaccines will not work?

  4. Every individual right has a corresponding duty to subjugate itself to the Common Good, in this case The Public Health Good. I am sick of this ignorance being so widely argued.

    1. I’m still puzzling over how a piece of cloth weighing one gram is an infringement on liberty and freedom.

    2. No, it doesn’t work that way. Exchanging your rights for some virus that you need a test to know you are sick is a joke. The bigger joke is the psychological warfare that is being used against people so they will accept societal changes which will have permanent effects. Masks are one thing but forcing people to get vaccinated is unacceptable.

  5. Lmaoooooo
    The queen vladz trolling princess Pavlovs are chirping for their extra ration of borscht as usual 😂

    1. @Deborah Freedman are you a bot ? I see you on a lot of comments or do you just have no life ?

  6. Seat belts, traffic laws, mandatory insurance, registration for the draft, the draft, taxes, child support….minimum drinking age, drug prohibition..etc etc etc

  7. It was Dementia Joe and clueless Kamala who told us they wouldn’t trust “Trump’s vaccine”-Before the election.

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