As countries grapple with how to prevent the coronavirus, some governments are limiting travel or implementing quarantines. The U.S. has not taken such measures governing citizens, but Former Acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal explains how court precedent and federal law do provide “sweeping powers.” For the federal government to issue quarantines another limits on citizens’ rights to come back a legitimate public health crisis, a relevant context as President Trump issues a ban on travel by citizens of other nations, and the US braces for further government action. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 3/12/2020.
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COVID-Quarantine? U.S. Law Gives Broad Powers To Stem Infectious Disease | MSNBC
Dr. Anthony Fauci was appointed Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in1984. He oversees an extensive research portfolio of basic and applied research to prevent, diagnose, and treat established infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis and malaria as well as emerging diseases such as Ebola and Zika. NIAID also supports research on transplantation and immune-related illnesses, including autoimmune disorders, asthma and allergies.
Dr. Fauci has advised six Presidents on HIV/AIDS and many other domestic and global health issues. He was one of the principal architects of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), a program that has saved millions of lives throughout the developing world.
Dr. Fauci also is the longtime chief of the Laboratory of Immunoregulation. He has made many contributions to basic and clinical research on the pathogenesis and treatment of immune-mediated and infectious diseases. He helped pioneer the field of human immunoregulation by making important basic scientific observations that underpin the current understanding of the regulation of the human immune response.
Dr. Fauci is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and has received numerous awards, including the National Medal of Science, the Mary Woodard Lasker Award for Public Service, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He has been awarded 38 honorary doctoral degrees and is the author, coauthor, or editor of more than 1,200 scientific publications, including several major textbooks.
In a 2019 analysis of Google Scholar citations, Dr. Fauci ranked as the 41st most highly cited researcher of ALL TIME. According to the Web of Science, he ranked 8th out of more than 2.2 million authors in the field of immunology by total citation count between 1980 and January 2019.
And Trump thinks he knows more about viruses and infectious diseases than this guy, simply because he had an Uncle who attended MIT. Let that sink in for a moment.
@Saynoto Socialists Basically, yes!
Because Trump is a Moronvirus
Trump fired the CDC PEOPLE back in Sept now he’s. cutting their funds WTF during this pandemic He needs to go.Once he loses re-election he will be arrested NYSD. yeah whoopee!!
@Bee Jay Stankavich strong chance he will win…Biden? Omg out of everyone Biden? Lord help us…
He also had a brother that died of Alcohol! Trump is just as addicted to Himself!
Good luck working together in the land of me, me, me.
We can change this if we try. We may not get everyone on board but, to try and fight for dignity and integrity as The United States is in all our best interest.
@Renewed 2019 Very true.
@Fineknots For sure.
Nicely said!!
This just in. Mexico is so worried they are going to build the wall, and pay for it.
Well, some of us Ive heard are good people
Construir el muro! Construir el muro!
Quarantine day vlogg… coronavirus
@Ann Brelo dry your eyes Ann, it’s a joke….smh
@David Copperfield-not the magician they are (the restriction part, anyways)
This virus might be the wake up call this world needs. Watching everyone laugh at it for weeks as it ransacked country’s and now most laugh here until there basketball game gets cancelled or they lose money in the stock market crashing. Nobody cares about humanity anymore no one cares about the future it’s time we all opened out eyes to what’s important.
We finna purge your booty boy
I agree 100%
What??? This is fake, another great depression.
@Spirit in the Sky tell that to the people of Italy.
Wait a second here. This is saying that surgeon general has the authorization to make decisions. So why is the VP taking his job.
Wasn’t the current Surgeon General appointed by Trump?
If so, we might as well put Scooby-Doo in charge.
“Pandemic? RUT – Row !!!!!!! “
It’s just what narcissist do.
Surgeon general has no such authority.
@black bird obviously you never read the Constitution and there’s never been a lawful quarantine of mass proportion in this county and if Trump doesn’t stop letting medical liberals run his office I won’t vote for him again
People outside in masks and head gear and they’re all foreign well I got news for them if they’re sick they can stay home and away from the public is the public able to purchase food yet? Has anyone seen stores restocked?
People in a face mask outside need detained if they’re so sick they need a face covering take them to a quarantine cell in prison
If I cant wear a ski mask into a mall they need to be stopped and questioned. By the way, if they’re so ill they need a mask they shouldn’t be outside
@Mia Myers medical “conservatives” would still be denying that there is even a problem
I need to go watch Bob Ross videos for an hour or two and try to calm down
gutzy19 CKG don’t worry, if you ever get the virus yourself, it’s possible to fight off the virus without any medical attention. It usually effects the elderly. If you’re elderly stay home, you’ll probably be safe. (:
@jusedtheposer The effects that this Virus will have on our economy and social lives is the scary part rn
The Wolf of Wall Street frick it, what happens, happens
Korenavirus is only a happy mistake huh
Ummm how exactly do you quarantine 500,000 homeless people??
Are they being told to contain themselves under the sky?!
@Carmelita Good Worryingly you could be right!
Gray state was real movie they killed him there a freeMason lodge in every town
Natalie Rollins i feel you sis. Confess he is Lord and be saved how amazing is God. I felt the love through the words. God bless you in the dark times we are in
With A.I. we are all mostly expendable to the elites. We help dirty their water, their land and their view of their empires. So don’t be stupid and think this will end well for most. Event 201, agenda 21, 2030, 2050, it is all laid out for all to see. They have run the tests studied the results and now have decided it is time. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is all wrote down for anyone to see if they pull their heads out of the sand. We will awaken to this nightmare, but 20 years late.
