Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis is facing criticism for his handling of the coronavirus in his state as new cases are surging. Gov. DeSantis has thus far resisted a stay-at-home order despite recommendations. Aired on 4/1/2020.
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Despite Case Surge, Florida Gov. Resists Stay-At-Home Order | Morning Joe | MSNBC
They want old people to die. The governor isn’t stupid, just evil.
@TheTruthIsRacist You go and do it. Us sensible people will stay away and keep everyone and ourselves safe.
You trumpet muppet
@Trevlind Ramquez Yes, there are cuts in the budget, yet to be implemented. Fingers crossed.
@Elizabeth notthe queen of course not all seniors vote red. Please do your best to stay safe out there.
@Lord Flick Thank you. Please stay safe and healthy as well. We all are important to someone.
Desantis puts profits above human life
Elect clowns and you get a United Circus of America.
United Circus of America elects ignorant cheap clowns. Cause precedes effect.
@J Washburn No worries. Normal people don’t want to unite with shitbags like yourself.
And you take the word of puppets that get paid with no election to give you false news of what their rich employers want them to say? They said mask didn’t work and common flu is much worse. Facts haven’t changed mask always worked. My point is people that point the finger are just as much blame for this from the beginning.
@Ba Contrails And, yet, you’re pointing the finger too.
The governor kept the florida beaches open for his donor buddies that own the hotels.
@Turntable Treehouse – I don’t think the Democrats are looking forward to an election. At least they’ll have some time off.
@Eddy Hanson Because Pelosi and the others realized they were wrong weeks ago as the facts began to come out. Besides, they were reacting to unfair attacks on Chinese-Americans. But guess who still hasn’t learned a thing?
@chriss4365 The magic words of a con man. Believe me
and funeral homes!
@Cameran Manner haha
If I’ve learned one thing, over the last 3 years it’s that you can’t fix stupid.
@Rachel Garber

SkyGemini! Are You speaking of The THING, OR, Joe (THINGAMAJIG) BIDEN!! WHICH IT B HOSE A??
And you can’t quarantine it either.
When it goes down in Florida they will be a laughing stock LOL
lauren Vlog, When WHAT goes down in Florida??
Florida needs to be *_”DeSantis-ized”_* …
Good one and so true. this nation needs to be republican-ized
We will never elect that assclown again!
Future campaign slogan
The Coronavirus needs to wipe all the Red States out
They wont be partying when that virus hits them
Right, i was there in Daytona beach dropping people off from the airport. And the beach was packed…i was shocked
@Must Survive Now he has the coronavirus lol
Man….. The jokes write themselves here. Really living up to a stereotype Florida.
Yeah, it’s all fun and games till somebody gets hurt or killed. The insane have been put in charge of the stupid.
Seems like Florida governor is purposely killing his people!!!!!!
Also keep in mind–DeSantis and Trump are buddies and FL is Trump’s second homestate. Trump wants the economy opened back up by Easter because his resorts down in FL are going to be losing millions of dollars if has the Gov of FL shut down the state. Trump doesn’t want that so of course DeSantis is taking orders from Trump. Trump only cares about MONEY. He’s a businessman. That’s all he’s ever cared about. The economy can get rebuilt but human lives cannot!
@William Bailey New York went from 1 – 83000 in 1 month after closing everything down within two weeks of the first case.. They lost February because there were no tests and that has been catastrophic. Florida has lost two months. For two months they did nothing. That’s criminal.
@tim allfrey de blasio was encouraging people to go out and have a good time as late as march 14th. So your timeline does not add up.
@Pacific Mermaid do you have a source for these claims? Of course not.
Oh, the drama! You’re a drama queen.
He’s waiting for guidance?? He went to Harvard and Yale!!!!! Maybe he should of gone to Miami Dade Community college instead!
@Boston 508617 Yet not the ability to feel empathy. LOL
Degrees and specific schools have nothing to do with intelligence.
I think DeSantis personally should welcome each and every passenger on those cruise ships. Let’s give them a real Florida welcoming!! We did give it to a bunch of punks!
@Arrozconpollo The one thing I disagree with your post is this:
Common Sense is a learned behaviour. When you were very young, your Mother told you NOT to Touch..You did anyway. AS we grow older we can make our own Common Sense decisions, mainly by past mistakes of others.
Every other thing you stated I wholeheartedly agree with!
@Boston 508617 or you got into Harvard / Yale because you’re a legacy or your parents paid.
Canada’s been told…lockdown until July.. fingers crossed we all make it.
Your Nanna And we got on it the same day the WHO declared the pandemic. Meanwhile, our neighbours are still arguing over whether or not it is a hoax. And who should take charge. Add in the bidding war between states for supplies…
@canadianperspective bet you guys dont get it nearly as bad as we willl lol
Where did you get the info
I live in Canada
Sam B CBC news..Trudeau
The reason is very simple: Profits before people. Money before well-being. Economy before Health.
@Edicius Bizaar Which “civilization”? Atlantis or the Mole People?

