Bernie Sanders speaks to his supporters in New Hampshire for the ongoing 2020 primary.
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#berniesanders #election2020
Buttigieg victorious in both Iowa and New Hampshire
No. Only Iowa. Sanders has won New Hampshire
Pete take big money. Enough of that BS
@The Crazy Sunflower that’s not what I meant. I meant he outperformed drastically what he was expected to do in both states and that is much better for him than for Bernie.
Pete’s 1 claim to fame is being mayor of a small town that even he admits is “a mess”. Lol wtf?
@Thomas Ulrickson Ok
Lol the title of this video. Like Pete is a leader in NH. Like there is 2 leaders. But somehow only 1 leader last in Iowa the guy who lost popular vote? Lol wtfe
Pete won the delegate count regardless. That’s why he’s one of the two front runners in the race which is a long way to go.
Kevin Vu ya and in 2016 when Bernie and Hillary Iowa was 46.8 to 46.2 did they call it as a tie or 2 winners?
I like! Keep it up! Would you like to be YouTube friends? :]
Good! Keep it up! Would you like to be YouTube friends? :]
lovely <3
amazingly epic
Bernie Sanders won. Say it in the damn title.
USA we are watching you and your choice to list Pete in this videos title is shameful! You even placed his name first! Well let me tell you, you bunch of damned fools Bernie won this fair and square and your creating a misleading title only fuels the fire we have in our souls to pur this man Bernie Sanders in the Oval Office and will transform this country to a fair and just entity the way it was originally meant to be before it was hijackef by the criminal greed of past administrations. He will create for us a situation where we win and where government works fot OUR benefit.
USA Today you are fools!!!
Pete B will not when in the south! Bring it
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Bernie is a washed up dumpster fire with a hidden agenda! I wouldn’t trust him, so I’m voting for that stud muffin Mike Bloomberg in 2020! Go Mike!
This comment paid for by Mike Bloomberg™
All the DemoKKKrats are racist. No DemoKKKRats next election, sorry. Trump already won.
Wow, DemoKKKrats are really buying into Bernie Sander’s racism Nazi socialism. I would say punch a Nazi, but it would put Sanders in cardiac arrest.
*“Actually, I enjoy polling from behind.”*
-Pete Buttigieg
But why don’t they show wall street Pete …. He did come in second after all