Democrats take the stage for the last time before South Carolina, Super Tuesday primaries.
RELATED: Super Tuesday, explained
Sanders and Bloomberg take on attacks from other candidates in final debate before South Carolina and Super Tuesday primaries.
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#demdebate #2020election #supertuesday
Sanders = The MOST Pro-AMERICAN Pro-HUMAN Candidate the US of A has EVER had!!!…
“Dude, It’s a No-Brainer…” – JESUS CHRIST…
Murdering infants is the most anti Human act ever witnessed, dummy! Blasphemer!
Always whispering, why? Also when you slur your words in the first 15 seconds of the video, just start over.
They already debated or they are going to debate? Is anyone paying attention to this crap anymore?
Trump is the only logical choice. Unless you’re a deadbeat looking for a free ride.
CBS and elitist establishment democrats rigged this debate charging attendees $2000 just to sit in the audience, making sure that working people and the disadvantaged weren’t represented in the audience.
bill nye might have been the contestant they most needed, regarding their image crisis consensus partnered to their policy scam calculations, but if the mayor can dispose of the chief before the career independent is able to sharpen another tomahawk, or if he can plant enough peaches around bidens south african jail cell, it could signal a breakthrough.
i love USA