Quarantine/medical term for MARTIAL LAW… the governments stealing our rights slowly but surely
This crosses my mind briefly , but now is becoming more and more foreseeable… And America is blind at the fact
That’s exactly what I’m saying, there is such a thing called medical Martial law, be ready , be safe.
@Amber GatorGirl not blind to it, unable to do anything about it, look how many people claimed there would be a civil war if dems tried to impeach Trump!….well they did and no one did anything except rush to the comment section to complain….you think this wasn’t noticed by our gov. They know we will just sit back and take it….bottomline!!!!
It’s exactly like the battered woman’s saying…the first time you are abused, shame on them, the second time your abused, shame on you….bullies push people until they find out they cant…..and no I’m not calling for violence, just for true Americans to have some backbone!….and if your a Democrat don’t bother with replying we know your not a true American or have a backbone
Cole Zitterkopf I completely agree, they are well conditioning everyone into giving up their rights, for their own good!
That’s why we have the second amendment. I’ll die grasping my guns before I kneel to tyranny. Logically it makes sense to social distance and take responsible measures but the day the troops start standing on every street corner demanding we stay in our homes is the day the United states dies
Sounds like threats….. Sounds like…. Something fishy going on here.
@Billy Anderson that part
MARTIAL LAW its all over the world how are they ganna stop what action they ganna take to stop this virus? Spray the whole world ?
it is a threat, do you know of anyone sick btw? I don’t.
@National Dossier me neither
@gts3004 Tyranny has been rising in America for a long time. I am 39, I remember watching a show on PBS about the Kennedy assassination when I was about 10. Even in my young mind, it did not add up. I always felt a creeping dread that our government was not what it portrayed itself as. I studied “fringe conspiracies” quite a bit since then. The dots start adding up. By 9/11 I knew we were being setup for a totalitarian police state and probable extermination. I wanted to be crazy and it not be true……
Resist this, they want you in a state of fear.
They want you scared to accept ID. 2020 that the city of Austin, TX is rolling out. Forcing you to give up your DNA, by mouth swab, for a supposed virus test. Then you will get a WRISTBAND AND THEY ARE ONLY TEMPORARY. they are MAKING THE PERMANENT VERSION CURRENTLY. they are creating INVISIBLE TATTOOS
@Amber Sykora too late for me, so…
This is not about the virus… this is about a quarantine and new world order…. wake up!!!
Yes !
Yep …
It’s about people dying.
David Crandall people die everyday… people starve due to lack of food and die due to no health care… when did people start caring so much??? When it affects them?
The Coronavirus is probably the strongest thing ever “Made in China”.
@Antonio Martinez Oh jeez… It originated in China guy.
Good it’s cheap and it will break soon.
Ya it could of started here, my child plus numerous individuals I work with or their family and friends got sick last year they all were tested for the flu it came back negative and was diagnosed as a upper respiratory infection. This all was happening all throughout the year but more case showing in October, November and December.
@Robert Baker It was communist china, where it began!
Antonio Martinez post the link
Look for the government to restrict interstate movement. National guard will set up check points at state borders. Setting up quarantine camps.
The President is expected to declare some form of marital law in the coming days
To all the people who laughed at preppers…..good luck!
You are being trained to accept tyranny, control, lock downs.
They are using both real and exagerated threats for control while they implode the economy and rob.
Exactly. And we have no worries to fight back because most of the boys ar soft LGBT or soy boy’s
Either die fighting Marshall law or live as a slave in fema camps
Seannie Woodson NRA
Martial not Marshall
Stay home, we don’t want your disease.
David Crandall stfu sheep, you’d probably be the first one to roll over and give up your rights
No one is sick . You’re all liars!!!!
If they could pull off the global warming lie, which included every single government conspiring with one another, every single news outlet and celebrity all working with one another to peddle a complete lie and hoax. This is the 2nd version of global warming – a more dire and immediate threat which is the CORONA (crown of the sun) virus- just harder for elites to manage than if people bought global warming. People best wake up
Why could india gain? By also lying about this,iran? A third world country?theres a virus,bioweapon w.e you want to call it,its better not to risk it,just listen to your gov and president please.
@ELi C they dont have a choice
It’s time people!!! it’s time !!! Martial Law is Shelter in Place!!! Wake up!
Do you have any idea what martial law looks like? I’d rather die in a gun battle with the National Guard than live under martial law.
@PixseeDust Aerial Imaging that sounds extreme. Why would you say that?
@PixseeDust Aerial Imaging What is looks like is they put you in jail for exercising personal freedoms which may cause this deadly disease to spread.
Get ready war is coming
it’s too late
The virus isnt the threat. The quarantine and government are the threat
The virus IS a threat. People are getting sick and dying
@Greens Beans Potatoes Tomatoes Kyle is delusional. We are all at risk of dying of this.
@Greens Beans Potatoes Tomatoes noone has died outside of medical / government care.
“Please mr government please take away our rights to save us”… that’s how you sound. Lmfao
@David Crandall you look like an old lady. Dont start flapping your gums at me ya old broad.
there both threats
I really feel like America is not America anymore where is the freedom