Coronavirus has spread from Wuhan, China to countries across the world. But how do you know you have it? Here are some signs to watch out for.
Nobody panic, but a case of the deadly coronavirus has been confirmed on the West Coast. And the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump is back in action.
It's Ashley with the news you need to know Tuesday.
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Someone is playing plagued inc. I hope they lose.
just move to greenland
Actually this player kinda sucks his virus got detected in less than 400 people infected
What makes Greenland safe?
They are a noob only 6000 infected and we are already working on a cure shouldnt have gotten symptoms this early
And only noobs can’t kill Greenland
Wonderful video, all the knowledge we have so far and unbiased thank you.
And more complications arises, the need for a Coronavirus vaccine comes at the worst time during the flu season. What if the possibility of an interchangeable mutation or genetic swap with influenza A and B? We should definitely be concerned.
it is easy for you to say, but world today is no longer able to tolerate any huge quarantine and it’s like the will of the corona virus to mutate through infection. I hope we can come up with a better cure, right now this virus is just not that deadly yet(most deaths are old people and people with other diseases and possible immunity problems)
There’s a case in dubai now. I live 2 hours away from there. rip lol
The winnietheflue virus huh
Dont let ebola see corona walking down the street he might just give him a beating

Or maybe ? they like each other? and have some nice babys ! super strong .100% die .
Need lyme disease with the Corona
Yoo be careful u guys dont catch the budlight virus

Why do so many viruses originate from China ? Does poor hygiene play a role in this or is it biological warfare ?
They eat everything and anything
It’s from a market that sold wild animals like bats and snakes. It’s their culture but I think it should be illegal to sell animals like that.
they have a pretty big population
ykw just deport me back to mexico even tho im a citizen sksks
is there any-type of way a emergency room will help you?
Thanks China for slaughtering all sorts of animals with little to no regard for hygiene or decency
luuchoo G well if u think about it pig is the dirtiest animal in the world consumed by everyone
@Man Man If you eat any animal than you have no right to tell others what to eat.
Get your monatomic/ colloidal silver source and get on it asap to avoid getting the diseases. Find out how to make your own suitable silver solution for eternal and internal consumption. Silver solution is effective against on over 600 known virus, fungus, and germs.The most likely personal defense against the Corona Virus and most other viruses, fungus, and other germs: Get the facts about monatomic/colloidal silver with this handbook:
What a fourth-wall break, most of us are aware of the Plague Inc. player behind Coronavirus.
Omg please don’t tell me this is the new plague that’s gonna kill all of us because there is no vaccination
Didn’t it come from a lab in Wuhan that deals with biowarfare? I think I read a chinese person brought it in from Canada but mishandled it and this is the result. To cover their tracks they are blaming the market…… Think about it. Would they tell you the truth in this case?
Oh no
I have it
But Im getting better though…
If anyone sees this please reply,
What year when the virus be cured?
overcome corona virus by consuming garlic. see way
I feel like the corona virus is from food market. Cause they eat anything like bats, wolfs and other animals.