Joy Reid talks about some of the policy ideas that Joe Biden might consider presenting as a way of encouraging Bernie Sanders supporters to join his cause as he looks ahead to the general election with the momentum in the Democratic primary turning his way. Aired on 3/10/2020.
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Biden Could Draw Sanders Voters With Policy Offerings As Primary Tide Shifts | MSNBC
Biden would need to actually have a policy in the first place for that to even be seen as a realistic suggestion….
please- that’s all you got to say!!!
It’s true… I went to his website and he didn’t have anything on his site that spoke to me, that told me he was for the people. He was just status-quo and back to the same ole’ same ole’
So you want us to have a competent corrupt candidate ooooooh ok
@FEAR The Walking Don “Fellow dems”. Oh, so Bernie and his voters are Dems now? Thought you said we weren’t real Dems?
E1V1A I don’t know who or what you are. Bernie is a proud self described Socialist that is running in the democratic primary. If you vote for Trump or not support the democratic nominee, whether it’s Bernie or Biden your NOT a democrat or a progressive. Do what you want, it’s a free country. I don’t care.
Fear the walking don, 42% of the registered voters are independents. Including the young people. If we don’t have a voice in the primaries, we also don’t have to vote for your candidates. Instead of wooing the majority, they put up corporate shills. Have fun with four more years of Trump, and a Republican Congress as well. The 2018 elections were determined by INDEPENDENTS, so try it without us this time. Biden or Trump, it’s only different by degree and style, real progressives are done being manipulated.
John DiGiacomo Your right about the young demo & a lot of them showed up for Biden in his coalition, both college & non college. Young people didn’t show up in the same numbers for Bernie this primary as they did in 2016. You can either be a one issue young voter & be bitter your candidate didn’t win or put on your adult pants & vote for which candidate best serves the rest of your interests. To be the democratic nominee you have to woo everyone & not just one segment, your right. Bernie should of taken that advice & spoken to older voters, women, rural voters, Cuban Americans & especially the black constituencies he lost in this primary.
John DiGiacomo Btw, independent & young voters aren’t a monolith. Independents are made up of all ages. Young voters are the least dependable voting block in that they don’t show up anywhere near the same amount that older voters do. People over 50 do. Women of all ages turned that 2018 election as well, don’t forget that.
Not me,Biden can’t even talk right.
He cant draw me sorry i refuse to throw america under the bus
@Freedom Peeze

John Edward
Voting out of fear is too cowardly for me. I’d rather die fighting for my ideals. *neverbiden*
@Bohdi Jones Liar. You’re not a Democratic voter and you know it. Ffs, be a man.
@John Edward We can opt for paper ballots in Colorado and it’s great. I’m voting for the Democratic nominee….who ever that may be.
unfortunately by not voting blue that’s just what you’ll be doing ..
Loooosers now they appreciate Bernie ?
What does Joe stand for?
@Ian Brown So condoning the killing of Biden makes you any different? Biden voting for war when Bush’s administration made up false evidence to convince congress to go to war isn’t the same as Bush sending men & women to die in a needless war knowing it was a lie.
@FEAR The Walking Don Biden over Trump? Clinton over Trump? Aaaagggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@FEAR The Walking Don Euthanasia is not murder.
At the same time, the Democrats and Joe Biden’s family must be aware thst something isn’t right with him. Ppl who are honest with themselves see that.
Elaine it is murder when the guy isn’t in pain or isn’t incapacitated by an life threatening illness & doesn’t want it. Lol Biden’s mental state is a Trump & Bernie bro talking point. A conspiracy theory to damage him politically. If we want to have an honest debate about Biden’s health at 77. Let’s talk about Bernie’s heart attack & on going heart condition at age 78 & Let’s compare all of Trumps words slurs & not knowing anyone’s name like “Tim Apple” too. We can explore the “oranges” of all 3 men’s capacity to be president. Hehe
@FEAR The Walking Don I’m a retired cardiac nurse. A heart attack is usually a severe angina episode and of a myocardial infarct. This will cause extreme pain. Bernie has had chest pains and was checked out. A narrowing of a blood vessel was discovered and a stent inserted. Following this Bernie got back in the game.
“projecting competence”
hahahahahaha. I’m out DNC I’m out forever.
Ms. Blackburn, you’re right, we’re not Democrats, we’re the majority of Americans, the 42% independents that determine the elections. I’m not a troll,or bot, or “Bernie Bro” I’m a 68 year old independent voter, who’s tired of not having a say in the primaries, and having corporate democrats manipulating the primaries and assuming they can force their choice on the rest of us. The INDEPENDENTS shifted the House in 2018, and if we refuse to vote, it will cost the democrats not just the presidency, but the down ballot candidates as well. Perhaps another four years of Trump with a Republican Congress will teach the DNC a lesson, they didn’t learn in 2016. If not, the difference between Biden and Trump is degree and style, nothing more. It’s just which group of oligarchs you root for. We’re done having to choose the lesser of two evils, we want our candidate to be a people’s choice. Sanders has the greatest number of donors, take the hint, or lose the elections.