@Muru Roa

@Ben Galindo I feel your MAGA is not Trump’s but I’m “Mad” @ him, now, anyway. Make America Grieving Altogether. That’s coming, isn’t?
What are you talking about Economy?? yeah it will take a hit if they close the stores but damage would be a lot smaller if shut it down earlier? It’s better to get wrecked than totaling your car? It’s just plain stupidity Or if he had shares in health care and mortuary business, it will make perfect sense.
The problem is if health falls it takes economy with it, and not vice-versa..
Republicans are literally killing off their own voter base. This is what happens when you’re stupid and heartless at the same time.
Jelly Jam who’s complaining about him being a dictator? You do know the government has the power to put people in quarantine during pandemics right?
Listen to Bill gate. He’s smarter than all of these governors and president

@Ru2yaz We are a democratic country with strong socialist safety nets. I actually wouldn’t have to call us a socialist country IF the spread of false propaganda was not going on in the US. In order to make sure people cannot pass single payer health care in the US they make the word socialist the bogie man. I’ll take on the label of said bogie man if it makes the idea of health care for all less scary. Then we can go back to being called a democracy, like we are.
That’s good i hope all those Red States get the Coronavirus for not listening and die.I don’t see a down side to it lol
Great the old f. Ks need to go so he LL loose his position as ditard.
Florida man elected Governor, kills millions of senior citizens.
Death-panel De Santis
Millions?? What are you talking about?
@Paul Sokol fake headline. Have you heard of the florida man joke? When “florida man” is in a headline it’s always about someone doing something stupid and weird.
Welcome to Red States
Florida’s denial, reminds me of not closing the beaches for economic reason in “Jaws.” Money being more important than lives.
I can’t believe this fool Desantis is playing with fire, why he has to wait for the white house to tell him what to do. What a
, look at Cuomo standing and fighting.
He should be President ! the man truly has a heart!!!!
@kim hurtubise Sorry, I thought you meant that DeSantis should be President, not Cuomo, so I take that back!
He’s afraid of a nasty tweet from his master,Trump.
Canada here, sorry usa we are building a wall
@canadianperspective And lots of sharks in the oceans, just in case anyone tries to get out by swimming…
The guy Because you are perfect.
@John Jordan hahaha. I agree. Especially in times like these no one needs to be worried about a medical bill more expensive than their house!
@cruisepaige <--- spring breaker here
@canadianperspective LMAOOO
“This is a summer town. We need summer dollars.” -The Mayor from Jaws
Close off Florida. Don’t let anyone in or out unless they’re tested for the virus.
But I doubt it’ll happen.
Well said leonsky.
How do you enforce this without a dictatorship? We have rights in the US
@Dino Dearest BROTHER,A PLEASE DON’T TALK about RIGHTS ,DICTATORSHIP will only curb MORBIDITY and STOP MORTALITY DRASTICALLY ,would you want your NEAR and DEAR to lose LIVES ,Would you be talking ABOUT LIVES when you or I are dying because of lack of VENTILATORS and SHORTAGE OF HEALTH CARE WORKERS like me also DYING yes I speak for POR MEDICAL FRATERNITY ,I am a DOCTOR and also a fellow HUMAN on mother EARTH can’t face to see anymore INNOCENT 6 MONTH OLD die BECAUSE SPRING BREAKERS want to PARTY IN FLORIDA SELFISHLY, PLEASE WE NEED GOOD LEADERSHIP and I mean DICTATORSHIP
All those spring breakers will head back home with some of them carrying the virus.
Yeah, and remember some were saying it they get it oh well… They gotta die from something.
It’s like in that movie Jaws, “I’m not closing the beaches!”