1. My Condolences for the families suffering through this weather system, rain, rain go away, come back another day, send rain to Australia they need the gentle rain not hard rain.

    1. @G C or maybe trump will drop dead I hope so the old fat pig look how fat he is πŸ½πŸ‘΄πŸ’©πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

    1. @F**K t-RumP No, of course not. But Trump supporters should learn that they are affected by climate change too. Trump tries to give them the message only states at the coast are. But agriculture, the woods are the first to suffer. And the occasional regular storm is served by nature to the tenth power and lots of additional ones. But their Fuhrer tells them to deny it and support him and his coal business partners against national security interests.

    2. @Michael Kahr “how dare you”….believe UN hatched globalist scam and hoax of climate change….you DO know Gilligan wasn’t really stuck on an island, right?

    1. They once named a bridge after chuck norris, but quickly had to change its name. Nobody can cross chuck norris and live.

    1. The Wretched Of The Earth nobody needs your fkn help. Keep your money too. Don’t need that change either.

    2. @Clinton Epstein
      be ready for a record cold winter when the Polar Vortex comes down and meets what’s going up.

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