Health agency chiefs testify to the Senate HELP Committee hearing on "getting back to work and school."
RELATED: Dr. Anthony Fauci: What to know about America's leading medical expert
Testimony will be from NIH Director Anthony Fauci, Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services for Health Adm. Brett Giroir and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Stephen Hahn.
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#fauci #faucitestimony #usatoday
In New York if you died at home of a heart attack that counts as a covid death . Inflating the number of deaths to scare the public into compliance and crashing our economy with stay at home orders is the next wave of attacks on our President and the American people .God bless America and our President.Keep America Great
re-elect President Trump and drain the swamp
Jim Lawson Trump is so full of it. About 80 years
years ago we had someone like him here in Europe. You guys have not learn much yet.
The deep state will stop at nothing…. TRUMP 2020
Dawn Cross don’t you know Santa really exists…
. Deep state?? Really?
Hear hear Sen. Murray!
I am so tired of the meaningless phrase “drain the swamp”. We’ve drained or pushed away many fine public servants who have served presidents of both political parties, putting our safety at risk and decreasing our ability to respond to actual emergencies. Keep ignoring this sad reality, the rest of us are showing up to vote Trump out.
First of all : Germanys equal to the CDC ( kind of ) the Deutschen Zentrums für Infektionsforschung (DZIF) an der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin developed a Test for Corvid 19 at January 16 th it was Ready and immedeatly implemented by the WHO
it was international , but no US Lab was involved , Why ?
1 Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Institute of Virology, Berlin, Germany and German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF), Berlin, Germany
2 Tib-Molbiol, Berlin, Germany
3 Department of Viroscience, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
4 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands
5 University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
6 Universite d Aix-Marseille, Marseille, France
7 Public Health England, London, United Kingdom
8 Department of Medical Microbiology, Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Institute, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Its a Lie that the US Administration cant react faster , the PCR Test was ready at January 16th , it was the first one , i believe , i cant say how high the Quality was , but why did the CDC not the same as her German equal ?
Why was the German Health System better prepared ? We have 7600 Death and 82 Million Citzen , the US has over 80.000 and only four Times more Citizen = 332 Million and the US has way more Space for social Distancing ….
There are still many Questions left ..
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I trust what Fauci says. The need for more testing is easier said than done. I can’t get tested and you need a doctors slip to get a test. You have to meet many criteria to get a test even then. so how do you get a accurate number of those infected and carriers that may not know they are a carrier???
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hey Fauci….we are not buying your B.S
Where is Katie Porter when you need her? We need her breakdown info to make it understandable and to the point!
I remver when usatoday had a vibrant comment community, I was a very active user. Then they realize that allowing people to comment destroyed to the integrity of what they tried to pass off as news. CNN did the same thing.
That is because both of them are propaganda outlets for corporate America, enemies of the people that need to be purged from the country once and for all. The eilitists, the pigs, the money grubbing scumbags that are to this day, hell-bent on their hostile takeover of the United States.
You are not FOX lite, you are the same group of swine. Far right pigs.
Usatoday can not be read without the appropriate propaganda filter, otherwise it is an advertisement for the corporate takeover of the United States.
Usatoday can not be read without the appropriate propaganda filter, otherwise it is an advertisement for the corporate takeover of the United States.
What about the life of Americans???