1. It’s amazing how many people still believe the democratic propaganda! Weak minded and angry every step of the way! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

    1. @get lost I’m so sorry but no it was not it was all on the news and they are not to little to know what friendship is

    2. Russian trolls have no decency for positive videos, they troll every video possible and make themselves well known. I can see the US pulling out of Ukraine and nuking Russia to ground zero just so that karma can teach them the same way it taught America when 9/11 happened.

    1. Russian trolls have no decency for positive videos, they troll every video possible and make themselves well known. I can see the US pulling out of Ukraine and nuking Russia to ground zero just so that karma can teach them the same way it taught America when 9/11 happened.

  1. Two little kids in all their innocence show their love for each other and people are here twisting it to Trump and Democrats and hatred.

    1. Exactly..This is all a publicity stunt to race bait and make it seem that racism is worse then it was years prior….

    1. Butt Hurtz There’s no chance of that happening. That would require the racist govt systems of every country to be completely thrown out and done over by the time they’re older. Not happening. It will not happen also bc white ppl are clearly still teaching their children white supremacy/racism/bigotry. There would also have to be no more worldwide anti-blackness. Which is straight up laughable bc it’s still being pushed daily. By the time they’re older all the kids running around with maga hats on will still be alive and kicking. So… no.

  2. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matt 19:4

    “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you change and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt 18:3

    It doesn’t take abracadabra to realize how messed the society has become, I say hello to a stranger in the streets and I get the “what do you want” look. But you know what, love & care are universal languages. I am a Systems Administrator & also work at a Bank where I speak with customers EVERYDAY. Somedays/some moments I get frustrated. Most of the time I let God do His thing through me, I am pleased when an elderly customer giggles after “problem solved” or when a customer on mat leave gets an extension on their loan etc.

    God seeks a childlike submissiveness and meekness (Humble), a gleeful childlike heart … and a childlike faith. God bless you for capturing this awesome moment and for sharing with the world. Moments; that’s all God blesses us with each day.

    1. You are 100% correct. I would love to frame what you wrote and put it on my wall. The problem today is they told God to leave. I watched it all take place with my own eyes. There was a period of years where they started taking God out of school and removing him from everything. Now it’s 2019 and you are starting to see the results of God’s removal. Remember back in the old days you didn’t even see any shootings at school. That stuff didn’t happen. Today it happens all the time. That’s cause the devil is going to school with the kids now.

    1. Right because you CNN fans are taught that all Trump supporters are racist nazis and trump is “literally Hitlarian”. A quote from Lawrence O’Donnell.
      Who’s being taught to hate.
      I hate you because I will read 5 Nazi comments before getting 10 comments down.

    2. cj p those groups don’t go on massacres inspired by their leader like ya grand wizard does so ya comment failed once again ya coward racist 😂😂😂😂WOMP WOMP🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠

    3. cj p y’all poorly educated or racist,not all maga maggots are racist but all racist are maga maggots 😂😂😂ya suck at this coward troll😂😂😂WOMP WOMP again 🤠🤠🤠🤠

    4. cj p y’all maga maggots spawn from pedophiles and inbreeding 😂😂a quote from republican Steve king 😂😂😂Who ya grand wizard trump said he thinks alike with😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂WOMP WOMP again 😂😂

    1. Then stop hating on trump and calling me a Nazi.
      A million illegals a year will destroy social welfare programs. Overflow hud housing, hike the price of cheap homes, and weigh down infrastructure. Not my fault all the illegals just happen to be brown.
      And it’s unfair to those in line doing it legally.

    1. Yeah, “Be Best” lol. I laugh every time I’m reminded of that moronic slogan Trump came up with to try and beat Michelle Obama’s “Be Better”.

  3. Some parents poisoned their kids mind. But some grow up with enough common sense to not hate and that’s where hope lies.

    1. I mention Candice Owens name (who I’m a huge fan of) and Liberals all tell me the same thing…she’s a shill doing it for the money. Complete crap. I can hear the conviction in her voice and know she’s real. God forbid a black woman is telling everybody to stop making race and issue all the time and focus on character, then maybe, racial tensions will fade away. But the left will never allow that. Racial tension is how the hold power. Have to keep the conflict going.
      So who is driving the wedge?
      And yes I just read that shitty troll comment. Someone trying to get a trigger reaction and not a real argument.

      I bet if one side stops screaming racist every day (and I blame the media more than people for that) then the other will stop making mocking comments.
      Same with Milo and the gay community. Most gay men are leftists and will hate me for my views. Like how I see PC culture has behavior control. Does that mean I’m homophobic?
      Also blacks vote 90% democrat.
      Is it really racism?
      Or conflicting political ideology?

    2. Jane Day You sound very racist while you’re trying to explain that you’re not racist. So I don’t think ppl calling you racist has anything to do with not having an argument or your political identity. Lol

    3. cj p I love how y’all keep saying black ppl make race an issue like it’s not white ppl who started racism and white supremacy and continue to teach it to their children. Like we’re not still living under a system (that white ppl created) that still encourages racism bigotry white supremacy and white privilege. The stupidity.

  4. I wish the positive response to this meant that maybe some of the recent heightened divisiveness is burning itself out. One could hope. Seems like people would tire of all this overt anger.

    1. So CNN just got debunked trying to paint Kavanaugh has a rapist again. And knowing its a lie scumbag democrats are still calling for Kavanaugh’s impeaching.
      I have no right to be upset.
      And let’s not forget the endless racism narrative from CNN.
      Dem donor Ed buck is killing black men with Meth overdoses….is that racist? CNN doesn’t think so. Only the Trump doj arrested him after the third time

    2. TheBioExplorer Divisiveness will never just “burn out” when there are still racists and we’re all still living under a system based on white supremacy.

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