@De St good, go vote for the racist currently in the white house now, and see if you get what you want.
@Joanne Nicastro Some people act childish when they don’t get what they want, they just grab their marbles and go home.
@John DiGiacomo The conversation is not about independents, but about those who get mad about registered Democrats voting for someone within their own party. As a middle aged black woman, who was the first in my family born with the right to vote. I will vote with the party that continues to fight for that right. I don’t have the privilege to bounce back and forth. Bernie also doesn’t have the turnout to replace independents who refuse to vote for someone that far left.
The man don’t know where he is at any given moment or his wife or his sister lol! Giving it away for what? $ lol
Joe Biden–“We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women created by…go…you know…you know the thing.”
@John DiGiacomo Biden had Brain surgery and almost died, he had an anyeriusm and it’s starting to reveal itself. ( Google it ) the DNC is hiding it.
@John DiGiacomo You mean you’re not going to cow-tow to the establishment for the noble pursuit of removing Trump? I’m sure Biden’s handlers will offer concessions in return for your help for proverbially stabbing Bernie in the back with the rest of them. I’m saying this ironically of course. Good to see someone with principles they’ll stand by.
Man on an island,and lucky doom, I’m just sick of political parties attempting to manipulate through fear. Be afraid of Trump, he afraid of the socialist, Bernie can’t win, Biden’s the safe choice. Both parties are different factions of the same oligopoly. They cater to corporate shills, for their campaign contributions. Neither will buck the system. Perhaps another four years of Trump will change things, but after almost fifty years of voting, I will not be manipulated this time. I detest Trump and the Republicans, and if enough people refused to vote, the Democrats will lose their best chance to take the Senate, and might lose the House. Then MAYBE they’ll learn to stop trying to manipulate voters, but I doubt it.
@Man on an island why would any informed person need to google that? Oh, right YouTube. sorry. I forgot “common knowledge ” ain’t so common anymore. Neither is “common sense”.
Going to write in Bernie & throw my last attempt at having someone with some integrity in office be for I leave the country for good .
@Bohdi Jones No, reality. I see it happening before my eyes. 9th Circuit Court piled with conservatives judges, (attack on Roe v wade) press has been undermined, Trump’s rich friends getting tax breaks, our election system undermined by foreign governments, our influence & standing in the world gone, women & people of color vilified, Trump’s family’s crimes unpunished etc. Trump has used fear to blind his supporters of his crimes & Bernie has used fear to convince his supporters it’s his way or else & he even claims the other democratic candidates are the enemy. So please, spare me Bernie Bro.
FEAR The Walking Don
Christ, get an education. Neoliberals are conservatives.
@Bohdi Jones Lmao, Listen snowflake so your a Cult Trumpist so what? Vote Trump if you want. What do I care? Your level of intelligence is in question based on your support for Trump & your trolling habits. INCEL TRUMP TROLL LOL
FEAR The Walking Don
I’m not voting for trump. I’m writing Bernie in. Your dumb.
The mass liberal media has painted the Burn as some kinda a nut case and an anomaly ! it worked. Never thought I’d see the day when a Woopie Goldberg would attack a person like AOC.. It was unbelievable .
@CB BC I never thought about that.You may be very right.
@Denise Hall At bare minimum, they’re lying about their support for Mr. Sanders. They could also be American neo-N-zis from the Parscale team… or some nightmarish collaboration between the two.
Marlo Stanfield how do they get misinformed? Whoopi is really arrogant, out of touch and crazy these days..
Walking In Truth & Knowledge he’s not.
CB DC, the majority of Americans who are registered voters are independents. 42% of the voters are independents, 29% Republicans, 32% Democrats. Most of Sanders supporters are independents, and not allowed to vote in the primaries. If we aren’t allowed to participate in the selection, don’t expect us to endorse your choice. We aren’t required to vote, and many of us won’t vote. Enjoy another four years of Trump, and the down ballot candidates as well. Sanders proved he has the largest number of donors, and continues to have that support. Corporate Democrats continue to run the party, so the only difference between Biden and Trump is degree and style, and which group of billionaires to root for.
He’s a WallStreet candidate. He will promise, and promise. I won’t vote for a Biden on Nov. The Dems are corrupt.
Sorry you’re just realizing how corrupt the dems are. I saw through their BS in 2016. That includes the media too, Trump is right to call them fake news
@Dondudan Trump is the most corrupt president in US history. The fascist republican party are even more corrupt than the democrats. They all have a lot of the same donors.
@Kieran Considine You’re a liar Kieran.
I can’t wait to see Rachel Maddow sad, and asking to the camera what happen. Here’s the answer: the people is tired of Wall Street telling them to what social class they belong
Alex Torres literally though
@Alex Torres Yep, they would rather have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Amazon do it. Amazon has my income as high, so they only show me lesser priced items after I order something more expensive.
