CNN reporter looks for next big contagion after Covid-19. See what he found

Humanity faces an unknown number of new viruses emerging from Africa's rainforests, according to the professor who helped discover Ebola. CNN Senior International Correspondent Sam Kiley takes a closer look.

#CNN #News


    1. You know what’s funny? All these comments that are defending Trump and throwing all the “hoax” and other conspiracy theories are all made by people without credentials, knowledge, intelligence or higher education.

      They can’t put a coherent paragraph together.

    2. @Mark Fiore Whats more disturbing and pathetic is people like you believing everything you are told on the TV. Wake up. Do your own research. Or just be content in being a SHEEP!!!

    1. @A Yagi Surrender your rights, your privacy and your property to the technocratic elite so they can protect you form the deadliest common cold ever.

    1. Nah: I don’t think we’re going to get any new viral surprises in 2020. But don’t get your hopes up too high for 2021-22…

  1. It’s incredibly frightening how viruses can jump from animals to humans. My respect for pandemic experts has grown exponentially this year

    1. @E. W. Do you know what an oil reserves is? Or where America’s oil comes from?… Or that the Apollo flags are no longer in tact? Or the irony of your statement, given that the Chinese left one up there about two weeks ago?

      Feeling special doesn’t make it so. Not does seeing those challenges as zero sum games change the fact that any loss will be yours too.

    2. @Internet Troll well chinas wasnt mother nature pissed off. Look at all they are fighting to control. And our demo party will do anything to be best friends. 2020 blaming trump and your going to sign a new trade deal. Just like telling people 900 billion plan was going to happen. Turns out 2.3 trillion for most not for virus. Im starting to think i should give half my check away. I dont need to live

  2. “The single biggest threat to man’s continued dominance on this planet is the virus”

    —Virologist Joshua Lederberg

    1. The biggest threat is humanity itself and the lack of boundaries and respect for other species and the boundaries therein within the inherent balance of nature.

    1. @UCEN3bdiPGPbS137Z7UHHxGQ like calling humans the most lethal virus. Which on it’s face is incredibly stupid. The comment telling me that pointing out his calling humans a virus doesn’t mean he is suicidal. Which didn’t have anything to do with what I was implying. The best one was the idiot that felt the need to say viruses are natural to the planet like he just schooled me or something.

  3. The work those doctors doing by discovering new infectious potentially pandemic worthy viruses not only earns respect but should be internationally funded.

  4. The biggest threat to man’s continued dominance is man’s continued greed.. These doctor get the big ups from around the World for what they do and put their lives on the line to do right along with those that study them to make the medicine…

    1. @Alex Sheppard did we say that we worship Obama? No, we didn’t. I certainly appreciate what he represented and some of the decisions he made, but I’m certainly not proud of a lot of it.

      You’re making a fool out of yourself.

  5. Reporter- “Yeah man, there’s super serious diseases out here that we have to watch out for and be careful not to bring to the US. *Stands next to doctor that coughs*. Haha yeah so anyways that’s the gist of it, omw back to the US now.”

    1. @Tavernum yeah during a 15 second video clip. Do you legitimately think they interacted for 15 seconds and then peaced out?

    2. @Cosmo Knott How do you know the ways of transmission of that new viral threat that the doctor is supposedly carrying? Relax

  6. There are eight billion people on this planet and they are encroaching into areas where they have not encroached before
    That is greatly increasing the chances of coming into contact with a new disease

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