This News cycle by MSNBC of blocking Bernie Sanders campaign has been disgusting to watch and as a 50 year democrat, I will not be voting Democrat
in November. The DNC and MSNBC is just as Corrupt as Trump so what the difference. say goodbye to Supreme Court with four more years of trump, I’ll be sad to see it ruined. I hope MSNBC realizes it caused all this to happen.
Paul Doherty You’re either a troll or a fool!
I’ve seen Bernie on MSNBC. Rachel Maddow JUST did an interview with him. And I’ve seen people like Chris Hayes stick up for him- so I don’t know what you’ve been watching.
So very true Paul.
Its time for third-party
No, first he’s gotta cure his OBVIOUS cognitive decline.
Then he has to cure his OBVIOUS moral decline.
@BJACCE <--- _is obviously thick as a brick_ ---- I already told you: *Keep waiting for all I care. You don't tell me what to do.*
@O. B. ah yes, the sign of defeat in a debate, name calling. In the immortal words of Apu (thank you please come again!)
Hey, loser…weren’t you done with this “conversation”?
The sign of the troll…always returning after pretending to quit…like a dog returning to lick up its own vomit.
Since I’m a grown up non-troll, I’m ending this now. Have a nice one, commenting into emptiness.
This is not about Bernie or Joe, it’s about USA restoring it’s sanity so whoever wins the nomination all democrats should support to prevent Trump from further eroding the morals of the country. Anything or anyone is better than Trump.
You all need to be wise and not make the same mistake again. TRUMP NEEDS TO GO!!!!!!
Great question Q.B
How about no? We know you establishment shills are ready to blame Bernie when Biden loss to Trump. It is 2016 all over again.
They sabotage Bernie, trash his supporters, then blame both for their losing to Trump. Sick.
The same media that destroyed Bernie’s character with an endless stream of lies about his policy and got us Biden now wants to pretend they care about his supporters and said policy. You should have given Bernie’s policy a fair shake and I’m sure that if Biden had won on his own merits, people would’ve united behind him. You just proved that the whole system is rigged and that the mainstream media is an arm of the DNC and the establishment. I can’t speak for other people. I already know what I’m doing this November, and I’m sure that others will decide what’s best for them when the time comes, but I’ll just say this. I defended MSNBC against Trump supporters who decried “fake news”, but no more. I’ve seen that you only care about the truth when it benefits your institution and you are not below propagandizing your network when your agenda is being threatened. Corporate media is not an ally to the people nor good for the health of our democracy. You and the other mainstream media institutions can shove it.
Medicare for All, Living Wage, and Legal Weed or save your breath.
@Valrie Bailey Never Biden.
@Valrie Bailey No they won’t. They are voting against their own progressive interests in loyalty to one man. Sound familiar?
Actually we’re looking at the long game. If we keep accepting the DNC “moderate candidates” nothing changes. If not now, when? How long will the Democrats be afraid to do what’s right, best for the country and it’s people? How long will the fear of losing “campaign contributions” define and limit what the party is, and does? For the PEOPLE to win, there comes a time to say, ” no more ” no more lies, or manipulation, or compromise. If Trump wins again, and carried a Republican Congress, so be it, Biden will do nothing to change the status quo. I won’t vote for Biden or Trump, and maybe four more years of Trump will return the Democrats to what they were, a party of progress for working people, instead of this corporate controlled atrocity, afraid to initiate real change, and keep the promise of our forefathers in the Declaration of Independence.
John DiGiacomo I agree with your sentiment. Although I’m a realist. Bernie revolution voters aren’t enough to vote Bernie in. You need a coalition of every age group, race, gender, economic class & party. Bernie & his voters can make a difference by pressuring Biden to take up some of Bernie’s issues. You have to make con sessions & compromise in life to get most of what you want if you can’t get all you want. That’s life. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I know we don’t agree totally but I respect where your coming from. I was just like you in 2000. I was a Ralph Nader supporter (zealot) just like Bernie was. Now, for me, there are some things more important than a revolution…like keeping our democracy in tact. Just my opinion.
@Valrie Bailey We won’t get it from Biden….so what’s your point ?
NOPE, still voting for Bernie regardless of what happens. Veterans for Bernie

@zakariya jaama You need to learn how government works.
@Brad Gies #BernieorBust
@FEAR The Walking Don if leave the US you would notice how right-leaning the DNC is. Obama, Biden and their cohorts are moderate repulicans in the eu. The only real left-leaning candidates are Bernie and Tulsi.
@Brad Gies oh can you teach me

@zakariya jaama I don’t care about EU politics. I care about American politics. Demographics & history are different. Bernie is a socialist & Tulsi is Republican in Democrat clothing. Google Tulsi Gabbard & you’ll see who she really is. Btw, Steve Bannon tried to hire Tulsi to work in the Trump administration.